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Wednesday, November 10, 2004

   Gas Leak
In 7 period I was taking a spanish test. Next thing u know my nose and chest was hurting. Workers outside hit a gas pipe and it was leaking all around our school! Our teacher said we were gonna take the test tomorrow.*sighs* Another test tomorrow. So we were stuck in our spanish class 4 an hour and 30 mins until the bell ring. Man this school is messed up.

We had ANOTHER food fight. As soon as the bell rung, I seen an apple fly towards some girl's head. Yeah, it made contact. While I was running 4 my life, I could feel bottles and milk cartons falling on the back of my foot. Well, it doesn't matter 2 me anymore. Cause tomorrow I'm skipping lunch and headed straight 4 the computer lab!

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Tuesday, November 9, 2004

Another crazy day!
It was horrible yesterday. Somebody threw a stink bomb by the lunchroom. OMG it was horrible! I had my gym shirt over my face, and I still smell it! It smelled like a zoo. So I ran in the lunchroom 2 get away from the smell. Then like 25 mins later somebody was about 2 fight, but they didn't. So somebody got mad and threw an apple at them. Then next thing I know, there's milk in the air and everything! It doesn't make any since. I just hope that it doesn't go on 4 the rest of the week. Oh yeah and tomorrow will start my 4 day vacation! So I WILL be visiting everyone's site after school. ^__^
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Monday, November 8, 2004

My internet at home is destroyed. I mean, I turned on the computer yesterday, and it was't on at all. I tried 2 see what was wrong, but my computer was going slow. And knowbody knows what happened to it. DAMN BASTARDS!!! All well, I'll just fix it when I got the time.

Anyways, I hope ur doing fine. It's just been confirmed that we don't have school on Thursday and Friday. So I will come visit everyone's site! All man I gotta go, see ya!

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Sunday, November 7, 2004

Quick post
I watched last night Fullmetal Alchemist, I like it already. I wish I had time 2 describe the anime, but I'm about 2 go 2 somewhere. I'll tell u this though, that Edward is something funny! ^__^ I'll try 2 update later. Here's a survey bug 4 u that I got from Sw33tZ. See ya! ^__^

1. Who are you?
2. Are we friends?
3. When and how did we meet?
4. Do you have a crush on me?
5. Would you kiss me?
6. Give me a nickname and explain why you picked it.
7. Describe me in one word.
8. What was your first impression [of me]?
9. Do you still think that way about me now?
10. What reminds you of me?
11. If you could give me anything what would it be?
12. How well do you know me?
13. When's the last time you saw me?
14. Ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't?
15. Are you going to put this on your journal and see what I say about you?
16. What song are you listening to right now?
17. Do you love me?

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Saturday, November 6, 2004

   Another long day...
Not much as happened in school today. I'm STILL not finished with that comic strip! I know I'm slipping, but it was hard 2 think up a character 4 that story. I think I got them now. Del is having the same problem 2. So I'm helping him with his. Yes I know, how am I gonna help him, when I'm not finished with mine? Well, Del hasn't did anything in that class, so right now he's struggling. I don't like 2 see my friends struggle, so I'm helping him out. I'm also finished my application 4 a $20,000 scholarship. Now I'm finishing up my application 2 all the colleges that I want 2 go 2. After I'm done, I'll do some 4 the rest of the schools. So now I'm off, later. ^__^
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Friday, November 5, 2004

Well, I'm here in my computer class, and I don't feel so good. I caught a cold like 2 days ago, and I thought that it was a 24hr cold. BUT it wasn't and now I'm gonna be sick 4 the rest of the month. That always happen 2 me. I just hope that it don't get worse. Well, I just found out that next week we don't have to go to school on Thursday and Friday.

