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Monday, November 22, 2004
Internet Trouble........Again.
Man, my house was a mess when I came home. Somebody tried 2 break in! The lock was broke, my door knob is broke, and the internet is down, AGAIN!*sighs* Well, at least my room is still clean. They said that some cord 4 the cable box fell, and it cut the cable off. Now they're suppose 2 come today and fix it. So I'm sorry if I didn't visit ur sites yesterday. And I apologize 4 the long post. I guess I wanted 2 tell u every funny thing that happened. Oh, It's almost time 4 me 2 go. If the internet is fix, I PROMISE that I'll visit ur sites. And the people that signed my gb, I'll try 2 get 2 yall 2. Well, see ya!
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Sunday, November 21, 2004
I'm Back And I Brought Stories! (so be prepared 4 a long post.
Hey everyone, did ya miss me!? I hope ya did cause I missed yall! Man, we had so much fun! Well, we made it fun. I don't want this 2 be a boring post, so I'll just talk about the fun and funny parts. Oh, and it WILL BE LONG, so if u don't read it all, I dont blame u. It was 11:45am and our seminars didn't start til 12:30pm, so we went off on our own. It was me, Krystal, Erica, and John. We went 2 go look 4 something 2 eat. There was this mini restaurant, and we snuck there. We thought it was free, but it wasn't, and the waiter gave us menus and everything. So we tried 2 sneek off, John told us that we were gonna just slide out of the seats, stay low, then run off. But we just thought up something better and told the waiter that we thought it was 4 lunch. So he let us go. But like 5 mins later, we went back 2 the same restaurant with the counselors 4 lunch. We were scared that he was gonna tell on us, but he didn't.
We met up with Jeremiah, Josh, and the Juniors there and they was acting a fool! Josh was video taping us while we were eating. John was acting like he didn't eat 4 3 years, and started throwing all of his food in his mouth. Kept saying "DON'T LOOK AT ME!!!" It was so funny! It was 12:30pm when we were done, so we went 2 the seminars til 3:00. The seminars were boring, all they were doing was talking about voting 4 our new leaders 4 the Business Professionals of America(BPA) in Illinois. Krystal and Erica fell asleep, I was the only strong one that stayed up and listened. man, it was hard. When they were done, we went and put our stuff in our room from 3 to 3:30. They said that no boys was allowed in our room. Will we listen 2 them? Jeremiah and Josh kept coming in our room and John was looking 4 some shorts 2 put on. As soon as I left my room, John was dacing in the hallway in some silky shorts with hearts on them, doing the butterfly, singing "Go DJ, that's my DJ" He spotted me, screamed and ran in his room!
We went 2 some leadership workshops at from 3:30 to 5:30, and after that they were gonna make us take a test about who was leader of the BPA in 2001 and whatnot. Were we gonna take a test about nothing? Well, we snuck 2 our rooms and we start playing with ice. The boys kept running in and out of our rooms, tickling and pushing us on the beds. They were saying "It's winky time. U and me, 10 inches of fun, right here, right now." U don't wanna know what winky is either. Our conselors came and knock on the door, and we hid them in our closet. They told us 2 come down stairs 4 the Banquet.
At the banquet, they were acting the same way they did when we were eating lunch. At the table was me, Jeremiah, John, Krystal, Erica, Josh, Derek, Terell C. and our conselor. I had the camera in the air and I was gonna take a pic of them, but they had 2 say a prayer 4 everyone. So put my hand down fast, I hit my fork and some of my salad fell on my face and arm. My friends started snikering, very embarrasing. Then all throught the dinner Jeremiah started playing like he was gay, he was telling us that he had sex with John. He said that girls are out and boys are in! He started rubbing on John shoulder. He didn't even know that Jeremiah was acting gay, he started asking us what was wrong with him and why he was acting like that. We started laughing at him til the banquet ended, so that was like almost an hour. He was so mad.
After that we voted 4 our leaders and went 2 change 4 the dance. We wasn't gonna go, but our DVD couldn't be hooked up 2 the TV, so we went. It was alot of fun. No offense, but some of yall white people have no rhythm. All they could do was jump up and down and dance offbeat. Me and Jeremiah was learning how 2 salsa, Erica, Josh, and the Juniors was acting all slutty, John was acting like a dancing drunk, and Krystal was caking it on the phone(don't know what that means, just ask). The DJ kept turning the music off cause we were "dancing 2 close" which we call juking. He played the electric slide and the juke slide 2. Me and me friends tried 2 teach some people how 2 do it, the other people just stand on the side and watch. But with all that dancing going on, we forgot that we had a curfew at 12am, and it was 11:45! So we ran 2 our rooms and tried 2 order something, but it was 2 late. So we just played cards til we fell asleep.
