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Drawing something else other that DBZ, and I stop triping and falling down on stuff
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I was 7 (when DBZ 1st came on in illinois))
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Gun Grave Sailor Moon Dragon Ball, Z, GT Inuyasha Cowboy Bebop Trigun Princess Mononoke Tekken Lupin The Third Yu Yu Hakusho Ruroni Kenshin Big O FLCL Hellsing 3x3 Eyes Street Fighter II Wolf's Rain Vandread Get Backers Gravitation
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Artist, basketball player, and somehow I know how 2 fix computers
| princesskagome05
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Tuesday, August 1, 2006
Hiya guys! Man, it's getting so ridiculously hot ova here! I thought it was just me, found out that the whole U.S is burning 2 a crisp! It's suppose 2 hit 100 degrees here. That's not good cause I hafta go buy another birth certificate, I don't wanna go out in that damn heat! Nobody wants 2 take me 2 city hall, so if ya believe in god pray 4 me!
I'm tryin 2 get everybody 2 go 2 an indoor pool, which is hard cause everybody don't know how 2 swim. If they don't know how 2 swim they'll use their children as an excuse. I don't wanna go 2 the beach cause they said that it's some kind of bacteria in the waters. Soooo I just said an indoor pool is better. But of course if they don't go swimming I'll go eventually. Oh and I think that my mom won the lottery. She's keeping it a secret, and only told my sis and my aunt, which told me (can't keep secrets 2 save her life). So I really don't know how much she won, she usually win like $2,000 and under, but we'll c when I leave.
I ended up not goin 2 the club. I just didn't feel good and it was 2 hot 2 even think about dancing. My sis and my best friend was kinda mad, kept calling me a jerk and a loser. But they got over it. Then I heard that my cousin might not go cause she didn't have a babysitter, so I volunteered. I didn't mind since she has cable, internet, and an AC in her room. So I just said sure. She gave me $30, ordered some pizza and bought a lot of water and juice so I was happy. By the time they came home it was 2am. They called me talking about some at least come to the afterparty. I went, it was booty, so I left. They said that they had fun, but was on lockdown and they couldn't get out of the club til 2. They claimed that it was so hot that they was waving paper plates as fans. I was soooo happy that I didn't go. Dissapointed, but happy. ^^
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Saturday, July 29, 2006
Damn Heat!
Hey peoples. It's a very hot day today. I think it's suppose 2 reach like 95 degrees. Which in my case isn't good cause I hafta drive 4 like a hour 2 get 2 my friend's house with a broke car. *sighs* THEN tomorrow it's suppose 2 be like 97 with a heat index of 107. DAMN THAT'S HOT!!! Of course it's not hotter than most places, but it hasn't been this hot here since the 1990s. I had 2 be in kindergarden or first grade or somethin. My mom bought like 5 cases of water, yeah she ain't playin about this heat. As 4 me I have 2 much 2 do today.
Oh yeah I don't know if I mention it but I'm going 2 Canada on Wednesday. Very excited, but it's too much 2 do. Since I don't have my passport yet I hafta use my birth certificate. I had 2 look 4 like almost a week 2 find the damn thing, just 2 find out that I hafta buy a new one. *sighs* Talk abot a waste of time. Then I hafta look 4 somethin 2 wear 4 my bro's girlfriend b-day party. I usually have somethin, but she's having it at a club, so I hafta look like I'm 21 or something so she can sneak me in.
Oh and guess what, my cousin Jermaine got jumped on buy the police. Yep, he was at a club yesterday and some off duty policemen jumped on him. He just bought a Jaguar or one of them cars, a rocawear outfit (expensive clothing), and a $400 phone. He was showing off at the club and I guess they were jealous and stomped the poor guy, took him out side, beat him up some more, took him in the alley and beat him up again. I said they were jealous cause at the end they took his phone, but they couldn't find his car. I know he's mad, that was a really nice phone. It was a nextel that when u open it up it's like looking at a computer or something. He hasn't done nothing about it yet, of course what can he do. They're the police, they can get away with anything here. It's so sad...
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Tuesday, July 25, 2006
This seems 2 be popular, so I decided 2 do one! ^__^ Fill it out if ya like!