Man, I'm so tired. But I guess that's my fault cause I played the game all night! Devil May Cry is awesome! I hate it when my bro buys the good games when I have 2 do major hmwk. And he makes it worse by calling me 2 help him. That's for every game!(well except 4 sports and shooting games) I don't mind cause he help me with a lot of stuff. Not games, but stuff. Uh oh, I gotta go, my throat's getting dry, and I need water! Bye! ^__^

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Thursday, November 4, 2004

Christmas is coming! OHHHH YEAAHHH! I like when christmas is coming, it gives me a sensational feeling. Yeah, it's weird, but that's how I feel. The christmas music, snow, iceskating, snow fights, slipping on ice, puttin up the christmas tree and lights, looking at the christmas tree and lights when I'm done, christmas parties, giving joy 2 others, christmas break(2 weeks, oh yeah) and finally CHRISTMAS DAY!!!! Sorry this happens every November. I kinda skipped Thanksgiving cause it's not fun anymore, but I luv it all the same. HEY, it might be a long way 2 go, but I can still feel this way, all giddy! lol naw, what's ur favorite holiday?
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Wednesday, November 3, 2004

   Another 4 years.....
Me so sorry 4 updating late. I was pretty stressed over the fact that I didn't finished that comic on time. Just 2 find out that she gave us more time cause she wasn't here. AND my stupid bro was on the computer and I couldn't get on. Now I know what I must do, don't let him back on here! He will wished he never got up from this chair!

Ok, on 2 more important stuff. Bush won, *sarcastic* yay. Well, these people can't be told nothing. Now we have 4 more years of job cuts, war, and taxes being raised. All well, I hope these "Americans" know what they're doing. But the most important thing is that almost everyone here went 2 vote. If u x out a couple of odd balls, 91% of IL voted. I was shocked!Everyone at school was even talking about it, which is the first. Even though the outcome is bad, I'm happy that a lot of people voted.

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Tuesday, November 2, 2004

Hello peps. Hope yall havin a nice day. Today is the day that you vote for ur new President! Well, that's 4 the people that lives in the US. The rest of u don't have 2 worry about it. My mom and my auntie voted already, now my sis and my bros went 2 vote(I'm so proud of them) And now all we have 2 do is wait. If you didn't go vote yet, DO IT NOW!!! If u can though.

I happen 2 read a FFVII fanfic by Yeun Hing Lee. It was so awesome, I nearly cried! But somehow she/he didn't finish it, so I emailed that person 2 ask if they will finish it. I hope they get it. I already have this on my other site, but if yall want 2 take a look at it go 2 this site: http://www.paladar.com/fanware/room18/yhlee7.htm

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Monday, November 1, 2004

The Aftermath
Hey people. Yesterday was very VERY FUN! Well, I didn't throw any eggs and there was a good reason 2. Election day is tomorrow, so the police is arresting everyone that's hangin on the corner and throwing eggs. That's why I took my niece trick or treating with her cousins and Liz. That was funnier than I expected 2 be. My niece was acting bad, so pointed 2 a dark alley and said "that's where the monster's at. LETS GO SEE THEM!!!" Oh yeah that scared the hell out of her, and she didn't act too bad. My cuz Tia hate cats, and I had my face painted like a cat, so I chased her down the street. Then we went on my block and some dude started 2 follow us. I kinda knew him, but I didn't know him, he's the one that jumps rope with girls. He was using the kids 2 get candy. Me and Liz just looked at him, and kept on going. When we were done, we started 2 go home. Then my friend Rasheen came out of nowwhere. He scared all the kids 2 the house, he even scared dude! Some of the kids were falling in the grass, especially Tia. Me and Liz was just laughing 2 tears!

That's when we had a black out, and some kids start throwing eggs! We ran on our porch and into the house. Me and Liz tried 2 lock out dude, so he was smooshed on the door! God that was extra funny, but we fell on the steps from laughing so hard. So the dude just left. I found my niece in the house already with her little friend crying cause of Rasheen. I'm still laughing at the thought of it! I know, I know, that's mean. But hey, those are some bad kids, they deserve 2 get scared.

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