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Saturday, September 25, 2004
Hey people *waves*
If I didn't get 2 ur site yesterday, I'm sorry. I had 2 c what I was gonna get 4 a baby shower(oh yeah I kissed her 4 u fuujin-sama.) So I'll try 2 come and visit b4 I leave.
I was thinking of starting on another pic. But I don't think that I will have the time 2 do it. I saw it on a stie and I said "that pretty nice, I think I'll draw it" so I'm gonna try. I also been thinking about making up my own character, but I don't have that extraordinary imagination like other artist here do. When I have enough time this year, I'll try 2 think of something good. Bye!
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Friday, September 24, 2004
What a day....
I went 2 go see my niece yesterday, and man she is gorgeous! She looks so cute with her beady little eyes! She's like the softest skin I've ever touched! I am really gonna luv this baby.
Of course I lost the best artist category 2 my friend Juanita. It would've been alright, if her friend hadn't cheated. Juanita doesn't know, but her friend counted the best artist and she doesn't like me and I don't like her. That kinda made me mad, until some dude that I don't even know just stopped me and ask could he see my art. He showed his friends and he introduced them 2 me. And I thought I'm glad that someone likes my drawing and even heard about me. So it doesn't matter 2 me anymore, cause I'm STILL gonna be in the yearbook!!! Well, off 2 school, bye! ^__^
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Thursday, September 23, 2004
I forgot 2 tell yall that I have a new niece! Her name is Takylah!(the y is like a long i sound) It was suppose 2 resemble my name, but it doesn't sound or look like it. It actually sounds like a alcohol drink. They said that she is pretty, but I want 2 see her 4 myself. So yay 2 me!
Today is the day that we count the ballots 4 the senior favorites(If u still don't know what that is, just ask) I have that feeling that it will be fun cause 4 of my friends does that 2. And they all r crazier than me. So we do that after school. And hopefully I'll go c my niece. Well, gotta go. Bye! ^__^
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Wednesday, September 22, 2004
I'm in pain....
Just came back from school. And man, I am sore! I hit the ball when we played softball and ran 2 first. I was about to go 2 seconde when a dude after me hit a pop up(hit it high in the air). It was caught, so I had 2 run back 2 first or I'd be out. Now I am 2 fat 2 be trying break back 2 first, so I tripped and almost fell about five times before getting 2 tha base. I made it, but I hurt my self right there. Then my friends John and Jeremiah start hitting my butt saying "GOOD GAME, GOOD GAME!" Now that really hurt. It still burns.
Now on my way home, some old dude with dreads said "you wanna ride?" I said NOOOOOOO, NOOOOO, HELL NOOOO, PERVERT! That's why I hate going home alone. Some men always have 2 hit on someone that's WAY WAY younger than them. Now I'm still looking 4 that spider that fell in my bathroom, but it seems like it''s gone 4 now. I hope that someone killed it already. I'll stop rambling and starts visiting sites now. Bye! ^__^

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Damn Spider!
It's 7:11am and I'm afraid 2 go back in the bathroom. I was putting on my clothes when a HUGE spider just fell 2 the left of me. I screamed and fan out the bathroom half naked! I didn't get a chance 2 brush my teeth or do my hair! So I'ma wait like 10 mins then I'll go back in.
My internet is acting stupid. It's like it wasn't receiving a transmission, so it just stop working. I'll look into that when I come home. Well, I gotta get school stuff ready. See ya later!
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Tuesday, September 21, 2004
Hey everyone
The last 2 days was booty. Our world lit teacher keeps piling stupid homework 1 on top of the other. My spanish teacher can't talk clearly, he always slurs his words and it sounds like gibberish. My football team the Vikings lost, AND to top it off I like this boy, but I don't know how 2 tell him! AHHHHHHHHHH!*huff, puff, wheeze*
Well, the only thing good that happened today is that a lot of people voted me as the most artistic for senior favorites(if u don't know what that is, just ask) BUt I don't think I will win. Cause the most artistic also means if u have singing or dancing talents, and my friend Juanita can REALLY sing. I wanna win, cause I want 2 be in the yearbook by myself. So I hope I win.
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Sunday, September 19, 2004
My First Assignment
Well, I have my first assignment from the yearbook committee(ybc) I have 2 collect old yearbooks. From now to the 1980s. Since its our 110 year anniversery, we'll be talking about how much our school has improved. But of course, my opinion is that it has worsened. I won't get into any details, because it'll take 2 long. We r the Marshall Commandos. This is how our yb looks like last year. I want it 2 look better that this though.
I'm putting a new background up. It's taking me a long time 2 find a good 1, but this will do 4 now. I hope u like it!
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Saturday, September 18, 2004
Oh yeah...
I didn't tell u what I do 4 the yearbook committee(this is if u want 2 know) I'm a photographer! I just take pics of everyone in the school. That means people getting stuffed in lockers, people dancing in the hallways, and spirit week(I luv that). So I'm using my camera as a weapon! Especially when big stars come and visit us(people like 112, twista, Magic Johnson, Michael Jordan, Brian Urlacher, and many more).Well, I'm not used 2 talking a lot of pics, so I hope I do good.
This is what I think I have on my progress report: 5 As and 2 Cs. I think that bcause I do all my work in my other classes except 4 our business class and world lit. I can never remember what I have 4 homework in business and my other teach b giving us stupid homework. But I'll try and turn those into B's. 4 my and my grandma's sake.
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Friday, September 17, 2004
1000 Hits and A Very Good Day!
I just reached over 1000 visits! I ranked # 286 out of 12,100, and I have 148 gb signatures! WELL its not a BIG deal 4 me, I'm just surprised that so many people came 2 my site. I thank u all 4 coming here and being my friend!!*hugs everyone*
Today I just joined the yearbook committee! I'm excited about it cause I get 2 go 2 anything free! I mean sports, dances, and teacher meetings! And I believe that its our school anniversery next year! So I'm glad I decided 2 join. Oh, I also joined the homecoming committee. Thats when u get 2 decorate our gym for the dance. So this year wont be all bad. It will be interesting.
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Thursday, September 16, 2004
Nothing interesting....
Nothing interesting happened yesterday, just that I caught 2 balls and got an out in softball(yay!) My friends Jeremiah and Del starts callin me MVP of the day.
I has been 2 yrs since I enjoyed doing math. Thats because I had this teacher name Mr. Baumgardner(BG)4 2 years straight, and he doesn't know how 2 teach! Now I have my old teacher from freshman year, and everything seems easy 2 me again. I really enjoyed helping my fellow students with their work. That was the 1st time helping the Finance Academy kids with work. They are extremly smart, but they haven't been taught everything because of BG. Right now we're reviewing some simple algebra, like slope-intercept form. I have a feeling that I will be getting A's in his class. And since this is a AP course, my GPA will go up. So this will be a great year in math! ^__^
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