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Drawing something else other that DBZ, and I stop triping and falling down on stuff
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| princesskagome05
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Friday, August 27, 2004
Street Fighter
There will be a street fighter anniversary collection! From what IGN.COM say, Street Fighter I,II,III, and hyper street fighter 2 will be on the disc. It will be on the PS2 and the Xbox. Xbox version of the game will includes online play, while the PS2 doesn't. Another game that I can't wait 2 get. It also contains the full U.S. DVD version of the 1994 film, Street Fighter II: The Animated Movie in addition to adjustable gameplay rules. It comes out on August 31.
If u want 2 read the article, go 2 Bye! ^__^
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Thursday, August 26, 2004
I'm starting on a new pic right now. I was gonna finish my gundam pic, but I decided 2 wait. Its gonna be a Link pic cause 1, I seen pics of them and it made me miss the old Zelda on N64. And 2, the new game is coming out next year. And I can't wait 4 it 2 come out. Me and my bros been a fan of Zelda since we were kids, and it was on nintendo. So as always I can't wait til this game comes out! That's all I have 2 say. Bye!
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I'm bored. It's nothin 2 do and nothing exciting is going on outside. So I did some quizes. Bye.
 your'e YUNA. strong when you need to be but mostly keep to yourself. if you shared more to the outside world you would probably have made-out with Tidus more than once. you know what's needed of you and will gladly give your life for the betterment of the peoples of spira.
what final fantasy X character r u? brought to you by Quizilla
 You're Purple! Rate a 5 to see a picture of a hot guy... Send me a message!
What is your color? (girls only... great anime pics) brought to you by Quizilla
 You have a pink heart. You have a passionate heart, which is good for when you find 'the one'. Your romanticness can make many people fall for you. Just make sure you dont go too far and make yourself look needy and clingy. that doesn't help a bit.
What Color Is Your Heart? brought to you by Quizilla
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Wednesday, August 25, 2004
I found a site that had an old Zelda cartoon. Its called Zelda universe. It was made in the 1980s, and it only had 15 episodes. If u want 2 see it, this is their website: But thats if u want 2 see it. Not forcin u 2. *points a bow at u* Really, I'm not. Well, bye now! ^__^
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Tuesday, August 24, 2004
I found out some stuff about the Inuyasha movies! According to many store sites, such as Best Buy, Suncoast, Mediaplay, etc., the Inuyasha movie The Love That Transcends Time is to be released into the stores in September. Also, the 2nd movie, The Castle Beyond the Looking glass is to be released around December 28. I am not exactly sure, but I do think these are dubbed versions, which means that they will have the the American voice actors.
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Monday, August 23, 2004
3 more weeks til resident evil comes out, and I can't wait 2 see it. I'm a huge fan of Resident Evil games, I've played almost all of them. But there is another game coming 2 film that I like. Here's an article about it.
Director Uwe Boll (House of the Dead) is getting set to roll with his next game-to-film adaptation, the movie version of Majesco's action-horror title BloodRayne. It was announced today that T3: Rise of the Machines star Kristanna Loken has been cast in the title role.
In the flick, Loken will play a half-human/half-vampire, driven by vengeance to overthrow her father, Kagan, king of all vampires.
According to an official release, the production is set to get underway in August 2004 in various locations throughout Romania.
Director Boll, who had Lokken on a shortlist of actresses he wanted for the lead, said in a statement, "Kristanna Loken is perfect for BloodRayne. She is strong, tall, athletic, sexy – everything that BloodRayne is."
"I loved Kristanna in T3 and am excited to see how she brings the character of Rayne to life," said Producer Shawn Williamson.
You can keep tabs on the BloodRayne production on IGN FilmForce and over at the film's official site.
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Sunday, August 22, 2004
I have 2 more weeks til school starts 4 me. So its time 4 school shopping, which we started yesterday. It was an interesting but horrible day. What was interesting was that my mom won the lottery, again. This is like her 6th time winning it. So now she said she was going 2 fix our computer(yay!)
So the horrible thing about it was that we came home from shopping and we spend the night over my grandma house. Which mean I missed Inuyasha!*steam comes out my ears* I was kinda mad, so I just left the house and went over my friends house. But I'm not mad anymore, cause I decided 2 play FFX-2(I luv games). I hope yall had a good saturday. See ya.
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Friday, August 20, 2004
So I forgot 2 put my pic up, well, I'm sorry. My head got suck in the game. Its 5:33am, and I'm putting my pic up now! *thinking*(I didn't know I had spyware on my music) Very interesting...
My friend went 2 go see the village the same time we went 2 c AVP.So we snuck in her movie, and it was boring. It was interesting that *censored* was the killer(if u want 2 c it, I won't give it away) My advice 2 u is......
don't go see it! ^__^
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Thursday, August 19, 2004
I went 2 go see AVP yesterday 4 Liz B-day. It was alright, but I thought that the aliens was from the future. They was saying that they came from the past. So I don't get that. Someone would like 2 explain that 2 me?
Well, I decided 2 put up my pic anyway(you'll reconize it), cause I'm tired of saying I'm gonna so something and not do it. But I'm still going 2 fix it and put that up later. So if u like it, thats good, but if u don't,its ok.
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Wednesday, August 18, 2004
I messed up my pic pretty bad. It looks kinda wierd, like her arm is broken. Since its messed up, I'll probably have it up either later 2day or 2morrow.*sighs*
Today is my best friend, Liz, B-day! She's the youngest out of our group, so she just turned 17!(bout time) Now she can finally go out 2 parties with us! *throw confetti* HAPPY BIRTHDAY LIZ! ^__^
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