replies to commentings:
+i wish she'ld me nicer too
+oops. i guess there was typo error ^^;. that happens when u type fast unsure whether u pressed the key on the keyboard XDDD lol
and yessh doughnuts good~ *munches on sugar~*
+me neither. no fishin if i was a fish XD. i would gobble them up when im pissed- i mean. nothing. ^^; i'll just be a toxic fish in hope of poisoning some wicked freak out there
Bloody sunday
hmm. our SS teacher showed us that film in class today. we were all going OO over the countless F***ing by the people in the subtitles at first. and we were like 'whoa~ teacher teach us how to curse sia~' XDD so yea
but in the end,we were all like WTFH!! how can the Queen (of ireland?) and that freaking judge just leave the men who were shooting the catholics(they were protestant-christians and were being racist towards catholics) unscathed? the queen even awarded them with MEDALS. M-E-D-A-L-S!! can u believe it?! the people were shot and bled profusely,we saw (in the film) them do it. hey,know whats the shitty part? the other soldiers(commanding ones) actually called for CEASEFIRE!! its like. man! they've called for a ceasefire,yet the dumb soldiers continue to shoot the people.........
and many of the dead were like,17~31. young people who died. and also people who had wives and children back there in the crowd in 'safety'.(they focused on this man called Barney.and this other man who watched Barney getting killed and just shot. HEADSHOT. dead. in a pool of blood. he was trying to get them to ..make peace or something...FREAKS! grr! how can u shoot the poor man!!!><)
(it woulha been good if it was Barney the purple -freakin- dinosaur. and then again. Barney has brainwashed too many people. he would deserve the headshot.)
so yea. we were being so angry and my firend wanted to go all the way to Northern Ireland(where this happened) to step on the grave of the Queen. and i told her not to forget the judge. judge first,for the stupid judge was the one who sided with the massacre-soldiers first. and then to the queen who awarded these freaking killers with the freaking medals. RACISTS! ARSEHOLES! FREAKING S*** ...these people deserved to be burnt in hell. but i really think that Bloody sunday is something which really happened. they cant just make up some damned story about it. just like that.
hmpf enoough of that. i realised im most situations if i continue speaking any further i wouldha ended up cursing and swearing. alot.(i mistyped it as ALTO XDDD)
today we had the national day celebration -march- rehearsal. as in. March as in the walking-thingy march. not MARCH march,as in,the month. not the month. so hmm yup. the actual thing's next week. sigh
dammit. the conductor transferred the other cymbals guy to play snare drum(which i know i can play much better).so my hands were aching from the cymbal crashings continuously when they marched out. dammit. i was going 'ooh man~ pls walk faster dammit!!'.the last contigent to march out is BB(where guppy is). dammit. MARCH FASTER MY ARMS ARE BREAKING!!! lol. that isnt possible. but yea. i think i might hafta do more push ups and -try- chin ups. to strengthen my arm power. dang it!
so my hands are half broken. i was so sweaty when i woke up just now so im gonna hafta bathe yet again(i did that in the morn). my face oily~ must get blot paper(for the facial oils)someday...
p.s. +it was kinda interesting to see my friends becoming 'tacos' XD. i came across the phrase in a taiwanese variety show. TACO as in OCTOPUS. u know like 'their face is as red as a cooked Taco' XDDDD lol. and i was being so bored i called out to my friends when they walked by
+we scared 2 of my classmates(softball girls) when we suddenly started. i was going 'hurry up!' cus i knew the march past is beginning soon. and they were shocked cus i was playing cymbals and we had the 3beat roll to do before it. so it was all of the sudden -3beatroll- out of the blue~ lol. we happened to be positioned around their bags XDDD i must go apologize to the OTHER friend tomorrow lol.
+i was really happy to have my stand a hardstand(as in. not those foldable easy-storage shit) and they were doing the big debrief,my hands were already gone like poopers and i was tired too so i turned it down 90 degrees and parellel to the floor and i rested my head on top of it. ^^ it kept falling though. but it was good to know i have a spare table around *minorpun*
p.s.s. why a minor pun? cus we call the hardstands 'tables' sometimes cus we put the auxillary instruments on top of the hardstands since we dont have the professional thingy to put them on. and i ALWAYS plop down on my table(desk) just like that in class. *sits*plops*and stays in that position for the longest time possible until teachers come* lol
broken-arm-ed kitty~
-disappears into the darkness with a flicker of ghastly flame~-