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Tuesday, January 10, 2006

room updates

yay~~ i finally got a matress to sleep on! i've been sleeping on something similar to a futon but instead slimmer and backed up by umm.."blankets" and those picnic floor mats...-_-...yay! but its soo haaaaaard~~~~~

oh..umm...yea...i felt better when i woke up this morninng...but still very much cranky and grumpy when i saw my dad. XP ..pweah! main reason of grumpyess and or crankyness: HUNGER. i wad dead hungry cuz i didnt have breakfast and wass waiting for lunch...i started brawling a bit and was reaaly weak. go ask earth gal what happened last time i didnt have breakfast. i was all weak and giddy in the car and i saw the funny coloured particle thingy u see when i are giddy or have been resting ur eye on ur palm for quite sometime. the only time i see those thingies is when i get motion sickness(thats quite VERY often.)

nyaaaaaaaaaaaaa...i dun want to be awake. oh and umm..selamat hari raya haji to the muslim otakus. Mitsuki-chaan is going away tonight and we cant go ParaPara now cuz she's out to visit her relatives for hari raya.

i really wanna sleeeeeeeeeeeeeeep~
night nighttttttttzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ................................................................

-disappears into the darkness with a flicker of ghastly flame~-

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Monday, January 9, 2006


haha...u would have never thought that THIS happens to me huh? well,it just did. i have never felt so darn wronged in my whole entrie friggin life for these 13 years and even if i had i've been bottling it up inside me. Now it has finally been released.

Band: I dropped a Cymbal;it was damaged and caused a slight difference in the sound,and that fatAss is scolding our whole section cuz of that
I dropped the gong/tam tam and it has a crack now

racing: i could have gotten first if it wasnt for those ****** rocks and lamposts. Why the hell would God wanna created something so friggin ***** in the first place?

homework; i have been owing my teachers homework ALOT and im guilty for it. and i've been trying hard to repay them.

life: i am such a ******* blockhead and my brains have gotten wayy rusty over these friggn holidays and now it isnt working at all

dad: like for the racing,if i just bumped into some frigginly stupid item he'll make a dumb comment and for those who know me i HATE to be interrupted when playing games,dancing,ummm,sleeping,doing buisness,drawing,HOMEWORK,...sheesh...and ESPECIALLY TALKING. i hate my dad for being such a sore loser. when i win him he'll try and make ME lose and if i do the same to him he'll complain and say that i shouldnt do that.

dancers: oh for goodness sakes! those dancers are snobby IDIOTS. this idiot girl who doesnt even know how to say "reflection " in chinese when asked a question with a one word answer(in chinese it is 2 words) was complaining: hey! u are squeezing me here! like wtf! everyone is squashed! i'm crammed in the corner,squashed limke mad! and there she is,standing with her friends,happily chit chattingg,having enough space to move her bloody limbs complaining that "its SQUEEZING here" "move forward a lil" F** that bloody idiot!!

DEPRESSION: unlike this someone i nkow,i do go do something stupid like using a penknife to inflict damage on myself. i want to,but no way....i was really on the verge of breaking down in the bathroom. i dun think that my friends really like me,neither do my parents and they see me as a responsibility,not a daughter,i think my teachers most likely HATE me,and so does everyone else. i dont know what to do anymore. then i thought of including this in my manga(i sidetrack aLOT),and then i wished that someone will take me...how i wished to be spirited away to another country or something u see in fantasies. i am sick and tired of living here. but i dont want to die as well. i am really at a loss of what to do now(other than going to bed) and im crumbling every single second now. at least...thats what i think. i really dunno what to do...i dont think u'll be able to help anyway. here's a pic by DarK lORd the great mua. hope u like it.

Ja nA

-disappears into the darkness with a flicker of ghastly flame~-

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Saturday, January 7, 2006


heeh~~today woke up at 7 for this scholarship prize presentation thingy and i wanna sleeeeeeeeeeeeeep more!! gosh....like..umm...i dun wake up at 7 on saturdays so i am sleeeeeeepy....

not much about my life...other than downloading batch Torrent for Galaxy angel 1 while direct downloading DaaDaaDaa episode 30(i found this site with single "torrents" but too many annoying pop ups and u dun have to be a member to download their stuff ^^) i'm looking for Black Cat episodes though...

