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Tuesday, October 16, 2007
 I'm an Orange Take What Is Your Inner Fruit? today! Created with Rum and Monkey's Personality Test Generator. I'm an orange. I am sporty and sassy! I enjoy really energetic music and kung-fu movies.
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 Youre Fiona Take The Shrek test today! Created with Rum and Monkey's Personality Test Generator. You like to wallo in the mud and fight stuck up robin hoods
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Monday, October 15, 2007
Everyone of my mates can do this *plz*
Name: Amer
Gender: Female.
Eyes: blue
Hair: red and down to the middle of my back
Height: 4"8
Weight: 91lb. and I'm pregnat
shoe size: Children 5.
Skin:white year round.
Hobbies: Sleeping,drawing,football,reading,writing,ect..
Grade: Teacher
Reads: Novels, and trilogies
Fears: stalkers.
Watches: TV and movies and plays.
Moods: A lot of moods.
IQ: 123%
NickNames: Shorty *my husbands idea* and flamer *cos of my flamin red hair*
Dreams: *at six* to go to the moon
Pet Peeve: People who talk during movies >:(
Funniest thing I've done: Kissed my dog and a chicken
Words that describe me: Idk
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UK Take What country are you? today! Created with Rum and Monkey's Personality Test Generator. You are the UK
Yes - unfortunately you have Wales.
You're a tiny little island near France of all places. You've got that annoying Irish tag-along, and have managed to lose every single colony except Gibraltar (Oh, and Ascension Island).
And you drive on the wrong side of the road.
Main export: Dirt.
How lucky you are.
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 Raven Take Which Teen Titans character are you? today! Created with Rum and Monkey's Personality Test Generator. Usually alone in her room reading, Raven prefers solitude and can be easily annoyed. This is because she can't risk showing too much emotion and unleashing her powers. She doesn't get angry often, but when she does, her enemies are sure to stay away!
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Sunday, October 14, 2007
 I'm Valentine's Day! Take Which Holiday Are You? today! Created with Rum and Monkey's Personality Test Generator.
I am full of love, but can break your heart when I leave. I am sweet as candy and flowers and sexy as wine and roses. O yeah!
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 you are and archangel (guardian angel) Take what type of angel are you? today! Created with Rum and Monkey's Personality Test Generator. You are a protector, fighting for what you believe in. You are willing to put yourself in the line of fire for a friend. Just be careful your wings dont get clipped.
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 YOU'RE A WATER FAIRY!!! Take What Type of Fairy Are You? today! Created with Rum and Monkey's Personality Test Generator. You got a calm and go with the flow pesonality. You use your wings to take yourself to random places, where ever people need you, really. Friends love to hang out with you becuase you are willing to make sacrifices to make them feel better when their sad. You know the best way to get something done with the least amount of negative effect. Your easy personality is always nice to hang out with, it gives people the calmest feeling ever. Get to know the Earth fairy, they'll give you a grounded feeling to your flowing life. But stay away from the Night fairy, they got too dark of a personality for you
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Saturday, October 13, 2007
 I'm Ariel! Take What Disney Princess are You? today! Created with Rum and Monkey's Personality Test Generator. Too good for the ocean, you decide to risk not only your life, but the reputation of your entire family! After a rough start on land, you live out the American Dream and become ruler of your adopted home, accompanied by none other than ebony-maned Prince Eric!
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I'm an Art Student! Take Which High School Stereotype Are You? today! Created with Rum and Monkey's Personality Test Generator. Serious. Quiet. Introspective. An observer. You are and Art Student. People like and admire you, but you don't need them. You stand outside of cliques. You are seen to be cloaked in mysteriousness. You probably do well in most of your classes and are liked by your teachers. But that doesn't really matter. Creativity matters. Art matters. Everyone who knows you assumes you will go far in life. In reality you will probably become a tellemarketer.
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