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Wednesday, December 8, 2004
That Midnight Plane To Georgia
My cousin came 2 visit us yesterday from Georgia. We hardly see her, especially during the holidays. She went 2 school in spain, graduated from college, and got a full-time job at the some bank. I was so happy 2 c her! We had chinese food, and we talked about what school I'm going 2. The mayor of Chicago actually sent a letter 2 me, asking me 2 go to Quincy University, while Chicago State's giving out jobs that will pay 4 your whole tuition 4 my whole 4 years of college! So, yeah. She couldn't stay long, cause she had 2 work, and that's in Georgia, so we drove her 2 the airport, and turned into another person cause it was me her and my oldest sister. Talking about how she party every night when she was in school, that she dated this boy that everyone like and how jealous all the girls were and everything. And I was like wow, she don't seem like the "partying" type. So we droped her off, and hopefully she will come and visit us again soon! ^__^
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Monday, December 6, 2004
Short post
I'm so sorry that I haven't updated in a while. I was so tired, cause I had a basketball game 2 go 2. Then I didn't get much sleep all last week. I hope everyone has been doing fine. It's amazing that I can sleep 4 2 days straight. I went 2 sleep at 8pm on friday, and didn't wake up til 5pm the next day! WELL, I did wake up like 3 times, but it was only for 5 minutes. So when I get home, I'm gonna visit everyone's site!
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Thursday, December 2, 2004
The horror! Oh the pain!
My wisdom tooth is killing me! My jaw is swollen, I almost passed out in spanish class because of the pain, and I got 2 more detentions 4 not making it 2 my 1st detention! This week is not good 4 me. Well, at least my Calculus teacher Mr. Webb's gonna try and get me out. That's one good thing.
Well, let me not talk about the negative. I've put the real song for Shinjitsu no Uta. I hope u can hear it. If not just go under me avatar and check it out. I really, REALLY like this song. It soothes the soul!lol Well, songs like this one does kinda get 2 me, just like final fantasy songs and the pillows songs for FLCL. If I have 2 pick my all time fav songs it would be anime songs.
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Wednesday, December 1, 2004
I knew it!
I didn't make it 2 detention. Now they said that if I don't go tomorrow, I will be suspended. And it's another day that the finance academy are struggling 2 do Ms. Martinez work again. Just like the essay we had 2 do, we all was doing last minute work. And our speech was due yesterday. Ms. Martinez was pretty mad(luckly, ours was due today) and made us be quiet 4 the rest of the period. I we were 2 talk, she would penalize the group that was suppose 2 do their speech. And we all didn't want that. It was hard, cause Jeremiah was rubbing his nipples while looking at John. I had 2 hold my giggle in, and that hurts!(no offense 2 any1 that's gay)
And I went over my friend's house 2 help her with her outline, cause she didn't even start on hers! And some of the people in her group r looking out 4 themselves, other wasn't done, but they knew where 2 start. I only had 2 add 3 points and I'll be done. So hopefully the info I gave her will help. I'm not in her group, but it kinda feels cool 2 help.
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Monday, November 29, 2004
AHHHH!!! Damn Hall Sweep!
Man, I got caught in a hall sweep. That's means if u r caught in the hallway after the bell rings, then u either get detention or suspension. I was so mad, and it wasn't even my fault. Me and my friend Tierra was on our way 2 the counselor's office. That's when a big crowd surrounded our locker cause they were about 2 fight. So we tried 2 walk 2 the door when we were bumrushed by all the security guards. They grabbed me ID, and I had 2 go 2 the office 2 get it, with a detention slip!*sighs* I know that I won't wake it 2 detention, cause I have 2 finish me hmwk, then study me outline 4 the speech. So that will take all night. And when I got 2 the counselor's office, he basically told me the same thing he said Wednesday, so it was a waste of time.