[[the webbie is getitfido.com btw...]]

nyaa...nope,dumb wiwi/vivi....my friend who lent me the handout is NOT i repeat, NOT learning japanese! Qibu is(thinking of asking her to give me lessons when she has the time,suu ^^)...so is the mad banana/Charmbu (sry if u have noooo idea who we are talkin about).....puuu! dumb vivi...
I apologise to u on her behalf for being EXTREMELY S L O W when it come to stuff like that...baka..

nyaaaa..umm..i remember coming across this comment for my fanart so today we have with us a question-and-answer Section so as to umm...let u know me better too ^^:
Q: Excuse me,but do u do requests?(provided by....no wait..i forgot who ^^)
A: Well...yes....i did,but in the end i umm...forgot about it so umm..i didnt do it at all...but now i think i might have more time to do so.

Actually,i CAN do requests...but u will have to PM me on that.

Q:Are u ore on the femine side or the masculine side?(people have been thinking me as a girly person...im clearing my name!)
A: i think i am a balance between both. i can be quite femine/girly and also a "guy" at times too. i do have some behaviours that umm..isnt really for girls..like...i like to sit the way the guys do( thats why i HATE skirts)...i like racing games waYYY over Barbie dolls and playing with plushies/plush toys...yep...and i like to act tougher(well...arent all guys like that? acting tough...showoff..sore losers...no offence,guys!)..i am quite fragile on the inside...that's why i have to protect myself..

that was one looong answer....

Q:What is your dialect group?(question by MiasmaMoon)
A: for those of u who dont know...i'm Chinese, and my dialect group is Hokkien,not Cantonese. but my mum knows how to speak cantonese AND hokkien and teochew...wow..i wish i can speak JAPANESE...(that's going a lil WAYY off)

tiny TRIVIA: Taiwanese people speak Hokkien,but they call it taiwanese language

Q: Why wont u just speak up to ur crush instead of being a scardey-cat?(question by wiwi/vivi/earth gal)
A: whoa!...NO WAY man! u KNOW i cant do THAT...i get all nervous and tense when i'm near him...dream on! It's MY secret and MINE alone(as in,not telling him)...leave it the way it should be: S E C R E T ...hey! it wont be called a "CRUSH" if the guy knows right? (translated from chinese,"Crush" is literally "liking someone in the dark" or "secretly liking someone")

Q:What traumatises the DArk LOrd?(me!)
A:we..there was once i was taking this bath and i saw a huge hoard of ants moving house so i washed them away down the wall but more came so the battle between me and those ants carried on for a wayy long time...it gave me the goosebumps....i think if this was part of an anime i would have been the one who runs out of the bathroom eventually ,screaming,in a towel,screaming and probably hide behind some guy or just hug him tight while crying...^^..i was never that afraid of ANYTHING in my life till then..

Q:What's with the whole "Dark Lord" thingy?
A: well,i think Dark Lords are cooooool..(not a fan though)...and i am known for being EVIL,,as in EVIL evil ,not CUTE evil...yes...cute is EVIL..Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

Q:if u were an animal,what would u be?
A: oooooh...i wanna be a dragon! but i hate heights anyway...

nah...i think i'm a cat...i'm a scardey CAT,hua mao("hua" as in "Flower" and "mao" is Cat. no..."Hua Mao" is an expression meaning that u are a messy eater)...i can be cool,lazzzzzzzy,scared of heights and i just wanna spend life lazing around...how i wish i was a cat....even my trademark is a CAT ( ^^=)that's my trademark,without the brackets of course!

Q: Are you japanese?
A:i just said that i'm chinese...well,in this case,Singaporean. People DO say i look Japanese though...i wish i was one too...-_-
hehe..gonna get to sites today while downloading anime ^^=^^=


-disappears into the darkness with a flicker of ghastly flame~-

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Friday, January 6, 2006

Ohaiyo! ^^ ...sorry that i've not been around lately...i didnt finish my homework....IM A BAD STUDENT!!*waaaaaah!* nyaaa...but i do have to work hard this year cuz like umm...yea...its really the year to strive for excellence.

