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Drawing something else other that DBZ, and I stop triping and falling down on stuff
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I was 7 (when DBZ 1st came on in illinois))
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| princesskagome05
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Friday, April 21, 2006
4 Days til FFVII:AC Will be in the US!!!

Hiya friends! Sorry that I didn't visit yall sites. I had a busy day. U know, class work, pajama party. ^__^ It was fun, I felt kinda naked. Not 2 naked, just had on short shorts and a white beater. That's basically what half the girls had on. Except 4 one girl, she REALLY wore somethin that only her lover was suppose 2 see. I felt sorry 4 her. We all dressed comfortable, not that revealing. Some of the boys wore shiny boxers with a jersey or some cartoon character pants. My friend wore his robe there, I dare not ask him what was under there.
But aomethin did happened ever since I became single. A couple of my guy friends are startin 2 ask me out. They said that they didn't wanna say nothin since I had a bf. It felt funny cause I neva thought of them in that way. I prefer 2 stay single just because it's too much drama, especially when finals is comin up very soon. Don't have time 4 it, so basically I turned them down. I just hope that it won't affect our friendship...
(Reno runs in to attack Yazoo, then saw Bahamut.)
Reno: "Dang..."
Rude: "no way..."
Rude and Reno starts running...
(The summon start charging his energy blast)
Reno: "Yo! Is it coming?!"
Rude: "I don't want to know!"
Final Fantasy VII:Advent Children
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Thursday, April 20, 2006
5 Days til FFVII:AC Will be in the US!!!

Well, yesterday was like the most depressing day of my life (well, 2nd). I found out that it was allergies. I smashed both of my fingers; one in the door and one between the ironing board. AN IRONING BOARD! I never heard of any one smashin their fingers while ironing a shirt! I damn near cried my little eyes out, cause I'm thinking that maybe it's because of his B-Day. I was only making things worse. So now I'm walkin around with 2 purple fingers, a runny nose and puffy eyes all day. People kept askin me all day if I'm sick or somethin. At the time I didn't know it was allergies, so I was like 'uhhhhhhh yeah' 2 everyone that ask me that. 2 make everythin short, I called my sis and she told me I might have allergies. I'm like when the hell did I have allergies?! I've been here 4 almost a year and this has never happened 2 me. Actually, it never happened at all. I never had an allergic reaction 2 anything. So now I hafta find out what I'm allergic 2. *sighs*
But I did try 2 do things that made me feel happy. I bought KH2, oh yes! I don't know what's going on yet, but me likes what me sees. ^__^ Maybe I should've got the first version, all well. I really like the music on there. I spent 20 mins listening 2 the intro of da game, very soothing. Something that I need, since I lost my Final Fantasy music. From the looks of it I might like this game alot, even if I don't know what's really goin on. ^__^
Scarlet: ......Hmph! This isn't any good either. You only get junky materia
from junky reactors. This reactor's a failure. What I'm looking for is big,
large, huge materia. You seen any?
Tseng: ...No I haven't seen it. I'll get on it right away.
Scarlet: With Hojo gone, the Weapon Development's been getting a bigger budget.
Tseng: I envy them.
Scarlet: But, even if we make the perfect weapon, could that stupid Heidegger
even use it?
Tseng: ......
Scarlet: Oh... sorry! I forgot Heidegger was your boss! Kyaa haa hah!
Tseng: ......
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Wednesday, April 19, 2006
6 Days til FFVII:AC Will be in the US!!!
Hey peoples. Today is my late cousin's B-Day, and right now I feel like crap. My nose is stopped up, my eyes are irratated, and I keep on sneezing. I don't feel sick, just feel like crap. Maybe it's my allergies, but I'm not allergic 2 nothin. Don't know what's this is, but it's not helpin me any. I can't help but 2 think about my cousin, but now this happens. It's just so depressing...
But I do have some good news 4 u guys. They're starting 2 show commercials 4 FFVII:AC here in the US! To me the voiceovers sound so different, like something is missin or somethin. I think the Japanese version sounds better, but I'll just wait til I watch the whole thing. Well, if u wanna see clips of it in English just click on the pic above! ^__^
Cid Highwind: Well, if it ain't fat man, Palmer. How long were you figurin' on keepin'
me waitin'!? So? When's the Space Program gonna start up again?
Palmer: Hey-hey! I don't know the President's outside, so why don't you ask him?
Cid Highwind: #$&*! Good for nothing, fat @#&@!
Cid Highwind left.
Palmer: Don't say 'fat'! (to Shera) Hey-hey! Tea! Can I have some too? With
lotsa sugar and honey and... oh yeah, don't forget the lard!
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Thursday, April 13, 2006
11Days til FFVII:AC Will be in the US!!!

