Posion Fangs
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Thursday, November 30, 2006
Hey everyone yesterday was ok T School we had a learning check. Well Cody called me yesterday and asked me to go some where with him friday after school I said ok I think that made him happy. 

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Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Hey everyone skating yesterday was fun just so you know it was roller skating. The boy that likes me went me and my friend Lindsey was trying to teach him how to skate it was hard but funny to he kept falling down and that was just on the carpet not on the roller floor he never skated well and only got on the feel skate floor once but at least he tried.

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Tuesday, November 28, 2006
Hey everyone well today I have a feild trip we get to go skating yeah good thing I know how to skate. My one friend said she was going so she could walk around she's not going to skate. I asked her way she don't like to skate she said becuase she fell down before when skating I told her I fell down all the time it's life you get back up.

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Monday, November 27, 2006
Hey everyone today was ok at school I forgot to tell you somethings that happened at my cousion's house. They had the new movie click so we watched it and it's so funny. Well Friday before I went to my cousion's house Cody called me a boy at school that likes me well we really didn't talk much because he said he didn't have much to talk about. Today he said he bought me christmas presents I thought already he gave'em to me today which was odd he said he'd forget I know that's a lie.

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Sunday, November 26, 2006
Hey everyone sorry I was not on this weekend I was at my cosusion's house. Well it was ok I got to play with their dogs and play some ps2 games that they have we played burnout3. I got to ride their go-cart as well that was fun because we coud go as fast as we whatted to and we could do dounuts to. Well I'd better go see yuh guys no pics today because I'm at my dad's.
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Friday, November 24, 2006
ey everyone sorr I didn't post earlyer but Iwas asleep. Yesterday was ok at my grandma's everyone whatted to see my drawings they always do. I think it's funny how everyone in our family has a nickname my grandma mostly has a nickname.

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Thursday, November 23, 2006
Hey everyone sorry I did not post yseterday I was planing on it but I woke up to late my step dad woke me up around 5am and said time for school I told him I had no school today he said oh sh*t sorry and closed my door. Well today we get to see my aunt she can paint really good and one time she was teaching me how to do somethings with the paint brush. Well Happy Thanksgiving everyone and hope it's a good one.
Here's some pics that I found of Thanksgiving

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Tuesday, November 21, 2006
Hey everyone sorry for not updating sooner I didn't feel like it this morning. Well I have a 5 day weekend^^ yeah. Well I boried so I'll tell you plans I have for my site in the up coming month December 1st I'm going to put up my Inuyasha Christmas theme I thought it would be ok to put it up December 1st so it could stay up for 25 days.
Here's some other sites you can find me on
Neopets as GothicFox09
Gaiaoline as Posion Fangs
Myspace as Taki
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Monday, November 20, 2006
Hey everyone one well I only have to got to school two days this week which makes no since we shouldn't have to go at all this week but at least I get to sleep in for three days. Well since my parents were going to wal-mart yesterday I decided to send my gift card that I got for my birthday they didn't have any video games I whatted so I bought a dvd instead I bought Mulan just because I whatted to and I love the movie. I also houng some pics up on my wall of anime and now it looks funny because I part of my room is plane and in a edge it's all pics.

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Sunday, November 19, 2006
Hey everyone well alot happened yesterday my ant and evryone else come over and we went chirstmas shopping. My ant let me pick out something for a late birthday present. we left at around1 pm and got back home around 11:55pm. Well gotta go to bed I'm tired.

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