ermm...will try to start manga when able to^^

will scan in foldercover when umm..i finish THAT( left some little details)

will do homework too^^


hahah...we got this new teacher as form teacher/teacher-in-charge-of-our-class...and other than being wierd,and...wierd and showing off and being a lil too tall and having incredibly HUGE eyes that look as though they're gonna pop out sometimes....yes...its all the same in his photos....popping goldfish eyes that will just pop out...seriously,u'll be shocked at how seemingly harmless he is for someone who looks like a tall goldfish...lol...

hmm...most of my classmates went to the same class as i...yay! so are my friends from HIS class..
ehehehe...its been quite sometime since i talked about him huh....he isnt in my class this year...and i hardly see him nowadays cuz we took different buses(same number,but came at different times)..

yesterday on the bus a friends of his was standing next to me..and i was a lil too tired to be paying attention where he was cus i was grabbing the umm..thingy for support and my hand is tired -_-....today he was on the bus too but we were standing quite far apart...now i really got my "WISH"...just looking from afar.. there's this guy in my section(not really considered as my junior cuz we are in the same year) and he is in HIS class but of course i am not as stupid as to ask my "junior" about HIM...SO WHAT IF I'M ULTRA-SENSETIVE TO THINGS LIKE THIS?
yay...its the weekends...my brother is GONE!*party-time!!!!!^^* muahaahhahahahahahahahahahaha...the dark lord no like her dumb brother who is better in computer games and is happy to see him go although there will be one less person to torture--i mean..."play" with ^^;...but less fighting over the computer cuz i know my sis needs it and i will stop ASAP for that..bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha ^^ ^^ (is a lil too hyperactive to talk about anythingy)
oh..thanks for the greetings and stuff...(is very lazy right now but cant go to bed cus i will miss Maburaho cuz of that but doesnt really care) yay...

and im sorry cus i am too lazy to get to sites i slept at 2 last night and woke up again at 6.10. before that i slept at 8pm and got up at 12.30mnand bathe and do my homework then like i just said,went to bed at 2 after giving up my search for textbooks which werent needed today-_-zzz i wanna sleeeeeeeeep

my friend gave me this handout for jap although there might be mistakes but i can always ask my other friends learning jap. im not and the friend who lend me the handout is not learning jap as well....i wanna learn jap!!-_-|| but then again...im not really a free person most of the time...

gaah..i'll see if there's anything to watchie then catch some snooze...Ja nE

-disappears into the darkness with a flicker of ghastly flame~-

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Saturday, December 31, 2005


hi! hahahaha...well...looks like i umm...tricked ya...nah....but oh well! the new theme is done now,how d'ya like it,suu? ^^

here's a greeting for all of u who didnt get it:
Image hosted by TinyPic.com

Tinypic is a great hosting site. it doesnt have too many dumb links. u also dont have to create an album(to register,i mean) to upload the pics. the maximum is 250KB and they will resize it for you if it exceeds that amount.(Imageshack's uploading limit is 1024 kb but it doesnt resize the image for you and there's too many links)(photobucket: u have to create an account to upload pics) no offense

well...*ahem* today we have with us a list of things that the Dark Lord wants for new year and also umm...umm...i think that's all. but also a Stats report:

list of things wanted for new year/christmas(which has passed):

~~faster downloading speed for torrents(^^ i'm downloading a pretty BIG file)
~~fruits basket episode 26 cuz i missed it :(
~~~ MANGA!!!!!!!
~~useful anime/manga merchandise or at least, nice-looking ones,unlike that Kon necklace which baka onii-san bought for me on my birthday (he bought it cus umm...he says its just to look at,not wear it)
~~~a brand new sketchbook(have been using excercise books)
~~start on my manga(planning to write it down and then draw some illustrations to go with it. i cant draw continuous good pics)
~~~~~right now...the dark lord will be very very VERY grateful if i had mwik("milk" if u cant pronounce it) *sniff*
~~snow in singapore
~~~~~Mitsuki-chan NOT having to leave for NZ
~~~a microphone or something like that(i've said it before i wanna make something like a CD but a pretty dismentled one *cover and songs seperated*) i wanna hear me self on me sitey
~~its dinnertime here in singapore now so i want my dinner
~~~more allowance(not possible) or just a drop in manga prices (-S$3 will be good ...as in...cheaper by $3)

chottomattekurasai~! *finishes off the last apple* *munch munch* oh...i cant really of think of anything else to go on that list so here are my stats:
Image hosted by TinyPic.com

Ja nE !

p.s. i'm really sorry that the video cant work *sobs* waaaah!

