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| princesskagome05
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Tuesday, May 9, 2006
Hey people! It's time 4 finals, and I really can't focus. Everywhere I go people calling me chief, thug, one hitter quiter, killa, and the most famous one LOCKSMITH! I laugh at them, but it gets real annoying. Especially when people are out 2 get any information on u and use it 4 their advantage. I'm sorry if I keep talkin about this, but I can't help it. This never happened 2 me b4, so I don't know how 2 deal with it. I just found out that Ben and Travis (from 2 fridays ago) told security that my friend Jacquez had cut a girl with a knife on their forehead. When they told me this I was at work and I was sooooooo angry. Then I found out that some fat chick that doesn't like Wooga put pics all on the internet saying "yeah, that's that bitch getting beat up." I thought that was ignorant and sickening. But Wooga thought up a plan. Ben claims that he doesn't know the girls. So she printed all the pics of him WITH the girls, all the conversations about how the fight really started, and she got a lot of witnesses that heard Ben telling everybody that he was gonna get those girls on Wooga. I told them about the lock, I don't think it was a good idea, but I really don't like lying. I'm kinda confident that they won't kick us out since we have evidence showing that he started the fight.
BUT something really scares me though. We went 2 security 2 give them another statement, when Ben and those girls came in 2 talk 2 them 2. Now I was wondering what r they doin here if they're not suppose 2 be on campus? They were up 2 something. So Jacquez went back 2 security later on 2 c what's happening, they said that they had numerous of witnesses stating that she cut a girl with a box cutter. So it's not looking good 4 her now. So now we're gathering a lot of witnesses 4 this hearing. The only thing we have is pleading self-defense, but I don't think that's enough.
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Monday, May 8, 2006
Hey u guys! Hope u had a great weekend. Well I just found out from a good source that the girls r STILL trying 2 fight us. Yep, they've been riding around looking 4 me and Wooga. I was at a barbeque, so I didn't know. They actually had the nerve 2 sit under Wooga's window. But some girl that don't even like us called the police on them, which I think is cool. Every time I'm tryin 2 go somewhere my friend ask me if she wanna go with me. My roommates always walk with me 2 dinner, so I didn't really care. I didn't tell them that I had the lock, so I don't know if that's good or bad. I don't like 2 lie, but my friends told me not 2 tell them. So I'll just tell my RD the truth. We're not FRIENDS friends, but we're cool, so she'll tell me what 2 do.
As 4 how I'm doin, I'm very sore. As they say, u don't feel anything from a fight til afterwards, and man do I feel it! My back hurts, I got bruises on both my shoulders, and a pain in my ass from my friend Mike hittin me on it. 1 arm hurt from people holding me back, the other hurts from swinging the lock multiple of times, and my feet hurt! I was soooo tempted 2 get in the jacuzzi, but my Chantay told me that I need 2 focus on finals. That's hard when ur sore in so many places! *sighs* So if they end up jumping me again, I don't think Ima make it out of that fight.
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Sunday, May 7, 2006
Girlfight Part 2! Rated PG-13 (excuse the cursing)
Hi peoples! If u wanna know what happen 2 me on Friday night, then read this. I must warn u though, it's a very, VERY long post. That's cause I'm very descriptive when it comes 2 fights. Oh, and if u don't like cursing I'm sorry, just don't read it. If ya want I'll keep this up 4 2 days. So if ya don't finish reading it now, read it tomorrow. I'm just making it longer so I'll start the story.
So the last time we talk I said that I might end up fighting those girls. Well, I did, and now I'm in trouble. It went like this: we came 2 the party like 7 deep (plus like 6 boys). It was in a 4 part basement. It was like 7-13 girls in there that was suppose 2 be jumping my friend Wooga. So I had a box cutter and Wooga had a knife. Of course my dumb ass dropped it. And a girl that was suppose 2 be my friend gave it 2 da boy that started it all (ironically, he is her bf). She told me that she didn't know who's it was. I'm lookin at her like u knew it was in my pocket. I told the girl if I find out that they used it on me that her and her "friends" was gonna get it, and get it good. I told Wooga that it's cool, since I dropped it I was the one that was gonna fight the girl with the box cutter if they had it. I had a huge lock that was big like a doorknob on my keys, so I didn't really care.
