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in my own little bubble.
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being myself.
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being happy finally.
to keep doing better each day.
art. writing. watching movies. taking pictures everywhere. cosmetology.
art. my life is on big circle.
| pretty massacre
Monday, March 12, 2007
Today has been so god-awful boring. To amuse myself, I have been staring at a website for The Evergreen State College that I have been dreaming about going to since I read it in a seventeen magazine 5 years ago in the dentist office.
It smells so horrible in the office. I know who it is though and I'm afraid if I type his name, he will catch a glimpse of it. It smells like a mix of gym socks and onions. *gags*
Anyways. Mr. Tinnon let me see our graduation gowns and caps AND tassels. Omg. Their so cool. Silver caps and gowns for the girls. Guys are mandatory black though. Hahahaha.
Update on my weekend:
I stayed at my Mom's until 7. We talked about East lit. for awhile. Apparently the basketball team made it to Championship AND the star basketball player has been caught doing naughty things. >.< Last year he was 17 and caught having sex with a girl in school. Last week he (18 now) was caught having sex with a 16 year-old sophmore... that wasn't even his girlfriend. Coach Fey is trying to cover it up and make it seem like nothing happened because the Big Game is on Wednesday. It has yet to make it to the principal. Coach Whitaker, who coaches the volleyball team and who caught the guy having sex, wants to report it. So yeah, Alex and I automatically got citations and suspended for just having the cigarettes, not even smoking. But we were just regular students. The special students on teams and in clubs don't get anything unless it is already widely known because what High School really wants a bad reputation? Hmm.
Thad was sick Friday night and I got hardly any sleep due to his tossing and turning. We met my mom at Supercuts, beside Old Time Pottery and The Great Escape, to get his phone charger.
I borrowed my mom's Hollywood 27 card to rent Pulse and Borat... fuck....
*we stood in line forever in a day. When we get to the cash register I hand her my mom's card*...
Girl: "Are you Ellen?"
Me: "No. I am her daughter."
Girl: "Can I see your ID?"
Me: "I'll have to go get it out of my car" *goes and searches through car, finds ID eventually. Goes back inside, stands back in line... again. Hand ID to her when I get through the line.*
Girl: "Do you have your hollywood card?"
Me: "No I have my Mom's. I am her daughter. It is on my ID."
Girl: "All I have on the computer is Whitney and Wayne Warner, you cannot use her card if you aren't on here. Is she coming in here to add you?"
Me: "No. I have her card that she let me use. I am her daughter, can you not just call her?"
Girl: "No. She has to be here in person. You can get a card. It is free."
Me: "Okay." *reaches for form*
Girl: "I need to see your Debit or Credit Card."
Me: *SIGHS HUGE* "I do not have any of those. can I not just fill out the form?"
Girl: "No."
Thad: "I have a credit card, let me fill it out." *fills out form, we wait again for another person to go through the line*
Girl: *scans his credit card*... ".... This card is not activated."
Thad and I: *turns and leaves.*
We picked up KFC on the way home. We went to Sarah's around 11 pm that night and got home around 2 and went to bed... I finally got sleep.
Fell asleep on the couch trying to watch Blood Ties.... I read the book! The new one is out! And there's a TV series now!! ^_^
I'm hungry. I can't wait to go home and have lunch.
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