-disappears into the darkness with a flicker of ghastly flame~-

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Saturday, December 24, 2005

Here's another greeting from SilverDayDreamer

and ChibiIchigo

and oh heck forget about the contest! and one more thing:

my site is uder hiatus and i wont be online cuz i have to work on my homework and stuff so im sorry but i'll be back next year.
i'm so sorry and i might not be able to get to sites today

anyway,Merry christmas and a Happy new Year!

p.s. my next theme is in progress...there's gonna be lots of stuff to be done but my priority is homework so its gonna take some time but i think it'll be done around the End of January.

p.s.s. i've uploaded my video already so i'm sorry to make Chocobo Knight-san to go through all that trouble. (i just clicked on that YouTube icon and it linked me to the webbie and there's no limit what type of video format only. any dumb format is fine.so there'll b videos for my themes from now on i guess...^^)

-disappears into the darkness with a flicker of ghastly flame~-

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Friday, December 23, 2005

today we have on this post, the collection of Greetings and an updated version of know ur Dark Lord.








Thanks anyways ^^
know your Dark Lord:

the dark lord :
+is clumsy
+have motion sickness
+looves ddr & para para
++loooves anime
++likes to siing
++has cute kittens as lil sidekicks
+like to snuggle up to mama(literally)
++looves cute things like kittens n puppies with aww so cute bubbly eyes so big and watery
+is quite broke most of the time =(
++like to sleep
+have sleepless nights and have to sleep on her blankies instead
+++hates frilly stuff
++dislikes pink clothes(i hardly have any pink but i do have this pink jacket...the blue one's ugly)
+is constantly in a rush and late for stuff
++is also known as "the Queen of Wrecking Cars(in games of course!)"
+hates to grow up
++doesnt like to wear umm....well let just say i like tshirts and hates dresses
++looves her school uniform -_-
++gets flus fortnightly -_-
++daydreams alot
+dislikes yucky stuff like talking about guys and their...stuff...
+++glomps Bu and well,shes erm...a...plushie? sorta
+has a pile of unfinished homework waiting for her to finish by 3 Jan cus that's when school starts
++hates nagging people like moms and dads
++++hates bugs
+++hates perfume
+++Jpop and Chinese Pop fan
++is Chinese,just so u know(and my chinese is better than earth gal's and because hers is not very good she hates talking in chinese Xp)
++is 13 and singaporean so my time is different from ur times
++dislike kisses cuz of the saliva
+++dislike hugs and u know i can *coughkillcough* u for that
++is extremely dangerous so keep away while the Dark Lord's doing Para Para(has many cases of hitting strangers walking by)
++is afraid of heights
++no like flying
++is very attatched to mummy
+++has swimmimg-when-Broken Wings-is-around phobia(unpleasant memory)
++will never confess(u know WHAT im talking about)
+++is quiet and yes,the dark lord's a NERDY dark lord
++is a bookworm(henceforth the nerdyness,but i dont dress like one)
+++has problems with sight and hearing problems
++can be pretty dumb at times -_-
++loves lemon tea ^^ AND MILK/MWIWKK
+is very forgettful
++++gets lost easily...VERY easily....
++enjoys silence
+++++++hate rude people(and yes,i hate myself for being rude at times too) and backstabbers and idiots who dont understand anything
++dislikes to be hugged and likes to hug her mum -__-
++has a brain which switches on and off for no reason
+++likes kitties cus they lack the damp noses of doggies^^....
++thinks kittens are fluffy and warmm ^^
++is mature and yet has a mindset of a kid
+++has a catchphrase: SHIIIIINY =D
++learning some jap and can speak a lil
++isnt able to read Katagana-_-
++forgotten most of the words already of jap(characters)
+++has a sensei whos on and off-_-
++normally updates during lunch hour or dinner time
Anime forum: Inuyasha--Battle of the fangirls(guys u r welcomed to join us ^^)

Who of the following is your favourite?

