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Drawing something else other that DBZ, and I stop triping and falling down on stuff
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I was 7 (when DBZ 1st came on in illinois))
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Gun Grave Sailor Moon Dragon Ball, Z, GT Inuyasha Cowboy Bebop Trigun Princess Mononoke Tekken Lupin The Third Yu Yu Hakusho Ruroni Kenshin Big O FLCL Hellsing 3x3 Eyes Street Fighter II Wolf's Rain Vandread Get Backers Gravitation
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Drawing, playing video games, fixing computers, watching Anime, daydreaming
Artist, basketball player, and somehow I know how 2 fix computers
| princesskagome05
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Wednesday, October 18, 2006
Hey everyone! Today is the day I dye my hair! I'm so excited it's scary! My mom keeps tellin me 2 go 2 a beautician, but I'm like hey it's free so y spend money when ur cousin can do it? She frown and left it at that. Right after I write this post I'm goin 2 her house.
Oh and did I tell u that my mom wants me 2 go back 2 my old school? That kinda made me angry cause I could've stayed there another year and went 2 Depaul in 2007. I just told her I'm goin with my original plan and just go 2 Depaul. There's nothin there for me in Quincy, just friends, and I'm goin 2 visit them on friday. So there's no need 2 go back there 4 school. I think she was a little mad, but I don't care.
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Tuesday, October 17, 2006
Football season!!!
I know that some of ya aren't football fans or don't even no anythin about it, but I can't help talking about it today! It's football season and I just watch one of the best games in my lifetime! I usually go 4 my team the Philadelphia Eagles and the Atlanta Hawks, and I SOMETIMES watch the Chicago Bears game (which is my hometown team). But this year it's different cause I'm gonna show some loyalty 2 the Bears. They are 6-0 meaning that they are undefeated right now. They had a game today and the media is hyping the players up saying that they r the American team right now and they have the best Defense in the country. So the Bears thought that they were invicible, that was til the game started. The offense really sucked and drop the ball six times lettin the Arizona Cardinals put points on the board. The defense wasn't doin any better and the score ended up 23-0. Well the next half of the game a linebacker name Brian Urlacher and his defense put some points on da board and we ended up winning the game 23-24!!! It was sooo cool! From now on I'm watchin all of the Bears games!!! ^^
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Monday, October 16, 2006
Short Post
Short post cause I don't have a lot of time, just wanna remind people my 2 favorite games r coming out this month and in December (man that's far) U really need 2 watch out 4 these games: The Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess and Final Fantasy XII. The series r great and u should at least try them out when it comes out!!!
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Saturday, October 14, 2006
Hi yall! Nothin much 2 talk about. I bought me a leather jacket. One of them racin car jackets with all the logos on it. Veerrryyy pricey, but warm too. I think it cost over $100 dollars, it was worth it though. One of these days I'll show u a pic of it if I can find it on the internet. ^^
Oh and I'm goin 2 dye my hair next week. It's gonna be a hot red! I'm so nervous, I hope it don't turn orange. My sis dyed her hair yesterday, and she was tryin 2 go 4 a plum color, but it turned into a carrot color with a little bit of brown. My family doesn't like it, but I do. It looks unique...but I wouldn't want my hair that color. ^^ She does look different though. So pray that my hair don't turn into no crazy color like green or somethin.
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Friday, October 13, 2006
Ekk! I haven't been on in sooooo long, man, sorry bout that. Well yes I'm still alive and kickin. Just got hooked in da game, babysittin, oh and I was plannin my trip back 2 my old school. U know, the one I left cause of the fight. I'm goin 2 surprise my best friend cause she was mad at me durin the summer 4 not visit her. I guess it was cause I choose 2 go 2 Canada instead of visitin her. My bad! ^^
Oh and truly forgot that I was gonna draw. I had the baby every morning cause my sister's children has 2 go 2 school and she has no one 2 watch him. I complained at first, but I see that she needs help. Oh and as soon as I told u that my family had a fight they start fightin again a week later. I'm so over this, so I stayed away from them 4 like 2 weeks then I waited til they settled down 2 visit them again. I was NOT about 2 stress myself AGAIN! So I started playin MGS and FFVIII. My life is the game, ^^
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Sunday, September 10, 2006
I suck!