1. WHO ARE YOU?(user name)
5. WHAT ANIME ON MY LIST DO YOU AGREE WITH?(which one do you like... that I like)
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Sunday, July 16, 2006
Hey hey! How's life been treating everybody? Well it's very, VERY hot over here. It was 92 degrees yesterday. It felt like I was in an oven every time I went outside. It was worse cause I had 2 drive with my sis 4 like 45 mins with a broken air conditioner. It was horrible, and it's only gonna get worse. It's gonna be 98 today, and I'm probably goin 2 be under a fan or basically half naked in my room. I'm tryin 2 get everyone and go 2 the beach, but of course they all can't swim and they're 2 lazy 2 go out there. So we're gonna suffer. *sighs*
My 3 cousins came over this morning. I like it when they come over, but sometimes I don't. They're like the goodie-goodies that have lots of money and they all travel places and they all graduated from college and I'm proud of them 4 that. But then my grandma and my aunt start rubbing it in my sisters faces. They'll say u r my favorite nieces and I'm proud of them. They'll give them money when they clearly don't need it. Everytime my cousins talk about something my aunt would say 'see she does this and does that' and start looking at my sisters like they're failures. It's really sickening cause they never encourage us 2 do anything, but they're quick 2 say u won't make it anywhere in life. What makes it worse is that my cousins visits once every 1 or 2 years. They can travel 2 Rome and Italy, but they can't come visit their grandma. How my grandma and aunties treat them, it'll make u wanna hate them. But I hafta say that I do luv them and they're lucky 2 lead that perfect life.
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Saturday, July 8, 2006
Umm hey u guys! Well this was a busy week, of course 4th of July week is always busy. My 11 yr old cousin's shirt caught on fire on the 4th. It was funny, but it wasn't funny. He tried 2 scare my bro with some fire crackers called blackcats and it backfired on him and got the bottom of his shirt. It was funny cause the way he was jumpin around. It's not funny cause it could've been hurt. He laugh at the end. Then after that my bro and his girlfriend Nay Nay were chasing each other with roman candles. I stayed in the house after the shirt incident so I didn't watch half the firework show.
The next day all my sisters and my best friend went to the Taste of Chicago. U know, the festivity I said I wanted 2 work at. To recap what the Taste is it's when different restaurant from all over the U.S. come over and show their unique cooking and dishes. After the 4 singers perform there and they have rides there 2. This year R&B singer India Irie and Anthony Anderson came. I was wishing that Fall Out Boys was gonna be there, but they were ok. It was fun, we tried lots of new and old food. I tried some fried dough, crab legs, BBQ buffalo burger, a chicken sandwich with some kind of pasta sauce on it, and a steak taco.
But one dish really outdid it all. We saw this booth that had seafood there. One of it was a crawfish. My sis was like I wanna try it. So while they was getting the crawfish I went and got me another steak taco (those were good). I came back I saw 3 little whole crawfish that looked like an overturn bug. I picked it up by it's antenna and said how yall suppose 2 eat
this. My sis and my friend said they don't know. I told them 2 asked them. So they took us 2 the side and told us how 2 eat it. I was willing 2 eat everthin but the head. My friend that went 2 California came home so we're goin back later today with my mom. Oh and I don't have a CLEAR pic of my mohawk (which I took down) so this is the best pic I have.

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Saturday, July 1, 2006
Why me?
Hey all! Hehe, haven't been on 4 a week. Sorry bout that. It's been pouring down ova here. I did not wanna walk in the rain 2 go 2 the library (that and I was too lazy ^^). I haven't been 2 bored. I played FFX-2 and played cards all week. I even got the special ending that I've heard about. Oh and then we had a thunder storm 4 a couple of days 2. Lightning even hit our power box with a BAM, KABOOM, POP, SIZZLE! (nice sound effects isn't it, lol). I screamed like the girl that I am, my sis even thought that I got hurt. We were all in my room and the kids were in their room sleep. We then heard some running down the hall and I got scared. Next thing u know my door open and I saw a fuzzy head and I screamed again. It was just my niece. The power was out only 4 that night, but when I called my mom about it she kept calling me. It was like 4 in da morning and she was killin me! I will neva call her again.