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Sunday, November 28, 2004
Lots of Surprises
I got over 1500 hits, 1476 votes on me art, me rating is 78%(and me hopes that it don't get any higher)and 200 signatures! Thank u all 4 coming 2 me site and signing me gb. It's great 2 see that some people luvs and appreciate me site. I plan on being here til myo is shut down(which I highly doubt) So I'll be here FOREVER! MWAAHAHAHAHAHA! ^__^
And I never told yall about the lost check. Me Tasha, Tammy, and Tatiana(my 3 sis) was supposed to go to this "big jam concert" that's coming up. But she cashed her check, then lost it! I mean this girl even did overtime 4 these tickets 4 us and she lost it! I really felt sorry 4 her. She worked so hard 2 get us into our 1st big concert, but as bad luck is the Bell's middle name, it couldn't happen. Then after that incident during thanxgiving, I checked Tasha's e-mail. She was still trying 2 get us tickets, even though she was in an argument with Tammy. She actually went out of her way and just e-mail every radio station that was going 2 this concert. It literally made me cry.And everyone thinks she's the temperamental one. I told Tammy about it, and she's still bitter about the argument. That's why I say she's stupid, I'm gonna try my hardest to repay Tasha 4 what she's done.
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Saturday, November 27, 2004
OMG Fight At My House!
I thought that this would be a great thanxgiving. Man, was I wrong. My bro (Micey) and sis(Tasha) got into an argument over something stupid. He throw like 6 empty cans of pop at her then started choking her while she had my baby cuz in her hand. And my sis is a heavy set, so that baby was crying. Luckly I took the baby from under her elbow b4 something bad happen 2 him. So they started fighting in the hallway, and she called me bro a nigga. Me mom got on her about saying that in other people house and started cursing her out.
Now my sis didn't have the right 2 say that about him, BUT he didn't have the right 2 choke her either. And me mom didn't even give me sis the chance 2 defend herself. So me mom made me sis cry and she ran in the room. My bro was in the corner laughing at me sis, and I got mad and I went 2 talk 2 me mom. I told me mom what happened and she just kept telling me that she had no business calling him a nigga in someone else house (which was interesting, since it was our grandma's house). But I told me mom that ok my sis was in the wrong 4 saying that, but she didn't even start that fight. So she can yell at her, but tell him something 2, cause he's laughing at both of yall, and yall both look crazy arguing at the wrong person. Me mom just sat there and thought about what I said, and I left. Then I found out that my other sis was arguing with Tasha this morning! I'm like man, this is the worst thanxgiving since my bro got arrested 4 going 2 the restaurant! I give them a couple of weeks, they'll start talking 2 each other again.
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Friday, November 26, 2004
First snow!
Yesterday we had our first snow! Well, it was a mixture of rain and snow. Which was cool, but cold. Liz had 2 borrow my jacket cause she was ditching 7th and 8th period. And her friend had her coat, so she needed one. But she was still gonna be soaked cause my jacket didn't have a hood on it, and she had 2 take 2 buses 2 get home. Feel sorry 4 her. And my thanxgiving wasn't all bad. I went over my cousin and a friend's house and the food was good. Me mom didn't cook cause she was tired from work, all three of my aunts were sick, and me and me sis stayed at home cause of the snow and cold. So basically they're gonna cook today. I hope that everyone had a great thanxgiving!
Now 4 the next vacation it would be christmas, and I still don't know what I want. I always get clothes and shoes, but I want games, and the good games don't come out until next year like RE4, FFXII, Devil May Cry 3, Cowboy Bebop, and Zelda. So once again I'm asking 4 help. What games are out that I can get 4 x-mas
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Thursday, November 25, 2004
Hello World, Goodbye Friend
I just found out that hinaru is gonna leave Myo 4 a while, and I mean a while. So I just want 2 send out my best wishes and hope he have fun over the holidays. This is 4 u hinaru!!!

I hope u got a chance 2 read this b4 u left.
My internet is fix! Huzzah! Thanx 2 my poking, pleading, and persuading of course. I changed a couple of stuff. My background is much cooler, the song is called Shinjitsu No Uta ("Song of Truth")
and a nice looking avatar. I really like it. Oh yeah, HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!! Can't wait 2 eat some turkey! I hope u guys have a nice thanksgiving!
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Wednesday, November 24, 2004
Short Post
Yeah, internet is still down. I don't know what's going on. It's like a repeat of last year. I lost a lot of friends not updating. I just hope that don't happen again. When I get home, I'm gonna bug my mom until she tell them 2 fix it. So I'm sorry....again.
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