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+mn. with sugaryness,this kitty is happy! food~! ^^= me bought cadbury chocolates for tomorrow. hehe. it has the minty thingy inside. yummy~
=*is getting slight unhappyness for pats on the head* mind: 'one more pat on the head and.....'
=yea LS,and me head gets giddy from rolleycoasties~ @@ they are not my friends~ *has problems balancing even when i stand*
life~ how horrid
=hugs are okie. no glomps *death kitty stares to all those who glomped and suffocated me* *and looks back to chocolate and munches happily*
mn...doughnuts are good too ^^ lol. hm...$3.34US dollars~ *tries hard to convert into SingDollars >< *is really bad with numbers*
=same. me,i guess i have caught onto the 'boys pride' illness and i dun wanna lose and show others my weak self. feh! guys and their cranky pride sometimes (apparently. if guys do behave like that,i guess those around me arent really guys XDDDD*
like what i believe i have mentioned earlier in my posts,tomorrows the eve of national day! which means....national day celebrations in school. which meant....'report at schoool at 6.10am~ in full band attire~'*in a mockingly irritating voice* grrrr. that means waking up at 5+ am *sobs. cries.waah~*
ah well. and then after that,me is going out with my friends~ yay~~ and then after which we go to oli's house to continue our project~ booo~
meow. so thats line up for tomorrow. i got meself some blot paper(cus my face is rather oily) and also me shall try to keep the chocoltes for as long as possible~ >< meep. ahh well. toodle deexxX~
me go bathe n munch on some more chocolate before rushing out the homework im supposed to hand in by tomorrow. TT. that sucks~ bleahhhhh
[modify: bleah!! unhappyday
hmm yea. so we had this ***** haircheck. grr. my hair was just a weeny bit touching my eyebrow so ms backstabber made me pin it up. first mad thing: grr. its just that little bit! secondly: it wouldnt have killed her to call me by name! can ya take a lil more effort in remembering names? usually i take this very seriously against people i reckon close. however,because i wasnt really happy with her in the first place,im being extra picky. yea. so what? dammit. the next time someone call me by 'eh..that...i cant remember your name...the one beside xxx' i am so not gonna answer!
thrid maddening about ther same morn: a teacher was catching me for reading my physics notes when we were supposed to do silent reading. dammit. okay,fine! but u know whats the *** part abotu it? I wasnt the only one readnig the notes! there were others doing that too why didtn U tell them to stop reading it first?! *********
4th maddening: ms backstabber sitting behind me during chapel. her voice is horrid. and low at times where it aint supposed to be. and she cant reacht he higher notes like 'c' of the higher octave. aND she,like another teacher at chapel,has poor rhythm sense and doesnt know when to come in! dammit. it was loud too. so people can see me singing with sudden *twitchtwitch* in my eyes. grr
5th maqddedning: grrr. well. i guess pretty mcuh the whole morn was sooo wrecked i hated it so grr
-and dad is still in the bath i think. dang. gotta go anyway chocolates might chill me down. thanks for the pixie stickx and the doughnuts x 3
-disappears into the darkness with a flicker of ghastly flame~-