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myOtaku.com: porkpip

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ironside (07/22/05)

caught ure original anime and had 2 stop in, read ure bio an all that lasts few posts and whatnot, 2 tell u the truth most of ure drawings r just ok, but the one that really caught my eye(even thouugh i havent commented) is ure shinobi mates, it's a really good pic i admire it because i could never capture people's faces through art/cartoon like u did, i guess ure individual way of drawing in that pic is kinda cartoon/jap. anime i think u should post all ure friends in scenario/costumes and whatnot, ue seem 2 have a real nack for it!


red:leaf (03/20/05)

I love your art. Even though it may not be "traditional" anime. I hope you don't mind that I added you as a friend. I look forward to more of your art.

deathsdream (01/16/05)

great work. keep on truckin and all that jazz.

InuYashasgirl69 (01/12/05)

I love your drawings they are amazing. You have a lot of talent.

Sciros Darkblade (11/22/04)

You have a very good comic style. I enjoyed every one of your drawings, which is more than I can say for almost every artist on MyO (including myself). Keep up the stellar work. I'd love to see more color work from you because you're good at that as well.

Boku (11/12/04)

*oogles at artwork* wow your really good, i cant believe that anyone would make bad remarks about it..cool site^-^..come by mine..bye!

Lilith Knight (11/11/04)

Hey, i love your drawings, their great. your style is so distinctive ^_^ i respect that ^_^ keep up the good work and i hope you don't mind if i add you as a friend


Kuronekosama (11/11/04)

you have such an awesome ablilty to draw perspective. If I was less than half that good I'd be happy!! YOu art so damn good hope you keep it up!


IAmKagome (11/11/04)

Your art is awsome! I'm going to add you as a friend if that's alright!

DragonMasterKatie (11/11/04)

Hi! ^_^ I must say, your artwork is among the very best I've ever seen! I mean, it's just phenomenal! I wish my drawings came out that well o//o;;

Well, I look forward to more of your wonderous art soon! ^^ (Oh, and I'm gonna add ya as a friend, k?) See ya later!

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