All the girls missed breakfast, and I left my folder in the lobby. Krystal bet me 2 bucks that I wouldn't go down there in my green moon and stars pajamas. Did I win 2 bucks? Yep, some lady in the elevator told me she would pray 4 me. I got my folder, the lady prayed 4 me again, and as soon as I got 2 my floor, some priest was waiting 2 get on! Man that was so funny. When the boys came back from breakfast, we was ready 2 go 2 the next workshop. We did all of that and then it was time 2 go home. Sorry that it was a long post. So I'll visit everyone's site from yesterday and today! ^__^
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Friday, November 19, 2004
Bye Bye
Well peeps, I got my report card. And man did it suck. Here's what it looks like:
Spanish: C
Accounting: B
Physical Education: A (of course)
National Academy of Finance: C
Computer Info Technology: A
World Liturature: C
Calculus: A
My mom was so pissed. All she kept sayin was she knew that she should've suspect anything good on my report card. And that I wasn't gonna get good grades and no school wouldn't even look my way. I got kind of depress, then after that my nose started bleeding! *sighs* I looked really pitiful with a piece of tissue handing out of my nose and listening 2 the teachers that gave me a C. Telling me that I talk 2 much and I don't do hmwk. Well, for 1 thing, I can't understand that spanish teacher when he talks english OR spanish. 2, I lost my book 4 my finance class, so I missed a lot of hmwk. But I passed every quiz and test that he gave me with a 86 or better. And 3, my world lit lost 1 of my major papers that dropped my grade 2 a C, so she's gonna see if she can fix that 2 a B. The only person that I was happy 2 see was my Calculus teach Mr. Webb. He let my momma know that I AM the smartest and brightest student in his class. And that anyone that pass his calculus class with an A, can have any colleges calling their house. I believe she gave me the respect that I wanted, Oooo it felt good.
As 4 my interview, well, lets just say that I didn't make it 2 my interview. I knew that I was gonna miss it, cause it's 2, and I mean 2 far from my house. It's like a 2 hour drive there, 3 if there's traffic. They had 2 do some last minute stuff. Like get my aunt from work at 3, pick up my grand ma's medicine at 4, and didn't pick me up until 4:30. My interview was at 6, and we didn't make it there until 7. It was me, my sis, me mom, my auntie, and me niece and nephew. Since I missed it, I just went shopping and bought me 2 more suit 4 my class and some pajamas 4 the trip. I really wanted 2 work there....ALL WELL. I already did 2 more applications while I was waiting 4 them 2 pick me up. So all was not in vain. I guess I better start packing, see ya Monday! ^__^
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Thursday, November 18, 2004
Business Professionals of America,Job Interview, and Report Card Pickup!
Ok people, I won't be updating 4 the next 2 days. I have 2 go on this leadership conference called the Business Professionals of America(BFA) This will be my first overnight trip 2 this kind of conference, so I hope I don't forget anything. We'll be staying in a hotel from Friday til Sunday, so I might be able 2 update on Friday. And don't worry about the hair people. I have a new hairstyle, so knowbody will see it. I think I will grow back in about 3 to 4 months. *sighs*
I got a job interview at sears today! I hope I get this job cause knowbody is helping me moms out around here. So I want 2 help her......well.....AND get more games! ^__^ Oh yeah, and report card pickup is today 2, so hopefully I will be gone b4 me mom comes home with it. I know I got 2 Cs, but I might got a D in something. I just got that feeling. I have no idea what I got 4 calculus. He didn't show us our test, so I'm clueless. This is the 2nd time in life that I don't know what I got on my report card. It's pretty, well, scary. I hope everybody else here got good grades!
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Wednesday, November 17, 2004
Ballorama Part 2/Serious Problem
This year ballorama was fun! The first game was sophomores, they played against each other. That was kinda boring cause basically they only had 5 minutes 2 play. The next game was the girls vs the freshman boys. They had 7 minutes 2 play. I hope the boys win, and they did! The score was 5 to 11. I think we lost our key players this year 4 the girls, cause they always win against the boys. And last but not least the varsity team played. They had 20 minutes, and that was the best game out of the 2! It was a lot of action, cool dribbling, crossovers, and mainly dunking. Which is the best thing 2 watch. I took some cool pics 4 the yearbook. I hope I get 2 sneek some pics out and show yall, if I can't, I guess I'll show yall when we get our yearbooks!