Hi u guys. I won't be posting 4 a while because I'm going 2 visit my friend's school 4 the weekend. It's our easter break, and basically our school is kickin us out(what a waste of money). So I won't be able 2 post til Tuesday, possibly Wednesday. SO since I will be gone, under this post is 4 days worth of pics and quotes 2 make up for my absences. Hope u like them! See ya when I see ya! ^__^
(After finding Corneo in Wutai)
Shinra soldier 1: So our reports were right! He IS here on vacation! We've
finally found him! Get the Turks here for back-up!
Reno: ...what a drag.
Shinra soldier 1: Ww, what was that...?
Reno: Right now we're off duty and can't run off to save your butts.
Shinra soldier 1: We know you're off duty, but...
Reno: If you knew that, then don't bother us! Lookin' at you is makin' me sober.
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10 Days til FFVII:AC Will Be in the US

Barret: How much farther do these stairs go on?
Tifa: Why don't you ask them?
(After a couple more flights of stairs)
Barret: Are we there yet?
Tifa: Not yet.
Barret: ...there yet?
Tifa: I said not yet!
Barret: Yo...
Tifa: Look, don't even ask! We're way way way way far away from being there, OK?
Barret: Damn, man! I've had it! I'm going back!
Tifa: And take just as long going down as you did coming up?
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9 Days til FFVII:AC Will be in the US!!!

Cloud: Shut up! You Shinra spy!
Shinra Soldier: Reno! Want him taken out?
Reno: I haven't decided yet.
Aerith: Don't fight here! You'll ruin the flowers! The exit is back there.
Cloud and Aerith moves on to the next area. The camera switches back to Reno
and the Turks.
Reno: They were……Mako eyes. Yeah, all right. (To the Shinra soldiers) Back to
work, back to work.
Just as Reno was about to take off from the scene.
Reno: Oh! And don't step on the flowers……
Shinra Soldier 1: Hey Reno, you just stepped on them!
Shinra Soldier 2: They're all ruined!
Shinra Soldier 3: You're gonna catch holy hell!
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8 Days til FFVII:AC Will be in the US!!!

Cloud’s group heads to the train station and got on the train. Inside they meet
up with Jessie, Biggs, and Wedge. Barret’s anger scared almost all the
passenger to the other car.
Barret: YO! Looks like this ain't no private car!! So split up!!
Shinra Manager: ...hoodlums again. God, don't I just have all the luck…
The Shinra manager takes a seat.
Barret: (thought it was his folks) You say sumthin'? I said, 'you say
sumthin'!? Yo, look at that!! It got empty alluva sudden.
Shinra Manager: What's goin' on? DAMN! I…it's empty because of…g, guys like you…
Barret scares the Shinra manager.
Shinra Manager: Y, Y, YIPES!! You…you've seen the news, right? AVALANCHE says
there'll be more bombings. Only devoted employees like me would go to Midgar on
a day like today.
Barret: You workin' for Shinra?
Shinra Manager: I'm not give in to violence…and I'm not giving you my seat
Tifa: Barret!!
Barret: #^*$!! You lucky #$#*!

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7 Days til FFVII:AC Will be in the US!!!

