well hi again!! anyway today i was doing a mock paper 4 the NSW test which will be included in my CA marks,test marks...yup...the 2003 one for 7th graders or Sec 1s...i finished and was waiting for results..silly me...i just need to walk up to the teachers table n see...well anyway...she announced the marks: i haf gotten a 30/45 ..and im not the only gal..the top scorer was 31/45...only by one stinking mark!!! oh well...the interesting part is,after that,i went onto my site(this site) and my neighbour saw it.it turns out to be tt shes also a user on my0,and she had done nothing...her name on my0 is nice90 ...pls go see!!
anyway,when i went onto my site again,to show her where the avatar goes,Reku/Reymond saw the site,and was like Tsk,Tsk,Tsk....at tt point of time,there's only the background...and i was just sittin there,completely amused and looking clueless...
well....my parents r rushing me off the com...im posting up Hanon piccies today...enjoy!!

You're proble having problems going on with life.
You had a girl/guy that dump you, or they past
away. You're still inlove with this person and
it's really destroing your love life. So,a tip
for the wonded,try to get over it. It's better
for you and your ex love would want that for
you to.
LOVE SECTION, Whats your love type? very,very good pics.UPDATED brought to you by Quizilla
nope...this was just a quiz result...haha....got tricked didnt ya?
Hanon piccies now...

(the above pic)this pic reminds me of myself and Yukio/Broken Wings

and tts all for now...bb!
-disappears into the darkness with a flicker of ghastly flame~-