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Drawing something else other that DBZ, and I stop triping and falling down on stuff
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I was 7 (when DBZ 1st came on in illinois))
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Gun Grave Sailor Moon Dragon Ball, Z, GT Inuyasha Cowboy Bebop Trigun Princess Mononoke Tekken Lupin The Third Yu Yu Hakusho Ruroni Kenshin Big O FLCL Hellsing 3x3 Eyes Street Fighter II Wolf's Rain Vandread Get Backers Gravitation
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Drawing, playing video games, fixing computers, watching Anime, daydreaming
Artist, basketball player, and somehow I know how 2 fix computers
| princesskagome05
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Wednesday, August 17, 2005
Hehe, I feel way better than I did yesterday. I just had a phase of bad luck (it comes and goes). Well, I decided that I'll just save me money so I can get a labtop. So that might take a couple of months. And I won't be updatin on friday-sunday I think. BUT, I will find a way 2 contact ya. U just won't see me pics til november. Yeah, that sucks. But what even sucks more is that there's no game store by my school! So I won't be able 2 get any new games til christmas. *sighs*
All well, I'm startin 2 feel bad about what I said 2 Jitim(I can never stay mad at a person). I think he's just a little dense, and don't even realize that he hurted us like that. Nobody told him what he did and I just blurted out that he shouldn't say we're related. So I kinda feel bad inside, well kinda.
Anyway I finished my shaded Tifa. I'll probably put it up when I get home today. That's around 8, if I'm done packing. I haven't shaded my pics in a while, I hope u like it.
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Tuesday, August 16, 2005
The Curse
How is everyone doin? Well, I feel a little worse than I did yesterday. I kinda broke the closet door and it fell and hit me on my head. I stabbed myself hard and deep with a mechanical pencil in my finger. So my whole left arm is throbbing. My right eye is irritated, so I can't sleep. And 2 top it all off, the boy that I was talkin about yesterday text messaged my mom and it said that he luved us and we are all his family. He only said that cause my bro told him I said don't call me sister anymore. I bet he still doesn't understand how much he hurted us. *sighs* But other than that I guess I'm alright.
I just found out that my family ain't gettin me a computer 4 college, which is a f*cked up. I thought I was back, but I've been tricked. I leave thursday night for orientation, and I don't know how long I'll be able 2 update after that. I guess I'm just cursed with bad luck.
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Monday, August 15, 2005
Really Depressed (a long sob story)
Sorry 4 not updatin yesterday. I didn't feel like it cause I really had a bad day. I told yall that saturday was my "bro" (Jitim)wedding. Oh the wedding was fine. He looked so happy. My real bro was his best man, and they looked good. All his old friends from his elementary school was there, including my sisters, my other bro and my cousin. Our old basketball coach (his teacher) and a family called the Allen were there. Jitim saw me and said hey sis. I hugged him, and I hugged the bride and told them congratulation. Then went to the reception and that's when it got ugly.
First off we got lost cause we didn't know where it was and it was far from Chicago. We were followin the stuck up Allens. My sis kept gettin separated from my bro cause she was drivin. Then when we got there, we didn't have a table. Us, his so called second family. He claim that he told us 2 late, and I was thinking we were suppose to be the first 2 know. So we looked embarassed standing outside the room and was tempted to go, but his mom made the hotel bring an extra table.
Then my family and his friends wanted 2 sing our Delano song when people were giving speeches. This is the part that hurt me the most. He said that he wanted 2 give the mic 2 his delano family, and pointed 2 the Allens. I was devastated. When my cousin asked for the mic from his auntie, he told us no. I'm sittin there thinkin, I can't believe this. He acted like he didn't know us, like we embarrased him. The whole table wanted 2 cry, even the boys. He forgot about us that fast for a family that don't care about him like we do. They even came over 2 our table 2 say that he was bogus 4 what he did. That's when I wanted 2 go. I hate bein embarassed, and he did it 2 me twice in 1 day. Me and my sisters went home. I couldn't take it. So the next day I told my bro 2 tell him that he calls me by my full name, and don't ever call me sister again.
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Saturday, August 13, 2005
Big September & October!
