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In my own little world that I call life
Member Since
Demon what else
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some of my achievements are that I've been called a good artist by my friends and family, I can sing good but not infront of people, I have two cats one is really fat.
Anime Fan Since
I can't quite remember I have been watching anime for many years I'll have to get back to you on that if you really whatta know
Favorite Anime
Inuyasha, yu yu hakusho, rurouni kenshin, Bleach, death note, case closed, full metal panic, Naruto, wolf's rain, scryed, hellsing, trinity blood, fullmetal alchemist,
To visit a different country like Japan or maybe somewhere in Europe
I have some hobbies that I like to do like drawing, sleeping, writing my own books, playing video games when I can do so, going outside for a walk or to ride my bike, watching the stars at night.
Many people tell me I have good talents in writing and drawing, fighting I can defened myself if I have to, I can cooking good food that taste great.
| Posion Fangs
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
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Saturday, November 4, 2006
Hey everyone well it's Saturday my mom was thinking about us going down to her mom's because her dad is not doing so well these days. Hope everyone has a good weekend oh I need some adivce her guys his guy in my school I know he likes me because all the time in fourth period he takes my things that's how I know he's flirting I talked to my mom about it to make sure. My cat was acting stupid today well he is stupid but no really he's kinda dumb.

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Friday, November 3, 2006
Hey everyone school was ok yesterday YAY it's friday. Well I didn't have alot of homework today which is good on my part. My friends gave me candy yesterday which was good to not much else to talk about today. I just noticed for some resson right now it's cold in my house.

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Thursday, November 2, 2006
hey everyone sorry for not updating at 12am but I was doing homework and forgot about it. In Languge arts we have to read a book 15mins in class but that's ok. I'm reading books by V.C Andrews I'm on the wildflowers series it's pretty good I'm on the 3rd book and I started not to long ago when I finished the 2nd book yesterday it was really sad well I better not say anymore.

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Wednesday, November 1, 2006
Hey everyone sorry about not updating sooner yesterday than I noramly do but I was to tried. Well if you noticed I changed my background and avi I hope you like it. Well not alot happened yesterday at school oh yesterday I forgot to tell you what the four songs we are playing in band. The first one is How the Grinch stole Christmas, Sleigh Ride, Do you hear what I hear, and Christmas rock. That's pretty much it really well I didn't go out trick or treating I stayed home we were hoping to get people to come to our house for candy but no one come so I get all the candy Snickers and KitKat bars YUM.

This is a picture of Tira from Soul calibur3

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Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Hey everyone HAPPY HALLOWEEN I updated alittle later today because I was at my dad's house. School yesterday was ok I guess our band teacher was a little mad yesterday I guess we worked on chirstmans music in band. We have four pieces of music we have to play by December 19 That may seem along time away but we have alot of Days off school in November.

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Monday, October 30, 2006
Hey everyone not alot happened yesterday I watched the History channel because there was nothin else on and they were talking about vampires. Well wish me luck in school today here's some pics

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Sunday, October 29, 2006
Hey everyone well I went with my step dad yesterday to see my step brother and guess what well we got to see something you'd see once in your life. The President was in Inidana in clarksville that's were my step bro lifes. The roads were blocked so we walked as far as the cops would let us go. First were the band of moturcycles about 20. And then alot of black cars we don't know which one he was in but after they were gone going to the airport traffic was moving we seen his privte jet leaving in the air it was cool. After that we went and got chinese good and alot of people were talking about what happened there oh the president went to my step bro's high school he didn't get to see him but at least we seen his cars go back one had him in it but we don't know which there was about 20. Well that's about what all that happened really today here's some pics the first one is a pic of me I know I look ugly huh.

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Saturday, October 28, 2006

Hey everyone sorry I did not update yesterday thursday I was kinda tried in some ways. Well today my real dad was whating me to go to a pumkin chase yuh know you find clues to get to the next clue but I don't what to go because I spent the night at my cousions house last saturday and I don't what to this saturday. I'd have to spent the night at there house because it ends at 10pm and I'd have to spend the night at there house and I'm not going to go. Plus my step-dad whats me to see my step-brother maybe for lunch we'll go to a chinese place yum... well last time I was at a chinese place I tried sushi to see what it taste like and to say I truth it was good. Well that's about it really so here's some pics oh before I forget thanks to the friends that commented and voted on my fan art I was in the top fan art.

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Thursday, October 26, 2006

Hey everyone well I drew the pic of kirara it's a halloween pic so I hope that you guys will like it you can look for it sometime today I hope that you vote for it. Well yesterday I was late to school because my bus never came to the bus stop at first I thought that I was late but as it turns out I was right the bus driver never came I whatted an hour and it was really cold about 38c. Well here's some pics

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Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Hey everyone I got to some of my friends sites yesterday but no everyone who commented sorry guys. Well yesterday at school was ok but for two of my friends getting me mad because they have nasty minds. Because everytime you say something they take it the wrong way you could say is for example and they would say ew that drove me mad well I claim now the resson for not getting to everyone's sites was I took a nap. Well my friend whatted me to draw him a pic of Kirara I think I might draw it tonight or early morning before I give it to him I might scan it so I could put it on here for you guys.

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