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myOtaku.com: Princess Navi

Saturday, May 21, 2005

It's night time over here and it's about 6:58 (cuz I'm in london XD) My Aunt found out about my Starwars thing and bought me this coustum made shirt the says, "Beware of Geek" and it has a picture of a stick figure with glasses. It was mean, but at the same time the shirt was so cool!! I also went shopping (typical me stuff like usual) got my nails and hair done and blah, blah, blahdy, blah, now I understand how my bros feel when there's nine of us girls with them at the mall >.< Not funny. I have the urge to go over to my friend Britian's room and pour cold water on her XD Muahahahahahaha....hahahahaha...haha...*coughs* Alrighty then I think I just coughed up a lung from laughing so *dr. evil impression* evil *puts pinky to mouth* >.< Urg!!! Curse you Austin Powers!!! (atleast I didn't say Austin Powers the guy who shagged me >.<)
Nnnnn.....I really need to stop watching movies like that!!! I'll go watch the Ring instead.....>.< I just remember something that me, minki, britian, and moriyama did XD Okay...I forgot what Scary Movie it was, but it was the with that blonde chick that got a phone call from this on guy who said, "your gonna die in seven days"
and she said, "what"
and he was like, "hold...." he moves and says, "can you here me now?" (and I'm talking while I'm typing this XD) Hehehe I woke up Britian XD

Britian: What the hell are you talking to the computer?!?!?!

Me: Uh....There's a little man inside there.

Britian:......*Turns around* I'm going back to bed!!!

Me: And as I type what I am saying I am also talking again...hey wait she's gone so......

I can type like this again XD Sorry for the nonimportant crap I just typed, but this is a "journal" to tell you what people are doing that day, time, and space. In other words I'm out of idiotic things to say....so as a young Britian once told me, "I'm going back to bed!" Laters!!! Oh yeah and one more thing...this post is very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very long XD and those verys arn't helping that....(it's another sugar rush XD no more sugar before 6:00a.m. ever agian!!!!)

Night Night!!!!!!

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