Starting in September, I'll be changing my site 2 an Final Fantasy 7 theme for the up coming movie FFVII: Advent Children. I'll try 2 do some final fantasy art, and I'll have the big countdown. The pic I put up yesterday is kinda a example of what's 2 come 4 my art. If u wanna see or vote 4 it, just press the link. Punk Tifa
Oh and I'm havin another anniverary party on October 1st. I don't know what kind of theme I'll put up, but hopefully I'll be able to make my own character. I've been workin on that 4 quite some time now, and I hafta say, I'm gettin a little better at it. I might have better games up, if u came 2 the last 1. Oh, and the "chatter box" will be there 2. I didn't keep it up long cause I don't be in tha house long. So the next 2 months will be a blast here! ^__^
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Friday, August 12, 2005
Jitim Young, remember that name!
My bro's gettin married tomorrow. Well, he's not REALLY my bro. I've known him 4 so long that he's like a brother. I'm so excited 4 him though. He's gettin married to his college sweetheart. I don't know who she is though. And I'm also glad that he's not 1 of those boys that hasn't decided what 2 do with their lives. He graduated from a great college, and now he's been drafted to the NBA! I luv him lots, and I do wish him well.

I just finished sketchin me pic. I'll put it up later when I clean it up a little. And I'll start on another one, probably someone from that old game parasite eve.
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Wednesday, August 10, 2005
Do the Hustle!
Kung Fu Hustle comes on dvd today. It's a great and funny movie that's directed, written, produced and choreographed with martial arts by Stephen Chow. He's even an actor in here too! I've heard of a triple threat, but this is just ridiculous. It's set in 1930s Shanghai. It tells the story of a hapless wannabe gangster, Sing, who must overcome his inability to wield a knife and demonstrate his mettle in order to become a member of the notorious Axe Gang. The Axe Gang, meanwhile, want to reign supreme by occupying the most coveted territory, which is a sacred street protected by an unlikely cast of characters, many of whom are highly skilled kung fu masters disguised as ordinary people. After several encounters with thugs and a fearsome adversary known as the Beast, Sing overcomes his inadequacy and realizes he is the greatest kung fu master of them all, destined to protect the sacred street.
It cost under $25, cheaper if u know where 2 go, and It's worth buying.
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Monday, August 8, 2005
What the.....
Hey people! I just found out some more interesting news from me favorite website. They said that there will be a Mortal Kombat 3. Now I luv MK1, but the second one was kinda booty. I mean, they killed Jonny Cage, and changed Sonya and Raigen(I think I spelled that right). I don't know about that movie. I hope they make that better than the 2nd one.
I'm almost finish with me pic. It's Tifa from Final Fantasy 7, I got the FFVII Advent Children bug I guess. Oh saw the trailer to that new movie Doom. It looks good, but looks can be deceiving. If you wanna see it, just press that pic. Well, see ya!
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Sunday, August 7, 2005
I Am Officially Back!!!
Oh yeah, and it feels good! I thought I was comin back Tuesday, but my sister's phone broke, and the people couldn't reach her. So they reschedule to saturday. They fixed it last night. Finally, I can visit me site, and put up some pics. I did put up one yesterday. I did it when I had night school. Well, I hafta start on another drawin. I think I'm gettin a little rusty. I need 2 start back b4 I go 2 school. I'm off now, byes! ^__^
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Tuesday, August 2, 2005
Well, I'll say the same thing that I said on my other site. I can't say that I'm officially back cause I'm over my friend's house. So I'll find out when I come home tonight. I found out some interesting things yesterday. I kinda read an article from a site that I know and luv, and they said something about the FFVII Demo for the PS3.
More Hints at PS3 FFVII Remake
Gamespot checked in with Square Enix representatives regarding the FFVII PS3 tech demo at the recently concluded Square Enix Party. Their response was cryptic, but they did mention that "provided fan reaction continues to be feverishly positive over the demo and the very notion of a FFVII remake, it's certainly something that Square Enix would bear in mind when planning future projects."
But don't get ur hopes up if u know the game. Cause it will be a long time b4 they make that game over.
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Friday, July 29, 2005
Short Post (u should be used 2 it)
Oh man, I haven't been here in a while. Well that's gonna change cause my sisters finally decided 2 get the internet again. So I will officially be back around monday or tuesday, hopefully. Just wanna tell ya! ^__^
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