The person that they threw the party 4 told me not 2 start the fight cause nobody was thinking about that. So I said alright we'll do that 4 u, just as long as they don't touch Wooga its cool. So the girls was on one side of the basement, we were on the other side. It was around 2am and the party was about 2 be over. I was playing around with Ryan when Ben and the girls slowly started fillin up the room. Ryan had the back of my pants, so I couldn't do anything just yet. But he took my keys and wallet and gave me the lock, u know just in case. So my ex Ben started whispering stuff in those little girl's ear, instigating. Then he came and stood beside Wooga saying "I don't hear u talkin shit now" all loud. All she kept sayin "is that what we're on? U gonna do it 2 me after 3 yrs of friendship?" I was just over there in da corner shakin my head, but watchin where the girls was setting up at.
So one of the big mouth little girls started yelling which one of yall called me a bitch? We all lookin like what the hell is she talkin bout? Ben must of lied 2 those girls sayin that we called them bitches. So she ran up on Wooga, but her bestfriend jumped in front of her so she wouldn't hit her. SO she ran in my face and said did I call her a bitch. I told old girl if I wanted 2 call her a bitch I'll say it in her face. She said do it. Well now I'm not a punk, and don't hold my tongue 4 no one, not even my momma. So I said bitch about 4 or 5 times and she swung at me. Next thing u know 4 or 5 girls started swing at me.
I actually don't REMEMBER remember what happened cause all I saw was ugly girls swinging. So I just swung my lock and whoeva ran up on me swinging. From what I heard Ryan jumped in front of me so that the rest of the girls didn't jump in it. They said that I was reaching under his arm swinging that lock and it connected, hard! Then next thing u know 3 girls threw me against the wall and they all punched me in my lip at the same damn time! In my mind I was thinkin how the HELL did that happen? Oh I started swinging that lock like crazy. A girl was bleeding on her forehead, some more girls had a couple of lumps on her head.
I then found out that Ben was holdin Wooga back in the corner while I was getting jumped on. She said that she was damn near in tears cause she couldn't get 2 me. He took the knife away from her, then he let her go. So the girl that was talking shit earlier saw her and punched her. She retaliated, but the shit-talker fell back. Then 4 girls bumrushed Wooga and she was on the floor. I didn't know this cause I was on the wall pulling this girl extentions out of her head. So I just swung on anybody that was in front of me. By then I kinda dropped the lock 2. (I'm such a butterfingers) *sighs* So then it was some more girls and their guy friends in the other room tryin 2 get in and fight us 2. But my friend Christina stopped them dead in their tracks (that's y I called her, cause she's 6'6 and big). So all of my guy friends saw how unfair the fight was, and they started breaking it up. They started taking the girls up the stairs. As 4 me, my dumb ass started talkin shit, jumping up in the air screaming "REMEMBER THIS FACE BITCH, CAUSE I WAS THE ONE THAT HIT YA WITH THE LOCK!!!" (*sighs* pray 4 me) I went 2 see how Wooga's doin I see her on the floor still kicking and punching cause she didn't know that all the girls was gone. I told her 2 get up cause it was over.
Well, all the girls that tried 2 jump us ended up getting hurt themselves. So basically we won. Who helped with the fight u say? No one, yeah me and Wooga won against 7-13 girls in a small ass basement room! All my guy friends kept comin up 2 me sayin u did yo thang, none of u girls helped yall, u should beat they ass next. U know jokin around, I was cool cause if they would've jumped in, they would've got hit with that lock. And I didn't get hurt that much. I got a couple of scratches on me lips, on my index finger from swinging the lock, and an ugly scratch on my chest (don't know y I wore a jersey with no shirt). Wooga got a scratch under her lip. And my friend Billy said that's good 4 a couple of girls that just got jumped by a LOT of people, and I agree. Well, I ran back 2 my room so I wouldn't get arrested. My friends come 2 my room saying that Ben gave the policeman my name, saying that I started the fight and that I stabbed the girl! Son of a...Now I have a meeting with the Judicial board of the school 2 c how all of this happened, and when I reported all this 2 the RD of the building, he told me that some people was gonna be kicked out of the school, permenantly. So now I can't even go near the building, I hafta talk 2 my RD, and the meeting is a day b4 my HUGE final exam. *sighs* I guess I hafta suffer the consequences, but best believe that I'm not goin down by myself, of course my friends is in the clear. And my plan of getting revenge on Ben has already been set. Muah hahahahahhahahaahahaha!!!!!!!
Well, that's the ending! Whoever read this all the way through in one day, either u luv 2 read or u just didn't have nothin else 2 do but read my interesting story. But please believe that I'm a very nice person. I'm just overproctective about my friends and family. So I'm not a crazy person (well I am 4 making this long ass post).
