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Tuesday, March 1, 2005
Today is me 18th b-day! Yay!!! *throw confetti* My teacher didn't make me a b-day board, so I made my own! ^__^ I drew shippo on there holding balloons, and my friend Erica wrote the letters on there. I didn't color it though. It's only 2nd period and I already got $15 from my friends. So I know that I'll be makin money today. My aunt gave me $200 yesterday, and my grandfather wanted 2 give my money 2 me today. Even though rent day was these past 2 days, they still think about me, and that's cool. My sis is takin me out friday with my friends. And my friends from school is takin me out on Saturday. But what I'm really gonna be excited about will be that DMC 3 game that my bro is gonna give me. I thought that this week was gonna be bogus, but they proved me wrong.
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Monday, February 28, 2005
As u can see...
Tomorrow is my 18th b-day. YAY!!! I don't know what I'll b doing. Probably nothin cause rent day is today and tomorrow.*sighs* My sis is takin me out on friday, and my friend Del b-day is on the 2nd. At least my bro is gonna buy me Devil May Cry 3. I think that's the only thing I look forward 2 for me bein 18 and all. I might change me site tomorrow, but I doubt it. I just don't have the time 2 do anythin anymore. I got done with me senior paper, now I hafta do a business project. *heavy sigh* Looks like I have a lot of work 2 do.
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Friday, February 25, 2005
Hey people! We had a assembly yesterday 4 black history month. Yeah, it was fun. Our choir was singing, the teachers were telling poems, the jazz band was doin their thang, and the grandparents club was singing 2. 3 of my friends were in it. 1 was suppose 2 sing, but they cut them off. Telling us that we didn't have enough time. I yelled at the host and the principal 4 doin that, and I called them bastards(behind their backs, of course). Then they stoped them 4 some girl that was rapping and the cheerleaders. That really made me mad.
Thats when they did the lighting ceremony. They lit the candles 4 every grade. After we lit them we show our glow sticks. When they lit the candle 4 the seniors, we cheered and all. Of course all the rest of the grades booed us. And we did it back 2 them when they called their class, and we booed them hard. See, we got a policy here. The seniors and juniors had 2 sit on the 1st floor, the the sophomores had 2 sit on the 2nd floor, and teh freshmens had 2 sit on the 3rd floor. So when they turned off the lights, the sophomores threw their glow lights at us! I mean I was dodging them like they were balls! My friend John was catching them, and Kiki and Erica was pickin them up off the floor. Man, it was crazy.
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Thursday, February 24, 2005
Modeling, but there's a problem...
Hey yall! Well, we have been successful at every modeling show. Now the student council wants 2 do a modeling show. But they want 2 model off prom clothes. They got different stores 2 sponsor us for this show. We'll be going 2 those stores 2 try out the clothes we need. I think that's cool. It's good 2 show that plus size women can look good in a dress. We didn't even do that for our modeling club. They seem more organized, so I'm gonna do that show. BUT I don't even know if I can do the show. I'm finta have night school, and that's not gonna fit in me schedule. I'ma try 2 do it anyway though.
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Tuesday, February 22, 2005
Me luv games
Me bro bought a lot of old games Saturday. I think he spent like $250 on those games. They were Onimusha 3, metal gear, wheel of fortune, neo contra, x-men, and another game, me forgot. I told him he should've waited til me b-day so he can get DMC 3. I also told him that he should've bought resident evil 4. He said he forgot. *sighs* The only 1 I like was onimusha. Cause I beat 1 & 2, so I want 2 beat 3. I'm not gonna play it yet. I'll wait til my spring break hit. I got 2 many projects 2 do. So I can't even think about playing any type of game.
Oh yeah I watch the all stars game all weekend. It was awesome. Here go some pics I got 4 ya. It's some of the players that was playin in the game. I seen some of the dunkin contest.

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Friday, February 18, 2005
Wanna Play
I'm here in 1st period and half my class is playing cards. It's a lot of yellin and screamin, but our teacher ain't here, so they won't get in trouble. I was just reading the gameinforcer, and I was lookin at how they ranked Devil May Cry 3 and Resident Evil 4. They gave DMC 3 a 9 and gave Resident Evil a 10. These are the games that I really want 4 my B-Day, which is coming up. My bro said that he will get DMC 4 me, but I have nobody 2 buy Resident Evil. So hopefully I'll get this job and buy it.
Actually, it's not really a job. It's a siminar about business, and they're payin us 2 go for 2 days. We stay there 4 about 9 hours and we get paid $8.10. So the check would be like $145 for the 2 days. I think that's cool. BUT, if we go on a college tour trip 4 spring break, I will b going there. I think they're going 2 5 different states for 7 colleges. Decisions, decisions...
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Thursday, February 17, 2005
We had a modeling show yesterday at school. It was 4 black history month, so we were dressed in different eras. It was alright. It was the 70s, 80s, 90s, and this year's eras. I was wearing a grey suit and a wig that had dark brown with light brown streaks in it. They thought it was me real hair. I knew they were lying cause they know my hair is thin and black. The people in the show also thought that they were gonna boo us. I actually didn't care cause 1 it was only a small group of people watching us, and 2 I knew me friends would back me up. And they did, I had fun doing it too. ^__^
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Tuesday, February 15, 2005
Hey yall. Hope u had a great valentine's day. Mines was alright. I found out that my favorite mall caught on fire. If u ever went 2 Chicago, u'll know that North River Side has the best mall. BUT it's close so we went to a old but new mall called the Brickyard Mall. I bought my sis some flowers. Her children bought her balloons. My grandfather bought a dozen roses 4 me grandma and his mom. So what did yall do. Do yall have a valentine?
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Monday, February 14, 2005
Hey yall. Well, I was watching the grammys yesterday. It was alright. My aunt didn't like the beginning of the performance. She said that she didn't like "white people" music. I told her she racist(I said that 2 c her reaction). She's like no she just don't like their music and I said yeah right. After that she watch the whole performance of Green Day and U2. I luved everything about it, except Hoobastank didn't win anything OR performed. Those bastards. Well, Alicia Keys did fairly well, even though I didn't like her much. 1 thing though that's been bothering me, who is this group?
Just wanna know. This is a couple of pics that I happen 2 get. Well, I'm off 2 2nd period. Bye! ^__^

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Thursday, February 10, 2005
That's what I get
We're going on another field trip at the federal researve bank today *dry yay*, so I'm gettin a chance 2 get on the computer. I just found out that I can't change me schedule for me health class that I failed freshman year(sue me, I was bad that year) So I'ma hafta go 2 night school. *sighs* I'm gonna hear a I told u so from me mom when I get home. And if I don't get this class, I will not be able 2 graduate.*heavy sigh* Just when I thought I had everything together, they hit me with this. Well, I won't complain cause it is me fault. So I hafta keep it together and take a night class.
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