Hehe, hey everyone. Yeah yeah, it took me long enough but I had a lot 2 think about durin that time. It's a very long and sob story, so I won't go into details. Just that I couldn't go 2 school this semester cause I screwed up with the tuition money so I hafta wait til January 2 go. So yeah now half my family thinks I'm a failure again. Then my bro got arrested and my family is fighting all over again so I got really depressed. I am really regretting the fight I had at school. I'm thinkin that if I would've left the party early I wouldn't not be in this predicament now. Well, that's too late now. I probably would still be in the bed if my bro didn't give me that God of War video game. I don't know y playin video games makes me so happy, but it did the job. It also made me realize how much I want this 2 be my profession. Game Development and Animation sounds so cool! ^^
Oh and I might draw a little somethin from the game, but there's no tellin when Ima put it up cause I started a Cammy pic and it's not done yet. So I'm out of my depression and onto drawin!
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Saturday, August 26, 2006
Short Post
Well I won't be able 2 post til I get everything right in my life. It really sucks right now so I need some time 2 think about a couple of things. I guess I'll tell ya everything when I get back. Bye 4 now.
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Tuesday, August 15, 2006
Canada continued
The next day we went back 2 the mall 2 find her some earings and me some shoes 2 go with an outfit I brought. We found them and got on the coach bus 2 go see the annual parade they had. B4 we got on 15 dudes wanted 2 get on our bus 2 get there 2. 5 of them tried 2 talk 2 us, 2 of them even gave us a lap dance. *sighs* I was shocked and embarassed cause my friend aunt was watchin so I told them 2 stop. They decided 2 go on the train so we pick up 4 people that wanted 2 go and we left. Man was it hot out there! There was alot of people there! There was no seats, we had 2 stand, and my feet was hurting from last night. So it was horrible. Then 2 make it worse in the parade there was nothing but half naked girls fat and skinny dancing 4 more than 3 hrs! They had beautiful floats that they had 2 pull by themselves. I think that's the best thing they had there. I got tired of lookin at it so I went back 2 the bus til it was over. We went back 2 the hotel and watch TV til it was late enough 2 go out again. We showered, changed clothes and went 2 a different location. They had a Jamaican concert and they were giving out temporary tattoos. I didn't think 2 bring more money with me, so I didn't get one. My friend got one on her back by her butt, and we had 2 sit on a bench 4 almost an hour 4 it 2 dry.....and it didn't. So she basically wasted $20 on a fake tattoo that didn't work right.
We went back 2 the hotel cause it got boring and she ran into a boy she met there and has been talking 2 him 4 a year. She was looking 4 him as soon as we got there. She was all giddy, and we went 2 his room where he shared with 5 more of his friends. 2 girls left from their room and all I was thinking was I guess they're done using them, lol (that was mean but that's how they were dressed). 2 bad 4 her that they were on they way 2 a club. So she started stalling them from goin. They had a lot of liquor in their room, so of course I helped myself, hehe. One of his friends name Brandon was cool, but cocky. He was tryin 2 talk 2 me while he tried 2 find out if we have any more girls with us so he can talk 2 them. Then he asked me if I can iron his clothes 4 a dollar, of course I told him I'm not ironing his clothes so he could go talked 2 other girls. That would look stupid. Then we found out that one of the boys actually came from Quincy, he live right down the street from our old college. He thought he could use that 2 get $6 out of me, I told him no and he looked shocked. They really got some nerve!
Then Brandon got drunker and started talkin about his life and kissing me on the neck. I was really shocked, I didn't say nothin but just looked at him like u need 2 stop drinking, not cute. I stopped him from kissing me cause really I don't know him, at all. Only the parts he didn't tell me of course. Then the next thing u know he started crying! I didn't do anything and he just started crying. He ran in his friend room and told them. All I could hear was that his friends got the camera and started taking pics. That's when I notice that my friend dipped off in the bathroom with the guy from b4. I guess his friends were jealous and started bangin on the door tellin him that it's time 2 go. So while we were leaving Brandon kept screaming GIVE ME ANOTHER SHOT down the hall and falling on the floor. I had 2 help him up countless times. We got on the elevator and every person that came and got off he asked them if they had Vodka and if he can get a shot. I just looked at his friend and told him 2 watch every move that that boy make.
