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myOtaku.com: princess ookumae

Friday, July 14, 2006

Hey Everyone!!!

Shock two posts in a week!!!!

Anyways not really much to talk about just thought I'd drop by and say hey....still really busy working on stuff for RealmsCon...which I need to work on some more karaoke tracks soon but got the Conan one down and since I don't remember exactly what was wrong with my test one I scraped it for later....also it took me a lot longer to finish even 1 becuase well I was basically starting it all over again, and also I had to go through some trial and error with the encoding hopefully I've got it down now and can go full speed on them.

Also I just got another thing to add to my list of things to do for the con....basically our CEO made it very clear that he wanted me to basically put together the program luckily I have great friends/teammates that will be helping with all the things that we will be putting in there.

Speaking of RealmsCon and all that good stuff you might be wondering what happend on Wenesday with the Japanese consulate....we missed them.....literally when Rebeca and I showed up they were just taking off.....T_T....I wish we could have made it earlier but the museum didn't even know when they would be there they just gave us an approximate time T_T....but they did say that they were amazed by our work....or rather that people in Corpus were able to have all this stuff and really liked the cosplay pics I took from A-Kon ^_^.

Other than that not much is up hopefully I can get to everyone's sites today....at least those of you who have updated in the past month or so...lol

Last anime seen: More Princess Princess....OMG....I love it so.....need the next ep....T_T

That's all for now.....See you on the otherside

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