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Friday, May 5, 2006
Hey u guys! Sorry that I haven't updated, these days r gettin more and more hectic. I've decided 2 change my theme 2 KH2 since I luved it so much. It's gonna b 4 a little while. So come check it out as much as u can b4 I take it down!!!
I just found out that they r tryin 2 get my girl Wooga jumped on! Yes, cause she told Ben that he picked some girls that he didn't know ova her and that she's not cool with him anymore. I think that's sad cause they knew each other for 3 years now. And it's messed up that their friendship had 2 end cause of some hoodrats. Well he got angry, saying that she shouldn't have put his business out on the internet, and now he's tryin ta get a group of girls 2 beat her up. But that's cool cause we already got our strategy plan. Those girls r goin 2 get hurt real bad. There might be alot of them, but I know that somebody's goin 2 the hospital tonite. I already got my family on Ben. They're suppose 2 be comin down here when I leave 2 "talk" 2 him I hope he get what he deserves.
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Monday, May 1, 2006
I finished it!!!/Hawks gone wild!
Hey peoples! Guess what, after all the the stallin and interuptions, I finally beat KH2! Oh yeah! I'm the bomb, uh huh, uh huh! lol Yes yes, it took long enough. Maybe if it was summer vacation, it could've been shorter than 2 weeks, doesn't matter. I was really geeked when I saw my final fantasy characters. I couldn't stop smiling, which doesn't look 2 good when ur roommates are staring at ya. lol The ending was shockin and good. It's shorter than my usual RPG, but hey I luv it. It actually help me remember the good old days when I was young and I watch these disney movies. *sighs* I'm definitely gonna buy the first one. Maybe I'll understand it even more than I do now. ^__^
As for my weekend, it was pretty decent. Hawkwild was fun 2 watch. They had apple eatin contest 2 see who could eat it the fastest. They had 2 go through a couple of an obstacle courses. They had 2 eat nasty and thick stuff and some kind of game where they're attached 2 a bungee cord run and stretch as far as they can b4 they will be pulled back. My best friend Chantay had 2 drink a cup of hotsause (which she hates). That boy that I don't like now (Travis) had 2 eat some type of baby food and he threw up. When he was done he ran back 2 his team and the team leader saw the throw up on his shirt and he threw up. That was interestin cause he wasn't in the challenge and it looked like he ate the same thing Trav did. They even had a cute lil tricycle race. One girl didn't do so well in that, she was either in da grass or in da bushes. I do have a couple of pics of it. U can look at them at the bottom. The team that Chantay was on won. I think they won money and an ugly trophy cup. Didn't matter 2 them, they were just happy that they won.
Oh and remember those girls that I told u about last time? Well now they've been at the campus frequently lookin like they wanna start somethin. Chantay told me not 2 start nothin, but basically I don't care bout them. As long as they don't say anythin 2 me it's cool.

One of the guys finished their apple with only THREE BITES!!! Damn football players

The boy crawlin in the sand is Ben
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Saturday, April 29, 2006
Hey u guys. Last night was wild. Me and my friends was walking around the dorms and we stopped 2 talk 2 a friend name Travis. He started 2 play with us then he started 2 insult my friend Shereenda. She told him not 2 play with her cause she didn't know him like that. So he started talking trash about her somemore and then he called her a bitch. She started gettin all in his face tellin him that she fight boys and that she will hurt him. We all held both of them back so they wouldn't fight, and the next thing u know Travis called a bunch of girls so they can jump on her.
Now I'm looking like y in the hell would this boy do that. He knew that if they tried 2 fight her that I was gonna jump in. So the girls came, my girls came, and we was all standin outside arguing. I'm tryin 2 explain 2 da boy that we had Shereenda, and that she wasn't gonna touch him. But it was like goin through one ear and out the next. And my ex-boyfriend Ben ain't makin it any better sayin that Trav don't need 2 explain himself. I'm just thinkin like what the hell is this boy doin with these townies, AND TAKIN THEIR SIDE. I just told Trav that I lost all respect 4 u and me and all of my girls ain't talkin 2 him and none of his lil flunkies he call friends. I'm just so mad right now. We've been together since the beginnin of school year. We stuck together, took up 4 each other if someone tryin 2 fight ya. And now u wanna take some whores that ain't thinkin bout u? He can have those disease havin girls, but ain't knowbody gonna have his back like we did.
Ain't nothin happen though, all the girls did was jump in front of him like we was jumpin on him or somethin. I told one of them excuse me could u move cause I'm talkin 2 him. She move slightly 2 da left, cause she know I was gonna try my hardest 2 break her jaw. So basically it was just a big ass argument. It really showed me who my real friends are.
