Hello this is your one and only priestess I found this site while i was looking for inuyasha websites and i saw that that you can make your on site and i just love it now i hope you will visit my site.You can take a look see what pictures i have a things like that okay seeya!
Thursday, November 27, 2003
Link TextHere's a rurouni kenshin site for you to go to i hope you like it just click on the word that says text and your at the rurouni kenshin site
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I feel....
I feel i haven no face.. no substance I'am meaningless nothing a faceless entity In which even my shadow ignores I feel i have neither heart nor soul or else i would have poured it out to you If you had asked... I feel that the space I take up is devoid of my existence.... The solitary tear that i shed has no cheek upon which to fall
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I live no more
Life in its madness killed my soul... The eternal hope within my heart,gone alive no more Bitter laughter hides the pain of broken dreams and shattered hopes of weakness and self pity The void all welcoming feeding from my tears of sadness,the light of life all but gone i live no more but my tears will exist for eternity for all to see,for all to know I gave up faith for twisted passion. A never ending night- mare
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Shattered souls
Shattered souls walking the earth alone... Existence is futile wallowing...wallowing in pity never knowing the joys Shattered souls what made them this way... could it be frustration though confusion reigns surpreme Shattered souls I command you smile and see the light that glows feel the warmth of friendships not the coldness of a stranger look forward,never backwards walk on proudly,don't hang your head see the light... feel it... bask in its glow from now till eternity
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Link TextHere's a link for you to go to to check out this inuyasha website just click on text and your at the inuyasha website i love inuyasha that's the best anime i ever watched besides ggundam.
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Tuesday, November 25, 2003
The image that wasn't there(poem)
I came back for you but you wasnt there.I saw you that one time but i was scared.But now i see you wasn't there only the image that i saw was mine there.As i stare at this person in that image.I realized it was a glimse from the past.As i stare at it,it reminds me of someone i once knew from the past but now that image is gone i can only remember this person in the image that just appeared was my own reflection of sadness.That image was it mine or was it there.
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Monday, November 17, 2003
I love this gif because it reminds me of when kagome tells inuyasha to sit and he's just waiting for the spell to dissapear so he can stand up lol
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