And there was a HUGE fight with my family and friends yesterday. I was in the house watchin my niece and nephews when my cousin called me and said that everyone ova here fighting. I'm like WHAT?! AND I'M HERE BABYSITTING?! He said it was all my sisters and brothers fighting each other, him and his friend was about 2 fight, and my bro and his girlfriend Nay Naywas fighting. I was all like wow, they came home and told me that my bro got caught wit some girl on his lap. Nay Nay slap the girl and mased my bro. His friend said that he just kept coming towards Nay Nay even when he was mase and just choked the mess out of her. Over yonder my other bro and sis was fight cause my sis was talking smack about his girlfriend Nikki. He got mad and kicked her in her back and she punched him and he fell on the ground and started beating the shit out of him (finally got his ass kicked). THEN his friend started saying something stupid and my cousin told him 2 shut the f*@k up. But from what I heard they didn't fight.
I'm thinking 2 the back of my head I can't believe they're acting a fool outside. My mom kept calling me AGAIN, tryin 2 find out what happened. It was around morning time again when all of this happened. I know one thing though, I'm not staying in the house any more!
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Saturday, June 24, 2006
Hey all! I hope that everyone is doin fine on this I watched the video my family made. So funny, my cousin Jermaine tried 2 make his own rap video with a song he made about food. He said that if all these people can put crap on TV, he might as well do it. But it looks as though my bro Tyshawn think otherwise. He kept jumping in with his shirt up doing some kinda stripper dance. Then my Jermaine tried 2 make a fake fighting video claiming that Tyshawn took $2 from him. So him and my sis ran in front of the car Tyshawn was in and started screamin open the door fool. My sis in the background saying where the money at. Tyshawn was looking crazy like what the f*%k. So somehow Jermaine got the door open and said uh huh where my money and started beating him up (of course he was playing). They look so funny cause my cousin is big, and his bottom was stickin out the car lookin like it was 2 big 2 fit in it. I swear I luv my family, but they can sometime act like losers.
Oh and I got a mohawk! I'm so excited cause I like the mohawk that was in my friend's head and I was scared that I was gonna look funny in it. But my little cousin said I want one, but I don't wanna be by myself. I'll get one if u get one. I was like that's so cute, I'll do it 4 u then. So now everyone got it. I'll show you guys the pics later on. Oh yeah, it's not like a shaved mohawk like other people have. It's braided up INTO a mohawk, so I don't look like a crazed dude or nothin. Well I got a barbeque 2 help out with. Hope yall have a great weekend!
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Friday, June 23, 2006
Hiya! I'm starting on yet another pic. Hopefully I'll be done with it faster. Well right now I'm in the house while my family video tape themselves doin slow stuff. I can't wait 2 c the tape. lol I'm glad that they r doin stuff with each other. Cause last week all they did was argue. My 2nd eldest sis was arguing with the youngest bro. Just calling each other names and putting their business on the street. I wasn't outside 2 stop them, so I don't really know what happen. Then after that my bro was arguing with my oldest bro's girlfriend Nay Nay. Then he sent his girlfriend Nikki ova there I don't know y cause I just went in the house. So Nay Nay had her nephew so she called her cousins 2 pick him up. Nikki told everyone that she called them 4 my bro.
She called me and my sis and told us what happen. We went back outside 2 c what's goin on and the oldest bro was drunk and just started to lashed out at Nay Nay. Saying that they wasn't gonna touch his bro and he was gonna kill them. I kept telling the dumb boy 2 sit down and stop talking crazy. It's hard holding him back cause he get like 100 times stronger when he's drunk. Next thing u know he started choking Nay Nay and me and my sisters got between them. So the oldest of the group (Tasha) started taking up 4 Nay Nay saying stop talking 2 her like that and he better not touch her again. And my bro started 2 look scary. Just kept staring at my sis and Nay Nay and told my sis that one day he's gonna choke her. So I had 2 stand between him and my sis while my other sis was in front of Nay Nay. This happened on Saturday. After he stared at them both he went into my cousin house and went out the backway. I swear my bro looked like a killer, I knew that whatever he was thinking he was gonna do it.