mines Kirara awww who can resist such a cuuuuuuuuuuute kitty~?
Sticky: The contest for the Christmas carol thingy is about to end. no etries but LordSesshomaru's greeting is a great example ....i dunno...but oo well.........it was fun seeing an "entry" ^^;

Contest ends on Christmas Day

-disappears into the darkness with a flicker of ghastly flame~-

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Thursday, December 22, 2005

umm..here's some more greetings"




okay...now umm...here's this like to a great siteOrisinal its a game site and the graphics are cuuute!

oh...umm...i have yahoo messenger: MizuHime_Izumi
add me if u want
okay..im really quite in a rush so i gotts run rfor now. no time for anime forum today.

know your Dark Lord:

the dark lord :
+is clumsy
+have motion sickness
+looves ddr & para para
++loooves anime
++likes to siing
++has cute kittens as lil sidekicks
+like to snuggle up to mama(literally)
++looves cute things like kittens n puppies with aww so cute bubbly eyes so big and watery
+is quite broke most of the time =(
++like to sleep
+have sleepless nights and have to sleep on her blankies instead
+++hates frilly stuff
++dislikes pink clothes(i hardly have any pink but i do have this pink jacket...the blue one's ugly)
+is constantly in a rush and late for stuff
++is also known as "the Queen of Wrecking Cars(in games of course!)"
+hates to grow up
++doesnt like to wear umm....well let just say i like tshirts and hates dresses
++looves her school uniform -_-

okay...and there's another evil incarnation of evil which i thought of last night but now i'm in a rush so i have no time to think but i'll make sure i'll post these tomorrow im really very sorry but if i dont go now i will be late so anyways buhbye and sorry that i cant make it to sites and bleach 62 is nice and it got me a lil teary and like i said im in a rush so buhbye!!

-disappears into the darkness with a flicker of ghastly flame~-

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Wednesday, December 21, 2005

first...a greeting...then this funny video entitled "Real Ninjas",then another greeting and My greeting..yep...

oh..and umm...dun get fed up or think it's the wrong video...just wait for the clip to start...there's an Advertisement thingy before the actual clip.

heehee...u'll love it..^^

well..not much now except that i'm still downloading the same torrent...54.6% ...-_-||| yes...and im chatting with lordsesshomaru and im eating lunch. sry that i've not been online ^^...my sis needs to use the com and i have to download bleach for me and my bro today ^^ its coming out soon..^^ yay!

Ja ne!

Anime forums:

topic:the true incarnations of EVIL

if u had been to lordsesshomaru's site..u might have seen the pic which lists the incarnations of naraku or evil man in a baboon suit. yes...below are some candidates for the true incarnations of evil:

Barney the dinosaur
Hello Kitty
Santa claus

im thinking...well...i have too many underlings...bwahahahahhahaha...*also known as the Dark Lord*

okay...i gotta go and download bleach now...bye!

-disappears into the darkness with a flicker of ghastly flame~-

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Monday, December 19, 2005

about Comment yesterday:

Haahaa...oh...about the post(below)...umm....apparently,yes...i do watch Anime on Chinese channels. I've watched CCS,Slam dunk,DNAngel,Kiddy grade,Maburaho,HunterXhunter,etc... a whole lotta anime via chinese channels,mostly from channel 56(256 if i've missed anything) on Cable TV. now that i've upgraded,even if we dun haf some channels eg. Animax,i can still watch it,but it's smaller. besides,channel 26 allows us to watch animax,but only for a period of time(a few hours). yea.

hmm...now my bittorrent is 45.1% upload 28/29kbps dnld(download)19/20%kbps(its not %,sry bout tt if u've read my post earlier) its still Daa!Daa!Daa! though...what can u expect? there are 26 episodes!

oh...and i've watched Black Cat 10. ^^= so today's anime forums will be on Black Cat

p.s. read the post below
Anime forums

topic: Your Favorite Character from Bleach(hahaha...fooled ya,didnt i?)

mine is Hinamori futaijou from 5th Division. ^^... but oh....she gets killed by that evil ****** Aizen....Ichimaru Gin isnt the bad guy afterall,he's just his sidekick. (i think) so is Tousen a.k.a. blind man with the cool goggles and an orange scarf.^^ oh! this is soo exciting!!!

Ja ne~ Merri Kurisumasu!

-disappears into the darkness with a flicker of ghastly flame~-

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