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Student, Model, Photographer
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| princeofyuri
 My name is Jennifer. I am a former-myotaku member and I am finally back!!! I am 18 years old and I'm a Senior in High School. I am in a loving relationship with my boyfriend Sean, who is 19 and that we both wear promise rings.
I have chosen to become a photographer and a model. Maybe even a little bit of graphics design too. I was born in Frankfurt, Germany. I do plan to return someday and hopefully get to see the Neushwanstein and Frankensteins Castle. I do happen to post my photos on DeviantArt, feel free to ask and don't hestitate to add me. :)

Monday, October 29, 2007
Mood: Loving & Spacey
I got the job. Which is mega awsome and I start on the 2nd of November.
The weekend went alright, I didn't get to make my cookies but I'll be making them tuesday with my BF when he comes over. So yay!!!
I had another episode on saturday. It sucks having heart problems :( My BF is gonna start monitering my caffine intakes from now on. Mostly so that I don't have so much caffine that it almost makes me sick to my stomach and have a really bad palpitation. I didn't go to the hospital though but this means I'm really needing to watch it.
I told my BF that he should lay off a lot of the caffine. I don't want anything to happen to him since he has high blood pressure but I think its because of the caffine. But we both watch out for eachother.
Well I have to run. ^^ School now. Ja ne!!!
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Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Mood: Happy & Excited.
I finally have a job interview. Its for a movie theatre. :D I'm sooo freakin' excited but nervous and don't wanna sound like an idiot during the interview. But I think it'll be alright. I'm gonna get my interview clothes this weekend and then next tuesday will be the interview. Then I'll try and get an early dismissal so I can have time to change for work and what-not.
Wish me luck :D
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Tuesday, October 9, 2007
Mood: Sleepy & Cuddly.
We had a half day in class today, I was so glad because I was tired. I almost went to sleep in 1st period but one of my friends wouldn't leave me alone. Yesterday someone stole my ipod. But hey! Nothing you can't eventually replace, so why make your parents fuss about it?
Homecoming is on the 20th. I am really excited and I get to bring my boyfriend with me. n.n Its his first dance... EVER!!! So, I wanna make it fun for him and I hope that it will be cuz its from 8pm to 11pm. So it ever be worth it but I have no doubt in mind.
Tomorrow I go see my Case Manager and we'll be filling out handful of job applications (online ones too). ^=^
Well I have to eat soon. Ja ne!!..
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