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Posion Fangs
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In my own little world that I call life
Member Since
Demon what else
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some of my achievements are that I've been called a good artist by my friends and family, I can sing good but not infront of people, I have two cats one is really fat.
Anime Fan Since
I can't quite remember I have been watching anime for many years I'll have to get back to you on that if you really whatta know
Favorite Anime
Inuyasha, yu yu hakusho, rurouni kenshin, Bleach, death note, case closed, full metal panic, Naruto, wolf's rain, scryed, hellsing, trinity blood, fullmetal alchemist,
To visit a different country like Japan or maybe somewhere in Europe
I have some hobbies that I like to do like drawing, sleeping, writing my own books, playing video games when I can do so, going outside for a walk or to ride my bike, watching the stars at night.
Many people tell me I have good talents in writing and drawing, fighting I can defened myself if I have to, I can cooking good food that taste great.
| Posion Fangs
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Friday, January 26, 2007
Hey everyone I was able to post today I might not be able to over the weekend. I'm glad that it's Friday I don't have a whole lot to talk about. My book's coming along my friend can't belive how much I've written already. Well see everyone again when I get a chance to post.
Comments (10) |
Sunday, January 21, 2007
Hey everyone I just got done watching bleach I was playing my video game all yesterday Devil Kings and Haunting ground. Well since I can't get on the net sometimes so I got back to the things I used to do like write books and draw. I might put my book up when I'm finished. Well the other day my friend couldn't find me on gaiaonline I told her did she spell my username right the part she got mixed up on is it's Posion not Poison my usernames spelled wrong but oh well.

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Friday, January 19, 2007
Hey everyone well I forgot to put by the end of the day they well they dug a bit and burnt the last of the chemical's yesterday we seen it and flames from it to on the bus to school. I'm glad today is friday I get to be lazy all weekend. For some resson when you get your hair cut almost everyone gives you comments went to school tuesday with the new cut and I was still getting comments yesterday.

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Thursday, January 18, 2007
Hey everyone well I forgot to put by the end of the day they were calling it a toxic train derailment I don't know if it's still burning today or being it's the third day since it's happened. In fourth period on Tuesday our teacher told us what chemicals were causing the fire I can't spell them so I can't tell you. Well today is a jeans day at school but we have to pay but I'm still doing it.

Comments (7) |
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
Hey everyone sorry for not posting well a major thing just happened yesterday about a mile near wear I live. A train derailed and the tanker cars cot fire. At first the school put us on lock down our band teacher was talking to some one she knew and talk us what was happening it was hard to belive but we watched it on the news all 2nd and 3rd period. Kids were being called home and some area's evacuated by 4th period around 1pm the fire was at it's peak the road the train and the railroal were on fire. It's still burning today and I have to go to school.

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Friday, January 12, 2007
Hey everyone sorry for not posting for the week my dad turned off the internet at night. Well I'm having some problems at home these days mom's not going to let me get on the internet for a while about a month so I'll post when I can. I'm getting my hair cut this weekend I have to see what I like. I need some advice alright there's this boy that likes me but I don't like him so how do I tell him. Well I'll try to post if I can but if I can't I'll see everyone again Feb. 12

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Friday, January 5, 2007
Hey everyone I feel better and less tried than I did yesterday. I'm glad that today is friday had to do alot of homework from yesterday that stinks. Well I'm watching a movie right now and cooking popcorn.
Comments (19) |
Thursday, January 4, 2007
Hey everyone for some resson last night I only got about three hours of sleep. Well I'm going back to school today I wish I wasn't but I'll get to see my friends again. I was playing Haunting Ground yesterday my friend likes it's scary.
Comments (16) |
Wednesday, January 3, 2007
Hey everyone I have to use my parents computer to update because mine is acting stupid I like mine way better it's faster as a laser mouse not a ball one and mine tells the right time. Thanks to the four people who voted on my pic I know it was crapy huh. Also thanks to Cosmicsailor and Inuyashachick13 for commenting on my pic. Well my cousion what's me to help her write a book about a game we made up when we were kids so she what's me to mainly write it and email that to her.
Comments (13) |
Tuesday, January 2, 2007
Hey everyone I'm sure that I'm going to have the pic up today. Not much really happened yesterday I just slept on like I normaly do when there an't school. I'm thinking about changing my music but I don't know to what just yet.
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