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College Student!!!
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Drawing something else other that DBZ, and I stop triping and falling down on stuff
Anime Fan Since
I was 7 (when DBZ 1st came on in illinois))
Favorite Anime
Gun Grave Sailor Moon Dragon Ball, Z, GT Inuyasha Cowboy Bebop Trigun Princess Mononoke Tekken Lupin The Third Yu Yu Hakusho Ruroni Kenshin Big O FLCL Hellsing 3x3 Eyes Street Fighter II Wolf's Rain Vandread Get Backers Gravitation
An anime artist or a game designer
Drawing, playing video games, fixing computers, watching Anime, daydreaming
Artist, basketball player, and somehow I know how 2 fix computers
| princesskagome05
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Sunday, September 5, 2004
The people I love
I'm so depressed right now. 4 people that I luv so dearly died back 2 back. From 8th 2 10th grade, I had 2 grieve 4 my great aunt Faye, great uncle Sonny & JC, and my cousin George. They were taken from me so soon and unexpected. I mean, I stayed in the house all last summer cause I could take the pain of losing them. I haven't thought about it 4 a while, I just happened 2 visit their old house. I shouldn't have went, but I didn't think that it would still effect me like this. *sighs* Sorry that I'll bothered with the sob story. I just had 2 talk about it. Hopefully this phase of depression will only be for the night. I don't want 2 isolate myself like that again. So I'll try 2 be cheerful tomorrow. Bye.
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Saturday, September 4, 2004
What's 2 come 4 senior year.
Hey everyone. Since school is about 2 start 4 me, I'll tell u what I will be doing as a senior:
Start 1st essay(don't know what that will be)
Retake ACT test(I got a 18, so my mom's making me retake it)
Send off applications 4 college(I already finish 5)
Taking senior pictures(I don't know what 2 wear!)
Taking yearbook pics(really don't know what 2 wear)
Joining activities(probably a debate team,academic decathlon or sports)
Doing another essay during thanksgiving(yeah, thanx)
Lots and lots of meetings and homework(stop reading while ur ahead)
Paying senior fees(like grad gowns, rings, and prom fees)
Another essay during christmas vacation(*sighs*)
More and more meetings on what 2 do at college(I need that)
Receiving letters from college telling us if were in or not(I hope I get in 2 UIUC{I'll tell u later})
Preparing 2 take lots of test(oh no...)
Doing another essay during spring break(double sigh)
Do lots of test(NOOOO!)
Going on prom(YAY!)
Turning in all essays(triple sighs)
And last but not least.....GRADUATION!!(OH YEAH!)
Well, thats about it. If u already did this when u was a senior, then u know the pain that I'm feeling! Sorry that this post is so long. If u stop when u was ahead, I wouldn't blame u. Off 2 sleep now. Bye! ^__^
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Friday, September 3, 2004
My adventure 2 burger king.
I convince my sis 2 take me and my friends 2 Burger King. So we got there, went 2 the drivethru and realized that they forgot 2 put my sis fries in the bag, so she went back 2 get it. So we were talking in the car and I was about 2 eat my sandwich, when my friend said OMG TICARA! So I'm thinking that I dropped something off my food, so I was about 2 bite my burger. Just 2 find out that some old man was by my door with his fingers sticking in my window! Ahhhh! I was only temporary scared.(Why do I attract old men) Well, I hope that never happen again.
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Thursday, September 2, 2004
I'm sorry that I didn't come and visit people sites yesterday. My bro's friend was on the comp all day looking at porn(that sickening bastard!) I mean really, all day? That's just pitiful. And not just that! He'll order it on our cable and blame it on my bro. If he's gonna do it, just make sure that me, my niece, or my nephew don't see it. Cause if they do, I'll make sure that he doesn't come back here AGAIN!!!
Well anyways, Liz is spending the night and I'm kinda mad at her. She stole my noodles. I thought she was playing, but she literally stole my noodles! I'll just get her while she's sleeping. Hehehe. Bye! ^__^
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Wednesday, September 1, 2004
OMG! How did I forget! My friend has decided 2 join myo! The silly nut kept looking over my shoulder, so I told her 2 join. Her name is Summoner Yuna! So be a doll, or a dude, and go visit her site please. If u want 2 know why I didn't post my pic sooner, just read the last post. Bye! ^__^

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Nothing special....
Sorry if I didn't put my pic up yesterday. I haven't seen my grandma in a long time(and there's a reason 2)And she wanted 2 see me. So I went 2 see her. She was happy, and of course, made me promise her straight A's(I haven't got that since 5th grade, and I still got a B) *sighs* I hate making promises that I can't keep. I sometimes be in a phase that I don't want 2 see anyone(not even my friends). So I stay in the house 4 like a week or 2. I kinda like staying in the house 4 a long time. Cause when I come outside, everyone's all excited that I came back. Like they can't wait 2 see what I'll say or do next. I luv making people happy, cause it makes me happy. I guess thats it. Bye!(I'm not confusing myself anymore!)^__^
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Tuesday, August 31, 2004
That Crazy Man.....
Man, Adam must be doing something big 4 the site 2 stop working like that. I mean I was really scared. A little angry, but scared. As soon as I was gonna put up my pic 4 Wordwok, it said all this crazy stuff that I didn't understand. All well, it stopped for now, so lets talk about something else. Well............I have nothing else 2 say. lol, sorry. I'll really post my pic up at around 4:00pm(thats 3:00 4 some people) Again, if u can't read what's on the pic, just tell me. I'll post it so u all can see! Goodnight! (Or is it goodmorning?) Ahh crap. I'll just see yall later.^__^
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Monday, August 30, 2004
My japanese name is Shimizu (clear water) vq Kumiko (eternal beautiful child).
I watched the Video Music Awards on MTV. It was alright. I was dissapointed that Hoobastank didn't perform very long. But Yellowcard was great! I would have 2 say that the best performance was Outkast. Nowadays rappers r encouraging people 2 vote, and that's good.*sighs* Man, I want 2 vote.
I'm done with my pic! Inuyasha looks great, but I can't say the same 4 Kagome. I've tried 2 fix her. But it wasn't working, and it got worse. So I left it alone. I'll put it up later, when I wake up or something. If u can't read what's on there, just tell me. I'll post it so u all can see! Well, goodnight! Or is it morning? Whatever. ^__^
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Sunday, August 29, 2004
I was watching Kill Bill Vol.2 and it was great! She got shot right in the chest!(ouch) The best part was the ending. U go girl!
I can say that I'm almost done with my pic. I'm kinda proud of it cause its my 1st time drawing in manga form (but its actually in pencil) and it kinda look alright. I hope wordwok likes it!

This is part of how it looks like. Well, see ya! ^__^
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Saturday, August 28, 2004
I am happy that my pic came out ok! It took me all day, and night, AND day 2 do this pic. I'm really happy with the results. 4 the people that voted 4 it, thanxs! I thought that know one would like it*sniff*....
Ok, I'm doin another pic 4 my friend wordwok, its actually a manga pic of inuyasha. I hope u like it. It'll probably be on Sunday or Monday. Don't know. Well here goes a couple of pics from the games I can't wait 2 get! Bye! ^__^

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