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Friday, April 28, 2006
Hawk Wild
Damnit, I fell off again...oh hello friends. Sorry that I haven't updated lately. I had nothing but tests and work up the wahzoo (yes wahzoo) AND a housing lottery. What's a housing lottery u say? Well it's when people sign up 4 what dorm they want, then they have 2 see what room or floor they want or what they can get. For me and my friends we got a suite, which is cool, but we hafta share rooms. We could've got a house, but we didn't like how it looks. So we settled 4 that.
Now today is the day that our school throws an event called Hawkwild. I don't know what it REALLY is, but they said that it has been a tradition 4 more than 4 years. So far it has a LOT 2 do with drinking. Some catholic school this is. They just had a keg race last night. Tryin ta c who can drink a keg the fastest. Of course the football players won, but I can't believe that they're actually lettin underage people drink too! The school even gave tips on how not 2 get arrested. Too bad I don't drink beer. Give me the hard stuff baby! lol They even cancelled all the classes 4 today (which really didn't matter cause I don't have class on Fridays). All I know is that this will be an interesting weekend. I'll tell u guys what happend when it starts. Well, see ya!
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Tuesday, April 25, 2006
Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children is out!!!! Yay!

Hello folks sorry 4 updatin late AND the short post. Had 2 get my sleep on and I'm on my way 2 a housing lottery (tell u bout it later). So yeah, today is THE day that Advent Children is out on DVD & UMD! So if ya can go get it. Not right now, but RIGHT NOW!!! ^_^
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Monday, April 24, 2006
1More Day til FFVII:AC Will be in the US!!!

Tomorrow will be the day that FFVII:AC will be out in the US! Oh yeah, can't wait. Well, the question right now is what am I going 2 do about my site after this. Don't know really, I guess that I will put up my Inuyasha again. But it's gonna be hard findin a good avatar. I really liked the last one I had. All well...
Yesterday was my friend Chi's B-Day, so Ben threw a party 4 him. He turned 22, so yeah there was a lot of drinking there. Ryan was there too, drunk as a skunk. It was horrible, he kept pushin on people wasting his drink on everybody. He was about 2 fight this one boy, don't know him, so I had 2 stop him since everybody else was 2 drunk 2 do so. So I left the party early with him so I can walk him 2 his room. When we there he kept apologizing saying that he didn't mean 2 hurt me and that he wants me back. I just kept repeatin ur drunk and u don't know what ur saying. B4 I can walk out he grabbed me and hit me wit a whopper of a kiss. Two things was on my mind when this happened: 1 how in da hell does a drunk person kiss like that and 2, and how did I let this happen. Now I don't know what 2 do about this. So I tried 2 leave again and he asked me 2 stay. Threatenin that he might do something stupid if I left him. I kinda new that I wasn't a empty threat, so I ended up stayin wit him. I didn't do anything wit him, but that's why I didn't update yesterday. I didn't get up til 3pm. *sigh* I'm so confuse...
Cloud: "Do you think sin can be forgiven?"
Vincent: "I've never tried it."
Cloud: "Tried it? Tried...
Marlene, we're going home!"
(Marlene smile and ran back to Cloud)
Cloud: "I'll try it. I'll let you know the answer to that."
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Saturday, April 22, 2006
3 Days til FFVII:AC Will be in the US!!!

OMG three more days til AC come out!!! I'm so excited! Well anyways, hope everyone is feelin fine on this great Saturday. It's great cause my allergies r gone! Oh yeah, at first I thought that bad luck had came back cause my back was hurting all yesterday. But now I seem 2 be fine! The only problem I'm havin right now is takin down my hair. AHH! There's like a million braids in my head! *sighs*
I JUST finish playin the intro 2 KH2, man that's long!!! I laugh when I saw that it was just the intro, I wonder if this is gonna be a very long game. Well, it doesn't matter, I like it and I won't quit playin it any time soon. My friend was watchin 2, she was like 'oh Mulan!' and what not. I gotta keep my eyes on her, she likes 2 play my games on da low...
Yazoo: "Hey Kadaj, is that where big brother is?"
Kadaj: "Yeah."
Yazoo: "Think they'll give us a big welcome?"
Kadaj: "Not likely."
Loz: "Don't cry Yazoo."
*Looks at Kadaj* "...Mother is with him too, right?"
Kadaj: "Don't know about that."
Yazoo: "Don't cry now, Loz."
Loz starts crying
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