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Posion Fangs
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In my own little world that I call life
Member Since
Demon what else
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some of my achievements are that I've been called a good artist by my friends and family, I can sing good but not infront of people, I have two cats one is really fat.
Anime Fan Since
I can't quite remember I have been watching anime for many years I'll have to get back to you on that if you really whatta know
Favorite Anime
Inuyasha, yu yu hakusho, rurouni kenshin, Bleach, death note, case closed, full metal panic, Naruto, wolf's rain, scryed, hellsing, trinity blood, fullmetal alchemist,
To visit a different country like Japan or maybe somewhere in Europe
I have some hobbies that I like to do like drawing, sleeping, writing my own books, playing video games when I can do so, going outside for a walk or to ride my bike, watching the stars at night.
Many people tell me I have good talents in writing and drawing, fighting I can defened myself if I have to, I can cooking good food that taste great.
| Posion Fangs
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
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Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Hey guys well I can tell you more of what happened Saturday now I'm justing going to say somethings that I can remember well you know those courk guns well my couson though the courk had a string on the inside of the gun so it would come back to the gun well she shot it of and it had no string in it so they guy that was runing the booth were they were the courk hit im in the head my couson was like umm....sorry and got the courk put it back into the gun and we all walked away laughing at my couson. My older couson also the couson that hit the guy in the head after lunch there were these people that were selling begal puppy's for 20.00 dallors well my couson bought one and her mom my aunt was mad at her but it all worked out. Oh I was looking on line and My username Posion Fangs in Japanese is Poshion fungusu. Here's some pics

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Monday, October 23, 2006
Hey everyone sorry for updating so late I had alot to do over the weekend with my family and things. I didn't updated on saturday night because I was at my cousons house and and Sunday night I was to tried.
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Saturday, October 21, 2006

Hey guys well not my whole family is getting together. my parents me my grandma my aunt and coses. Well I'm going to start commenting everyone who comments mine I've been doing some but not everyone so I'm going to comment everyone who update. Well I'll have to comment later today because of the family thing. We have to get up around 6am on a Saturday that's unfair. Well here's some pics

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Friday, October 20, 2006
Hey everyone I'm so sorry I don't have the video the site was acting up so I could not get it I'll try to get it tomorrow. Yeah tomorrow's Saturday which remineds me I won't be on myo at all tomorrow I still post around 12am. The resson is because of a family thing because for the past year or so my family is been having a family feud. So we are just getting together to try to get along. Well today's ep of inuyasha was kinda sad poor kirara. Well here's some pics

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Thursday, October 19, 2006
Hey guys hope everyone is doing ok I got boried on my computer yesterday I know how did that happen oh well it did. I watched Scooby-Doo the animated moives the cartoon Scooby-Doo well I decide to watch it because I havn't seen the cartoon of Scooby-Doo in about 4 years I'm telling the truth. I have alot of Scooby-Doo movies because when I was 7 or 8 that was my fav show. Well anyway oh I found a video of inuyasha ep 160 the ep were inuyasha has a fight with the bike. Well if you what to see it because you missed it or just what to see it again tell me and I'll post it tomorrow. There's the thing with the video though I found two of them one is kinda not picture perfect and the otheir has a 21 secound begining song but has a good picture tell me which you'd what to see if you what to watch it. Well not much esle to say I guess so here's some pics

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Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Hey guys many people told me yesterday that I should have hit that boy that was staring at my ass but I didn't. He was only like 8 or 9. Well I don't know where you live but where I live inuyasha comes on around 12:30am. Yesterdays ep was so funny I think I laughed harder than I ever have.
I like the part where inuyasha broke kagomes bike and when he tried to fix it but broke it more. Well there's more funny parts but I don't what to say them all right now. I liked today's inuyasha ep to about miroku and sango to.
Well here's so pics for everyone

Here's some avi's of yesterdays inuyasha ep

Hope you liked them it's 1:06am and I'm going to sleep for the night.
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Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Hey everyone well I can post at around 12am again because I'm not at my dad's house.
Well my mom thought that she passworded my computer so I could not get online. But to my surpise I can get on the internet anytime I wish as always now that's luck there. I hope she does not find out tomorrow well here's pictures.I'm watching Robot Chicken right now Inuyasha comes on not to much longer 12:30 also went me and my mom where oh lets call it shopping for my computer mouse which we were my parents where planing on getting me a used one?? But at the end of the day I got a new mouse from wal-mart I HATE THAT STORE don't ask why I just do and I'm leaving it at that. Well I'm talking about a computer mouse not a real one ew. Well when I was in this one store this boy when I walk by he was staring at my ass I didn't know my mom told me. When we seen him again in the store he stared at my ass again this time I seen him. I was carrying around a little wooden bat I found in the store I was thinking about hitting him but his dad was around then.

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Monday, October 16, 2006
Hey everyone sorry for updating so late in the day and not updating over the weekend my computer mouse for some resson stopped working now I have to use my parents computer and it stinks.

All eyes on Shippou

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Friday, October 13, 2006

Hey everyone I'm not going to change my theme because I like it to much.
Well the winners choice for stories I'm going to post is about vampires. Well not alot to talk about.

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Thursday, October 12, 2006
Hey everyone I had to get off my computer around 7 so I still didn't get to everyone. Well I was thinking about changing my theme but what to? Oh and I'm thinking about putting up halloween stories or chocie
1. about vampires
2. About ghosts
Those are the only I can think of.

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