Barret Wallace: We gotta get to the town up there... Mebbe we could climb the tower?
Priscilla: No! No! There's a high voltage current running underneath the tower. Don't wander near it, it's dangerous! But... you might be able to if Mr. Dolphin helps you. Follow me!
Tifa Lockheart: High voltage tower... I guess this means Cloud'll be all right.
Aeris: Yeah, better leave it to Cloud!
Red XIII: We're counting on you, Cloud!
Cloud Strife: Hey! Wait a second!
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Wednesday, April 12, 2006
12 Days til FFVII:AC Will Be in the US

I talk 2 him (Ryan). It was horrible, I asked him what happened he said that I'm still with my ex(Ben) and that people saw me with him almost everyday. It's true about bein with him cause at the time he was trying 2 get back with me. I told him that it wasn't like that and then it turned 2 a big argument and finally I said this can't be a relationship if we can't trust each other. He said that he heard it from a good source, and he doesn't lie. Now he's sayin that I'm a liar. I figured that the source was Ben. So I got really mad and I told him that if he was gonna believe him ova me, then yall should be each other bfs and that they can both #$%* themselves, can go lick @$$ (my favorite saying) and I then I walked away...
At least had fun last night (actually this morning). Issaia heard about me & Ryan and decided 2 invite me, my roommate, and my friend Wooga (no that's her nickname) 2 his "room" 2 watch 2 seasons of the Dave Chappelle show. In reality it was his friend Rock room but he left 4 the night. We had so much fun. We were loud, but we couldn't be too loud though. We were in an all boy's dorm, and girls r suppose 2 be out at 9pm, and it was 2:45am. I guess some of the boys heard us next door, so they came in 2 watch with us. I knew them, especially since one of them was my Ryan. It felt awkward cause we didn't speak 2 each other. We actually ignored each other til he just up and left. Don't matter me non cause I was having fun and as long as I'm around my friends, I was great.
(After knocking Don Corneo off the Statue for kidnapping Yuffie & Elena)
Reno: (stepping on Corneo's hands) All right, Corneo. This'll be over quick, so
listen up. Why do you think we went to all the trouble of teaming up with those
guys to get you...? 1. Because we were ready to die, 2. Because we were sure of
victory, or 3. Because we were clueless.
Corneo: Two... Number two?
Reno: All wrong.
Reno continues to step on Corneo's hands.
Corneo: No...! Wait, sto......! Aaaaaaaaaa......p...
Corneo fell to his death.
Reno: The correct answer was...
Rude: ...because it's our job.
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Monday, April 10, 2006
14 Days til FFVII:AC Will be in the US!!!

Well my weekend was pretty bad but good. Meand my bf splited up on Friday. I think it was my ex fault cause now all of a sudden they're friends. It was interesting cause we were talkin on the phone the other night, and now he don't wanna speak 2 me. I don't know what happened, but I didn't do nothin wrong. He told me he didn't wanna talk 2 me anymore while I was workin. I couldn't just stop what I was doin 2 talk 2 him about it, so I left it alone. We were suppose 2 talk about it today. All well,
Something good did happen 2 me though. I met this boy name Issaia (I think that's how u spell it). He said that I was lookin gloomy so he wanted 2 keep me company. He's a very nice guy. He kept me company all weekend, and he's so funny. I don't like him like THAT, just reminds me of an old friend from highschool. He's not from here though, he's leaving Friday. I'm glad that he's stayin around a little longer, cause I'm gonna need a laugh tomorrow...
(After Corneo tells Shinra's plan)
Corneo: Just a second!
Cloud: Shut up!
Corneo: No wait, it'll only take a second. How do you think scum like me feels
when they babble on about the truth? 1. Because They're ready to die, 2. Because They're sure they'd win, or 3. Because they're clueless.
Cloud: They're sure they'll win?
Corneo: Woo-hoo! Right!
Corneo pulled the switch and Cloud’s group fall into the pit of the mansion.
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