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Welcome to my quiz results page.
This section features the results from every quiz I've ever taken.
10 quiz results are listed per page, in reverse chronological order.
Result Posted on 04/15/07:
why is some one waerimg como easy to find
Result Posted on 04/15/07:
this should be my sister
Result Posted on 04/15/07:
Result Posted on 04/15/07:
Result Posted on 04/15/07:
Result Posted on 04/11/07:
.:: What type of soul do you have? ::.
 Intelligent soul. You are quick and smart and enjoy sitting under a tree while reading your favorite book. You are bright and have no trouble beating people(grades, of course) till you have achieved what you want Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 03/31/07:
What's Your Soul Trying To Say? 2 (girls only) (ALL NEW RESULTS, PICTURES, ADVICE, AND MORE)
 You are a very quiet person. You usually prefer the back of the room to the spotlight. You feel more comfortable in your own company than with others. You have a few very close friends whom you confide in, but the rest of your friends are just there. You tend to be very shy when it comes to relationships or speaking in front of anyone. People try to get you out of your shell, but you just shrink back more. You need your time to yourself, but that can be a little dangerous. The more time you spend in your comfort zone, the less likely you are to speak up when needed. I suggest you try a little more to spend time with your friends where you feel relaxed enough to talk and enjoy others company. Make more time for out of your room and less time inside it. Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 03/31/07:
What Original Angel Are You? (girls only pleeease)
 You are: The Lost AngelShe once had a home and a family, but after a fatal memory loss, she wanders the forests with the wolves. She has no memory of what her life used to be like, but lately is getting dreams of her old family and happiness. Positive Things: She is beautiful and is good naturedNegative Things: She distrusts humans and stays as far away from them as possible. Come near her, and she will kill you Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 03/31/07:
What do the Hogwarts main boys think of you? - Pics and details
 Harry: Doesn't know too much about you, but from what he does know, thinks your a sweet girlRon: Thinks your cute and nice and wishes he could know you betterFred and George: Think your loads of fun to play pranks on and otherwise that, too quietDraco: Thinks your hot and would love to do you, but only in secret, cause no one can know hes doing someone as low as youCrab and Goyle: Don't know who you are Your House: RavenclawYour Boyfriend: Some hot guy no one really knowsYour Best Girl friend: Your best friend in real lifeYour Best Guy friend: Your boyfriend Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 03/31/07:
What's your soul trying to say? (girls only) pics and pretty long results (may be a bit hard to take in)
 You really don't know how to deal with the things that are happening in your life right now. You attempt to satisfy your curiosity of who you really are, but you end up failing at a terrible pace. Try taking a bubble bath. Include: candles, calm music, lights off, and comfy pajamas to top it all off.This should help you to take time to think about things and have a moment to yourself for once. Take this quiz!
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