Now 4 my serious problem. I let my mom do my hair. Now I usually let me sisters do it, but they didn't have the time 2. And I didn't have the time 2 wait, so my mom volunteered. Now I have 2 noticeable bald spots on the side of my head! And we take club pics 4 the yearbook next week! *sighs* I guess the luck of a Bell never changes, it's always bad.
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Monday, November 15, 2004
Ballorama Part 1!!!
This is the time of year when basketball season comes out! And 2 kick off the season, we have the ballorama! What's that u say!? Well, it's when the girl's basketball team goes against the boys team. And every halftime, they raffle off different kind of cool prizes! My freshman year, they raffled off a PS2 sophomore year, they gave away a 20 inch TV/VCR! Last year they gave away a DVD/VCR and 4 $150 jerseys! I wonder what they will be giving away this time. And by me being on the yearbook, I can go in and get a raffle ticket 4 free! And that's because I have this baby 
Oh yeah! I'm rooting 4 the boys cause hey, they need a little miracle 2 beat the girls! ^__^
Oh yeah, here's some more stuff about me that's true.
Take the quiz: "What does your birth month reveal about you?"
March Attractive Affectionate.Shy and reserved. Secretive. Naturally honest, generous and sympathetic. Loves peace and serenity. Sensitive to others. Loves to serve others. Easily angered. Trustworthy. Appreciative and returns kindness. Observant and assesses others. Revengeful. Loves to dream and fantasize. Loves traveling. Loves attention. Hasty decisions in choosing partners. Loves home decors. Musically talented.Loves special things. Moody.
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Sunday, November 14, 2004
What kind of dream do u have?
Well people lets talk about different dreams. As u can probably tell, my dreams r a little, well alot crazy. There are reasons that we dream these dreams. Some people say it's because u want it 2 happen. Other people say that u want 2 get away from reality or ur problems.
In my dreams I'm always the heroin, but in reality I'm not. Well, only when I have 2 be. Like if it's a bad dream, and some huge ugly monster is chasing my family and friends, I would turn into a leader and tell them 2 stay calm. I tell myself I must be strong 4 them. I can't let nothing happen 2 them. Have u ever had a dream that u must protect that person at any cost?
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Saturday, November 13, 2004
An interesting dream...
Man, my dreams have been going crazy 4 the past 2 days. I had this dream twice in my whole life. It was about me, and somehow I had superpowers like Goku. I started saving people's lives, beating up thiefs and whatnot. And the whatnot started beating me up! And out of the blue some cute man just helped me out! I don't know who he was, but I know that he was cute!
That's when he told me someone had kidnapped my sis, and they wanted 2 kill her! So we beat some info out of some dudes and I flew 2 some fortress made of metal. We beat up all the little henchmen there and the boss of them had my sister in chains! Then a monster dude, he was hideous(kinda look like the nemesis, only with much BIGGER teeth) told me he hated my family and wanted 2 kill us all. Almost woke up, but silly me I thought the killing my sis part was real, so I stayed asleep. I fought the monster off(with a little help from the cute dude), used the kamehameha wave, and I beat him!
Then the place started 2 collapse! I grabbed my sis hand and the cute dude and I started flying. I was slower than b4, and I thought about something. My sis should know how 2 fly 2! I told my sis that and she was like "oh yeah!" Then we started flying through the closed doors! When we got out, we flew high in the sky and it looked like the beginning of FFVII game but much prettier! And I was all like wow and we stared at it 4 a minute, then I woke up! ^__^ That's a very interesting dream, isn't it?