We got 2 the lobby and made our separate ways out the door. Me and my friend was on our way 2 any restaurant that was open at 1 in da morning. While we were walking a Jamaican walked up 2 me and said that his friend was tryin 2 talk 2 me 4 some time now and that I kept dissin him. I looked at the boy and I told him that I neva seen him in my life! So he introduced me 2 him and next thing u know my phone started ringing, but zipper 2 my little purse was stuck and I couldn't get it out. I was kinda feeling dizzy from drinking a bacardi so instead of talkin 2 da boy I was 2 furious and busy tryin 2 get my phone out of the purse. By the time I got it out and looked up the boy was gone and my friend was standing there looking at me like I was crazy. I missed the phone called and it happened 2 be from the boy that I gave my number 2 the day b4. Mad and dissapointed we went 2 find a restaurant. When we found one there were a lot, and I mean a LOT of people there, but they wasn't ordering anything. They were there just 2 look 4 somebody 2 leave with (sad, very sad). I was a little drunk, just a little. ^^ I started 2 notice a lot of funny things. Some girl walked in with a huge amount of hair on her head and kept doin a monologue from the lion king when the hienas said Mufasa's name and cringed. Then I kept talkin bout some boy's capri pants that had a lime green bow at the bottom. After all that we got our food and sat by the stairs. It was funny sitting by those stairs cause numerous of people started goin up the stairs, especially half naked girls. Every 5 minutes someone tripped up the stairs cause they were tryin 2 be cute. 1 boy was tryin 2 look cool by running up the stairs sideways, he tripped 2. So we just sat there 4 almost a hour and a half talkin and watchin people trip up the stairs. After getting bored and my friend got a number from some boy beside us we left and runnin into one of the boys we met at the mall. I finally found someone with a Canadian accent. He was all like whatcha doin ay? He asked us if we wanted 2 go 2 his room. My friend said sure and I said I guess since they stay right across the room from us (if they do somethin suspicious we'll scream and all the people that came on the trip will hear).
So we went 2 their room the boy started talkin 2 my friend and I got on the phone with my sis tellin her what happened at the restaurant. My friend got bored with him and we left 2 go outside 2 meet up with the boy she met at the restaurant. He took 2 long coming 2 her and I got tired so we went back 2 the hotel. It was like 4:15am when we arrive in th room. We were bout 2 go 2 sleep when we got a phone call. It was that boy that was with Brandon. She got all giddy again and he came 2 our room 2 pick her up. I was 2 tired so I said no and went 2 sleep. By the time I woke up she came in da room (that scarlet! lol). We started 2 pack 2 leave on Sunday morning and she kept callin the boy and he wouldn't answer his phone. When she got threw he hung up the phone on her. Which means that he got what he wanted from her. I felt so sorry 4 her, now she's talkin about goin 2 visit him in Detroit. All I could tell her was 2 forget about him cause he's nothin but trouble, but that was all she could think about on the way home. I got tired of listening 2 her so I went 2 sleep. I woke up and the bus cut off in the middle of the highway! I went back 2 sleep and woke up like 3 times, and everytime I woke up the bus stopped working. Then all of a sudden I started 2 get hot. I woke up one more time 2 find out that they had 2 turn off the AC cause it was takin all of the power from the bus, causin it 2 cut off. So 4 the rest of the 12 hrs we rode in a hot bus all the way home. So even though I ended my vacation kinda crappy, I had a very intriguing and fun time! ^^
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Monday, August 14, 2006
Hey hey, how's everyone? Sorry it took 2 long 2 write back. Sitting on a cold Coach bus with a bad back for 12 hrs can really take a lot out of ya. Well Canada was fun. We went 2 Ontario 2 c Niagara Falls, which was beautiful! A lot of Asians live in Canada, I didn't know that. Which was cool of course, I luv asian people so that rocked. Then we went 2 go c the largest clock made out of flowers and grass which was pretty cool. Canadian money looks, feels, and sounds funny. They're WAY bigger than the US money. It looks like this

Me and my friend started walking around cause they had this indoor amusement park there. We didn't get on the rides cause we didn't have enough time 2, so we started lookin inside stores. I bought some shot glasses 4 my sisters, a T-shirt 4 me mom, and an umbrella 4 my grandfather (and me since it looked like it was gonna rain). I think we walked 2 more blocks when it started raining. I dropped my camera and keys in a puddle. It started 2 rain hard so we stopped in a store called Hip Hop (very original, lol) Canada is too expensive. They wanted a name brand skirt 4 $150. I laugh so loud when my friend showed me that that I scared the mess out of the owner. He was like 'oh my god what was that!' I couldn't help it. After that we left 4 the hotel where watch TV and tried 2 order food from this restaurant called the spaceship or something. We ordered 2 chicken fingers with fries and a milkshake and it cost like $42.50! I said forget it and we went 2 sleep.
