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Thursday, October 7, 2004
Busy, busy busy.....
Hey everyone! Right now its 8:36am and I�m in school. My computer is messed up AGAIN, and now I have 2 put a password on it. They just wont stop going on porn!
It�s really starting 2 get on my nerves! *sighs* Man, this week was a busy day! I took a lot of pics, and went to 2 softball games. I tried 2 visit some sites, but I couldn�t visit all. Hardly no 1 did anything 4 spirit week, so I took a lot of pics of my friends, my teachers, half the softball team, and a couple of pics 4 me. And half of our football team was suspended cause they was fighting. Of course it was because they were throwing oranges and apples. Oh no, the bell is about 2 ring! So I�ll try and visit ur sites later. Bye! ^__^
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Monday, October 4, 2004
My bro got jumped on by nearly 20 guys last night! I had my alarm clock wake me up at 2 this morning, and I heard him yelling 4 us 2 unlock the door(with alot of cursing). Since I just woke up, I don't know what's going on. So I let them in and went back 2 sleep. I woke up at 10 and went 2 go get my cam 4 school, and my sis told me that he got beat up at a party! Now I put 2 and 2 together, and figured out that he was trying 2 wake my other bro up to go find these guys. I was soooo mad that he didn't tell me. Even though I am a girl, I wanted 2 help my bro out. I don't care if it was 50 of them, I still would've help. To much pride 2 run away. But I guess he was looking out 4 me and didn't want me 2 get hurt. I hope those boys get what's coming 2 them! *shakes fist at boys*
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Sunday, October 3, 2004
Yeah, that's me in the red. I went 2 washington dc 2 years ago. That was a fun week. Now I'll show u some pics from spirit week, BUT u'll have 2 wait until friday! (I want 2 save film) I just found out that they're taking away 70s day and having twin day. That was so bogus. They can dress like twins anyday. They took away our western day and put jersey day. COME ON! Everyone wears jerseys! And they're replacing pajama day for teacher's college jersey day. What r the students suppose 2 do!? Don't get me started on the homecoming dance! They're telling us that we have 2 dress up! Now, we live in a ghetto neighborhood in the city. Ain't nobody gonna dress up for a homecoming dance! I swear they just messed up our spirit week. The only thing we got good is bum day and maroon and gold day. I can't wait 4 our pep rally! Me and my friends will act crazy. It's a privilage 2 sit on the first floor. That means that u r a senior, and u can see and do anything. Especially when the stars come. I hope they get someone cute! Like Allen Iverson. Well, I'll stop rambling and go visit ur sites now. Bye! ^__^
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Saturday, October 2, 2004
Feedback of the last 2 days
I would like 2 thank everyone that came 2 my party and wished me well. And if u couldn't make it, it's ok. U guys r wonderful!!!I'm sorry that I haven't been on time. I wanted 2 add things 2 the party, but I had a unexpected meeting with the homecoming committee right after the yearbook meeting. I didn't get home til 7:22. But people stayed and played the games I had up, even made more friends. So I'm glad that I had it and I'm glad that yall came!!!*HUGE HUGS*
On thursday, our 5th period lunch class had a food fight! First a boy threw an apple at someone's head, missing it by an inch. Another apple almost hit my friend Samantha. So my other friend Steven saw who did it and threw a carton of milk at him and the next thing u know, they're throwing bottles milk, fruit, and fries in the air! Me, Liz and my OTHER friend Evonita ran out of the lunch room(hey, I already ate my food, so I had nothing 2 throw) and everyone ran right behind us. Now we have the police gaurding the lunch doors! It WAS fun 2 watch though.
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Friday, October 1, 2004
Hey everyone! Welcome 2 my anniversary party! I added some old school games on my site. So if u remember these games, go ahead a play! My lovely friend Sean suggest 2 me 2 get a chatter box, so I did! Now we can talk each other! Grab something 2 eat! We got chips, dips,different types of drinks and different types of food! We'll have special guess and hopefully a pic 4 this special occasion! So have fun and mingle!
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Thursday, September 30, 2004
Spirit Week!; Updated!
Ohh yeah! We had a yearbook(yb) meeting yesterday, and I have 2 take a lot of pics 4 spirit week! Don't know what that is, then I'll tell u! Next week(minus monday, Columbus day) is when we dress up as what us, the student counsel, tells the students 2 dress like. This is what the school did last year.
It's teacher student switch day/bum day
Adam has update theotaku! Man it looks so awesome! U can even comment on there! I'll update my site tomorrow 4 the party. Might pick a color that I wouldn't usually use. I'm finta go look some more. Bye!
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Wednesday, September 29, 2004
The month of October...
Well, a lot of things will happen in October. And a lot of things aint good. And it's the neighborhood war. This has been happening since I was a little kid, and they still didn't grow up! This is the month that everyone throws food or items at each other. The main thing that they throw is eggs. Now eggs don't come out of clothes. I know that. But luckly I haven't been hit with an egg yet. Since it's my last year in HS, I will like 2 keep it that way! I have dodged, hid behind, and got rides from people, so I have avoided eggs. My bro bought like 10 boxs of eggs last year and gave me and my sis 1 to protect ourselves. It comes in handy 2.
They sometimes throw stuff u wouldn't even expect. I've seen a girl get hit with a salmon in the school b4. All the schools would throw flour at each other(luckly, I have a ride) And everyday they're throw bottles, fruit, and boots(yes boots) at the lunch room line. Me and my friends be on the lookout 4 that. But I think I'll be safe this month, looks like my bro just got a 21 inch tv box full of eggs. So October will be very interesting.
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Tuesday, September 28, 2004
I told all my friends about my party, and the respond was awesome! I had so much mail, I didn't know what 2 expect! I'll be telling u what we will be doing on friday. We'll play games and have special guest from some of my fav anime. Different pics, a whole new look(again) and I'll probably draw something 4 the occasion. I just can't wait! BUT when u think about it, Adam is updating this website as well. I got me thinking, will this effect my party? Will it start messing up like it did the last time? Well, all I can do now is think positive(and hope that nothing goes wrong.)
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Monday, September 27, 2004
1 Year Anniversery With MyO
Oh yeah! My anniversery with myo is on Friday! It also happens 2 be around the time when MyO will update! That's sooo cool! I'll invite all of u, even those that hardy visit, by PM or e-mail. U r all friends 2 me, and if ur 2 busy, its alright. I don't expect everyone 2 come and stop by. I always ended up missing everyone else's parties here. So I wouldn't be mad at all. Just wanted 2 let u all know ahead of time. Bye!
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Sunday, September 26, 2004
Boring Baby Shower
Happy Sunday! I went 2 my bro's gf baby shower. I was kinda boring. But it didn't matter. I had my niece and that's all that mattered(and I just found out that its Takiyah, not Takylah. NOW it kinda sounds like my name!)
I watch inuyasha and I luved it! He looked cute playing with the cat. And Wolf's Rain was sooo sad. I got all teary eyed. My sis even walked in on some of it and cried! I can't wait 2 see the rest of both anime next week!
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