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Friday, November 12, 2004
I put up my FLCL pic yesterday. I was suppose 2 put it up last month, but I was having technical difficulty. Hopefully it won't happen again. So, 4 all of u that hardly know me, here is a short survey telling about me! Enjoy! ^_^
Basic Survey [ 87 questions] | Created by PinkEtnies and taken 11178 times on bzoink! | ** basics ** | Name: | Ticara | Nickname: | Cara Baby | Location: | Chi-town | Gender: | Female | Birthplace: | Cook County Hospital | Birthstone: | Sapphire | Birthday: | March 1, 1987 | Sign: | Pisces | Righty or Lefty: | Righty | Screenname: | princesskagome05 | ** your looks ** | Height: | 5'4 | Weight: | Never ask a girl how much she weight!!! | Shoe size: | 9 | Hair Color: | Blackish brown | Hair Length: | To back | Eye Color: | Dark Brown | Size: | ??? | Glasses: | Nope, but need some | Braces: | No | Piercings: | Two, and that's my ears! | Tattoos: | Nope | ** fashion ** | Where do you shop: | At the mall | What do you usually wear: | Different kind of things | What kind of shoes do you wear: | K-SWISS, Timberlands, and Air Force Ones | Do you wear a watch: | No | Color you never wear: | Lime-Green, too bright | Color you wear at least once a week: | Black | Something you wear everyday: | Baby Blue | Do you wear make up everyday: | Nope, natural baby! | Make up essential: | Lip Gloss | Most cherished piece of clothing: | My blue Roca Wear jogging suit | You wouldn't be caught dead wearing: | Slutty clothes | Do you wear belts: | Yep | Do you wear hats: | Sometimes | How many pairs of shoes do you have: | 8, I never could keep my shoes new | ** music ** | Favorite kind of music: | R&B | Least Favorite: | None | How many CD's do you have: | 5 | Last CD you bought: | Nelly: Suit | Whats in your CD player right now: | Final Fantasy 8 Soundtrack | Do you download music: | Use to | ** Favorites ** | Color: | Baby Blue | Number: | 1 | Season: | Winter, luv that snow! | Ice cream: | Strawberry | Website: | MyOtaku | Quote: | You don't need a reason to help people. | Store: | Fresh Wear | Band: | Blink 182 (use 2 be Creed) | Singer: | Aaliyah | Rapper: | Eminem | Group: | New Edition | Song: | "Let Me Love You" by Mario | Movie: | Resident Evil | Actor: | Colin Farrell | Actress: | Gabrielle Union | Kind of movies: | Action, horror, drama, and comedies! | Place to be: | Over Liz house | Time of day: | Night | Clothing Brand: | Roca Wear | Animal: | I luv all animals | Food: | Ramen Noodles | Holiday: | Christmas, yay presents! | Shape: | Um....3-D square? | Restaraunt: | Home Run Inn | Fast food place: | People's Taco | Boy's name: | Jeremiah | Girl's name: | Liz | Word: | stupid | Month: | June | Candy: | Smarties | ** love and relationships ** | Sexual Preference: | Boys of course | Boyfriend or Girlfriend: | Boyfriend | Crush: | none | Do you believe in love at first sight: | Kinda | What do you look for in a guy/girl: | A great personality, good sense of humor and cuteness! | Best physical feature: | Chest | Best hair color: | All colors are fine with me | Best eye color: | All eye colors | ** randoms ** | Do you paint your nails: | Sometimes | What color is your tooth brush: | Light Purple | What's on your desktop: | Zelda | Do you like roller coasters: | Yep, they rock! | Do you do drugs: | Never in life | Are you a virgin: | I'll never tell! | Do you have any pets: | I wish... | What time do you go to sleep: | Sometimes at 2am, other times at 3 | Create a Survey | Search Surveys | Go to bzoink! |
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Thursday, November 11, 2004
What to do...
I feel so great righ now! It's almost like the same feeling I had when I was thinking of Christmas. But that was better. I haven't got a good day's rest since the beginning of October! Now I have a 4-day weekend, with no homework, and no one 2 bother me. 1 thing that I mainly gonna 2 do is sleep. After that I'll come and visit everyone's site. Then after that I'll finish my college applications. THEN I'll draw a pic 4 hinaru. And lastly I'll tape my anime so I can get a chance 2 get more sleep. If I have a chance, I'll play Devil May Cry.
School was hectic yesterday, the whole finance academy was rushing 2 finish their essays 4 world lit. Sadly 2 say that I was 1 of them. I finished mines, so I helped out anyone that needed help. Del needed my help again. He only had a paragraph, but he needed 3 pages. So I helped him some, then I made him get help from the teach.
I haven't been 2 the lunchroom today, so I don't know if they had a food fight, but they did have a fight. I tried 2 get into the computer lab. But of course being the nosey person that I am, I passed the class and looked at the fight. Big mistake. Just b4 I was leaving, some boy just hit me in the head with his head! It felt like somebody punched me. I ran right in the lab and vowed 2 never be that close 2 a fight again.
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