The next day we went 2 Toronto. It took us an hour 2 get there. We arrived at the hotel called the Mariott (I kept saying mariotti, don't know y ^^). It was nice, I ordered lobster and shrimp from room service. Pretty good, it was $26 but since it was a lot it was worth it. After that we went to their mall. My friend auntie said that it was the biggest mall in the world. It wasn't, but it was big. They had 2 have like 45 stores on each floor, they had 4 floors there. I splurg at almost every store there. Then one of the creepiest thing happened, some weird-lookin guys asked me and my friend 2 eat lunch with us. I wanted 2 say no, but I didn't want 2 b rude. So I told them that it was up 2 my friend. I couldn't believe that she said yes. All while we was sitting with them I was givin my friend the evil eyes. The one that wanted 2 talk 2 her was semi decent, but mines was like a dark chocolate creepy lookin dude that looked older than my father. I wasn't rude though. We talked 2 them, They were from Jamaica and one was an Haiti. But then they start sayin come 2 our room tonite we're gonna drink and have fun. I'm just lookin like wait u don't know us and u don't even know how old we are. So I knew that they were after more than a fun night. So I told them no while my friend told them yes just 2 play with their mind. STUPID! But she didn't know that they were stayin in the same hotel we were. I told them that we live on the 17th floor (actually the 5th) and the room was 1710. I walked off, so I don't know what she said 2 him and I basically didn't care. After we came from the mall we went back 2 the hotel and changed clothes 4 a night on the town. U should've seen it, the streets were so crouded with jamaican and haitian people it didn't make any sense. Everybody on the street had an accent! We walked around, a lot of boys tried 2 talk 2 me and my friend, especially my friend. She choose 2 wear something revealing and I choose not 2. Some dude tried 2 sell me his CD and talk 2 me at the same time! He was alright, so I gave him my number. ^^ We stayed outside til 2am walking and it looked like more people came outside than went inside. My feet started hurting, so I convinced my friend 2 go back 2 the hotel.
Well I do have a lot, and I mean A LOT more 2 talk about, but I guess u hafta wait til tomorrow 2 hear about the rest. Hehe, what happened the next 2 days were hilarious and juicy, so it's best that u wait another day. ^^
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Wednesday, August 2, 2006
Well, I went downtown yesterday 2 get my birth certificate. I didn't feel that bad, even though I had on pants. ^^ But it was confusing cause at first it was hot, then cool, then hot, then cool again, and then it was scorching hot, and then we left. My sis and my friend decided 2 come with me. So I found out that my name isn't on mines, which made me extra mad.
So they told me 2 write a letter stating that this is me and my info so I could go somewhere else and get it officially stamped. So everything is cool. Then we just decided 2 go 2 the beach after that. Kinda hard when we don't know how 2 get there from downtown. So we decided 2 go 2 Buckingham Fountain (which is a huge fountain by the lake). The wind started blowing and the mist felt good, then the next thing u know the wind blew hard and I was soaked. My sunglasses looked like my mom car window when it rain. My sis ran 4 dear life, it was funny. We walked around somemore and sat down, then my feet started burning because of the heat on the cement. That's when we decided 2 go home. So it was fun.
Now I'm on my way 2 Canada. I hope everyone has a fun weekend! ^__^
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