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Brooklyn, NY (Misses cali)
Member Since
Job Corps Student
Real Name
Ana Alycia Camacho
I tend to have some but not really wanting to put any down.
Anime Fan Since
I have been an anime fan for years
Favorite Anime
Gundam wing, Yu yu hakusho, Dragon Ball Z, Yugioh, Escaflowne, Magic Knight Ray Earth, Inuyasha, Sailor Moon, Gravitation, Shaman King, Tokyo Babylon, Witch Hunter Robin, Bayblades, Love Hina, Revolutionary Girl Utena, Outlaw Star, Card Captors, Zoids, an
I have many goals in life.
I sing a lot even to songs from animes. I write fanfics. I am currently working on 2 fanfics
I can sing to songs in japanese and i have some other talents i think.
| PrincessCassidy
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
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Wednesday, May 12, 2004
tuesday night
well i feel worse and i couldnt disagree with my bf about sounding bad. well i found out that he smokes!!!! i flipped a bit. but i guess i am falling for a typical bad boy! i cant believe i just found out he smokes. it gets me angry to know. i am sick and other things r happening but......... nvm *yawns*
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Tuesday, May 11, 2004
Tuesday morning.......
well i feel like i did yesterday but a lil worse. one thing to say is that, when i am sick no one catches it from me. my friends want me to get better but i force myself to go to school. its just part of me. i want to be a kinder garten teacher when i am older. i have a lot of experience. ^-^ i dont want to be sick. *sniffle* *sniffle* *sniffle* its never fun but i have to deal with it. *yawns* i am so tired didnt get much sleep again *sighs* i tried to keep my promise to my friend/brother. he asked me to promise to get sleep and i got a lil bit but either more or less sleep than the other night.
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Monday, May 10, 2004
monday night..............
well i feel a lil more worse and really tired to. i hate being sick. my friends say i should stay home and sleep and get better but i dont listen. i am stubborn, crazy and stupid sometimes. i tend to keep forcing myself to go to school when i am sick. y do i do this myself?? well i guess its just something about me
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Monday afternoon
well things were sort of in a way ok today except somehow i ended up a lil sick.... but oh well. happens to me a lot but i was up since 3:something am. usual me..... ^-^ *yawns* i didnt type anything up this weekend cause i forgot about it. i have a nad memory sometimes and its not always that great ^-^
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Friday, May 7, 2004
Friday afternoon
well i gues i solved everythign and things r ok. i am always glad to have my friends around including ones from this site. i have eaten some food and that was a lil after i got home. i decided i shouldnt do stupid things when i get angry. sometimes its just what happens. 2 boys in my math class got introuble for being mean to me and doing something and made me cry. ^-^ they deserved it. iam happy. i solved my problems and am so happy. ^-^ i am sorry to worry u my friends. i guess my anger just takes over. i only had a pepsi at school but then it was ok after i got home. long explainations for everything. ^-^ i need to find some way to control my anger. one thing about my parents is that sometimes they dont know if i have eaten or not but yes i have eaten some food and i am having tuna cassorole for dinner. its ok for food sometimes but not always. ^-^ *smiles*
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Friday morning.......
last night was bad and wasnt that great. i got in a bit of trouble and now my dad is planning to put up MORE rules.i cant take it. its all because of stuff thats been happening and me getting mad with my sister. i said things i shouldnt have but its because i am more used to it being my parents and i more. i dont know what to do. i was crying a lot last night. i am hoping my dad doesnt put new rules up for the phone and online. i will go crazy if he does. i decided not to ask for lunch money from my parents today. i decided that i wouldnt eat lunch. i havent eaten at all today yet. i never eat breakfast so so far i have not eaten. its only about 8:42am and break is at 10:37am and lunch is at 12:54pm but i plan not to eat lunch cause i have no food with me and no money with me. i dont know if i will eat dinner but maybe make something small. *sighs* i think i will need some help but i hope to talk with one of my friends sometime son because he always knows how to help and he is like a brother to me. he knocks some sense into me a lot and so do other friends i have. well if anyone wants to try and help comment on this.
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Thursday, May 6, 2004
thursday afternoon
well i found out i have more hbomework for english but its all do tomorrow. YAY!!!!!!!!! (NOT!!!!) tehehehehehe ^-^ well of course me being up since 4am and having to be at school by 9:45am but was there around 9 something am well i dont know y this happens to me but it does. tonight i will eat dinner but i havent for the past 2 nights. i did eat earlier in the days but yeah. i am having beef stroganoff. YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *smiles* ^-^ i am too happy but i dont want to do my homework. i will procrastinate and work on my fanfic right now ^-^
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well i didnt finish the work fully. i copied off a friend a lil but didnt finish it all today.
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Wednesday, May 5, 2004
wednesday night
well its night now. i am way too tired and havent started on the health homework i have that is due tomorrow. shame on my procrastination but also on my forgetfulness. ^-^ i tend to want more sleep and i dont sleep in. i have too much homework to do but most of it isnt even done. ^-^
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