But all the animosity was over when we all were watching the NBA finals. That happened on Tuesday. My team won, oh yeah, Miami Heat is the best. Of course only because of 2 people: Dwayne Wade and big Shaq. They made our day and after that everybody was talking to each other. Happy ending! ^^
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Thursday, June 22, 2006
I drew another picture! Yay! Go check it out now!!! lol
Hey hey! Sorry 4 bein gone 4 so long. Since I left from my grandma's house I had 2 go 2 the library and somehow I lost my library card. These days u need a library card 2 get on the internet, losers. So anyways I hope everyone is doing well. A, remember I told u guys about that fight I had at school, and that they was putting me through some kind of trial 4 it? Well I found out that they r throwing it out, which means that those girls can come and go on campus anytime they please. My mom isn't having it and just told me that I'm not going back there. She said that I'm not safe there and if they are just going 2 treat the situation like that then I don't need 2 go there. So I might go 2 another catholic school here by me. So other than the missing library card, I have been 2 busy with paperwork 2 update. Hope u understand. ^^
But a lot and I mean A LOT has happened while I was out. There were a lot of fights around my house. On Thursday a group of drug dealers beat up some man, and I don't know y. Then 2 days later some cops beat up another man down the street, I don't know y either. But I do know y some boys were fighting like 4 houses down from my house on Tuesday. It seems that there is a feud between 2 families called the Hopkins and the Youngers in another neighborhood. One of the Hopkins happen 2 be married 2 my 1st cousin. And 2 of his brother's friends happened 2 be my best friends bros Scooby and Andrew. So I guess the Youngers thought that if they beat up the Hopkins' friends that they can make a example out of them. At the time I was drinking with my sis cause it was her B-Day. Then I see 3 guys jumped out of the car, 1 had a bat, and started fighting Scooby and Andrew. Scooby is like almost 7'0 tall and strong, so he just took the bat and just hit started hitting the boy upside his head. Somehow the boy took the bat from him, ran in the car screaming it's not over and drove off.
2 hours and 3 cups of Bacardi later the Youngers came back with bats and knifes and chased one of the Hopkins in the back of my best friends' house looking. Of course I'm drunk by now and I'm running around the back with a pipe in my hand screaming yall better not disrepect they house or ima hit ya across the face. My sisters and my cousin came around and grabbed saying that ain't got nothing 2 do with u or ur family. I said oh, threw the pipe in the garbage and just said never mind then. Of course all the little girls from the Hopkins family ran 2 my cousin's house and grabbed all the biggest knifes they can grab and started threatening the Youngers. Somebody had a gun, I said I'm 2 cute 2 get shot, and ran back 2 my cousin's house.
Oh this post is getting too long. All in all, everybody that had a weapon out there got arrested, yeah even the little girls. They didn't catch me cause I left early, but I did get yelled at by my mom 4 being nosey. Well, at least it didn't stop my sis from having a great time 4 her b-day. After all of that, I still had time 2 draw! lol There's more but of course this post is already 2 long 2 read. So just go check my pic I'll tell u what happen tomorrow. Byes! ^^
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Monday, June 12, 2006
Hey hey! Well peoples, I didn't update 4 a while cause I thought I take a break from humanity. But it didn't work, lol. I stayed in the house for three days straight, well I tried anyways. Me mom kept calling me at 9 in da morning tryin 2 check up on me. Then she'll call me every hour on the hour, so yeah that was annoying. She tried 2 get me out of the house a couple of times. It worked on Saturday. She called me saying that they was goin 2 c X-MEN, and I said WITHOUT ME?! So as quickly as I can I ran over 2 my grandma's house and nobody was dressed. I was mad, til they finally got up at 9:45pm. That wasn't good either cause the movie started at 10:10. So we missed like 10 minutes of it. But we finally, FINALLY went 2 c it! I pretty much luved it (of course I luv everything, lol). How iceman finally LOOKED like the iceman, and beast fought just how the beast was suppose to fight, And lots and lots of recognizable people! U should've heard me and my sisters. We was like oh there goes angel, and Multiple man, soooo coool! Yes, we're geeks, lol.
The only thing I didn't like about it was that some people actually died! Damn it all to hell! That's not how it is in the cartoon! I won't say who, cause somebody might wander on my site and see that I gave away something and they didn't c the movie. I got a tip from my favorite site, and they said 2 stay after the credits role 2 c a 5 second special ending. I did, and I shouldn't have, cause it seems that one of those people are still alive! I was like ARGGG!!! WE SHOULD'VE LEFT! So now I have a question 2 all u peoples that went 2 c it, do u think that there will be a X-MEN 4?
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