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myOtaku.com: PotterLookAlike

Friday, January 13, 2006

ell you exhibit some of the signs. But you will
only kill if pushed and it will most likely be
accidental done in a fit of uncontrollable rage
so watch it. Oh and i hope you are calm now i
am actually quite happy with my life and dont
fancy being killed over a quiz ~ Laughs
nervously and walks off ~

Are You A Future Psycopath?
brought to you by Quizilla

Take that! Ahahaha! I AM a hothead! Well, now that's over with, I will now post some of my greatest philosiphies:
Life isn't worth it until you make it so.

If you've seen the light and dark side of the world, you're most likely to become a philospher.

Every question you've ever had about the world and it's meaning has one answer: God.

Life has risks, but you're a fool if you are the one responsible of those risks.

Everyone is the same, yet everyone is different.

You don't see different point of views on issues until you let yourself.

Open-mindness is key to greater things in life.

Death is a wonderful thing after it is done, but that is only true if you have a led a virtued life.

Suicide is not the answer to your problems.

Drugs are not the answers to your problems.

Smoking is not the answer to your

Take what you have in life and LIVE WITH IT.

Why does it seem that those little shits in the schoolyard that everyone hates have the most self esteem, and the people whom everyone likes have little self esteem?

An artist can be a writer, painter, drawer, etc., as long as he or she sticks to it.

That is all.

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