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Drawing something else other that DBZ, and I stop triping and falling down on stuff
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I was 7 (when DBZ 1st came on in illinois))
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Gun Grave Sailor Moon Dragon Ball, Z, GT Inuyasha Cowboy Bebop Trigun Princess Mononoke Tekken Lupin The Third Yu Yu Hakusho Ruroni Kenshin Big O FLCL Hellsing 3x3 Eyes Street Fighter II Wolf's Rain Vandread Get Backers Gravitation
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Drawing, playing video games, fixing computers, watching Anime, daydreaming
Artist, basketball player, and somehow I know how 2 fix computers
| princesskagome05
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Friday, April 7, 2006
15 days til FFVII:AC Will Be In The US!!!

Well, work was interesting yesterday. It was hot in the back of the cafeteria, so we had an ice fight. Our supervisor leaves when it's time 2 clean up. So it's just students and the cook there. We be havin a lot of ice 2 throw away, SO I threw it at Elyse. Then next thing u know we were throwin handfuls of ice at each other. I popped one of my co-worker in the head then she joined. I saw my bf and I was about 2 quit 2 mess with him, then both of my roommates smashed an icecream cone on my jaw. I went by the icecream machine and started pourin it in my hands and put it all on their face and smashed it in there hands. We were all sticky, I think the boys enjoyed it more by watchin us...
After that fiasco, my dorm went skating. Well, the WHOLE dorn didn't go, complainin about they didn't have a way there. But it was enough of us there, and some of the boys from the other dorm. It was fun, I haven't been roller skating in a while, so I had 2 sit down a couple of times. They started speed racing, and Angelica wanted 2 do it, but only if I do it with her. I didn't mind, cause I can skate fast, just not as fast as the other people. So we started skating fast, and Angelica was skating slower than me. So I held her hand so I can like pull her in front of me. I didn't see that she slip b4 I grabbed her. So I pulled her in front of me, and the next thing u know she's on the floor with her skates in the air. I tried 2 stop and help her, but I was laughin so hard that I damn near ran into the wall. Well all I can say is I haven't had this much fun in a while.
Corneo: You're the ones from before! Wh…what the hell's going on?
Tifa: Shut up, we're asking the questions now… What did your assistants find
out? Talk! If you don't tell us…
Cloud: (left leg on Corneo’s bed) …I'll chop them off.
Corneo: No! Not that! I'll talk! I'll tell you everything!
Tifa: So…talk.
Corneo: … I made 'em find out where the man with the gun-arm was. But that's
what I was ordered to do.
Tifa: By who?
Corneo: No--! If I told you that, I'd be killed!
Tifa: Talk! If you don't tell us…
Aerith: (left leg on Corneo’s bed) …I'll rip them off.
Corneo: Waaaaaaaaaaah--! It was Heidegger of Shinra! Heidegger, the head of
Public Safety Maintenance!
Cloud: The head of Public Safety Maintenance!?
Tifa: Did you say the Shinra!? What are they up to!? Talk! If you don't tell
us… (left leg on Corneo’s bed) I'll smash them.
Corneo: …You're serious, aren't you… …ohboy, ohboy, ohboy.
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Wednesday, April 5, 2006
19 Days til FFVII:AC Will Be in the US

Hey hey, guess what...I beat Onimusha 4!!! Oh yeah! I'm the bomb uh huh, uh huh. lol Well, I don't mean 2 brag, but it was easy. Just a llittle dodgin and rollin. And 1....2.....3......BAM!!! I killed the boss. It was so sad and it had so much drama, my friend stop what she was doin 2 watch the end. I think that was the best ending Onimusha series eva had. I won't say what happened cause a certain someone (hinaru) is playin it. lol But I think he'll be done in a day or 2 since he's just like me (a game head). When I get off of work I'm goin 2 see if they have KHs. They probably don't, since that's old and this is a small town. But I'm prayin that they got it.
I didn't tell u guys what happened Monday. I think I just came from takin a test when one of my roommates (I got 2 of them) said we all should get a piercing. Now I was thinkin all that's cool, let me know what happens when u get it. But she kept pokin me and she works with me, so that's some hours of pokin. So I said I guess, right after work. So it was me, Elyse, and Angelica went 2 a tattoo shop across the street from our dorm (a small world isn't it). They was so scarry, as for me, I was a soldier! He he, *sighs* it still hurts. Angelica got above her lip pierced, Elyse got her belly pierced, and I got the tip of my ear pierced. Well close 2 the tip anyway. Well I just know that the next time they wanna get somethin pierced I'll just pass on it...
Quote of the day:
(After Barret puts on a sailor suit)
Cloud: " look like a bear wearing a marshmallow."
Barret: "The hell's that supposed to mean!? This happens to be the most comfortable, so shu'up!"
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Tuesday, April 4, 2006
20 Days til FFVII:AC Will be in the US!!!

Sorry 4 updatin my site so late. Everything down here is good but things are quite hectic with me life and all. My ex is tryin 2 get back with me. I don't know if it's cause I have a bf now or that his little "groupies" stop messin with him. Don't know and I really don't care. Everytime I see him he'll stop 2 talk about "us" and how he can make it up 2 me. I still have feelin 4 him and all, but I just don't trust him anymore. All well....
I was stuck on chapter 15 on Onimusha 4 for a little while but now I am on the last chapter! YAY!!! I'm just so excited now. I think after this I'm gonna get Kindom Hearts 2. NO NO, the first one cause I just can't play KH2 without playin KH1. Then after that, I will be studyin 4 finals (yep, they're coming up).
Quote: Oh GAWD! If I knew this was gonna happen, I would've taken rope escape lessons more seriously!! - Yuffie
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Monday, April 3, 2006

We had another tornado warning yesterday. It was worser than the first one. Me and my friends were in a meeting in the Student Center (that's like a minute from our dorms) for our club Minority Student Association (MSA). I was being promoted 2 Secretary 4 next year when we heard an alarm. We then realized that it was the tornado alarm and we started walking towards the door. Me, my friend Elyse and Wooga were in front when the wind blew the doors outward, and u could only push the doors outwards from the inside.
So we started running for our lives. I started screamin cause the little twigs that was fallin started turnin into big branches and they almost hit my friends. They didn't know I was screamin OR the fact that branches were fallin right behind them. As soon as I got 2 the door, I turned around 2 c the rest of MSA runnin towards me. So we're in the basement, and some dumb girl was sitting lookin out the window when we clearly stated that ur not suppost 2 be by a window. It started hailin big time, and then the girl just ran out the buildin. That was sad, just watchin her get hit wit those big golf ball size hail. So 4 about an hour it stop, we heard that it hit Springfield really hard. Poor people...
Quote:Shut up! Sit your ass down in that chair and drink your Goddamn TEA! - Cid
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Sunday, April 2, 2006
A short post of things to come.
WELL, I have decided after much deciding that I will do my FFVII:Advent Children on BOTH sites. Yes, I will have different wallpapers up until the DVD comes out in the U.S on the 25th. Pics will be up and quotes from different final fantasy games. All this will start...................hmm..............................................hhhmmmmmmmmmmmmm.................................................hmmmmmmmmm..................NOW! ^__^
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Friday, March 31, 2006
Well, we had such a busy week. I had 2 help out with the spring formal for today. We had meetings at night, bought decorations and I had 2 study for a big test in class. I also had 2 find dates for my friends. I found almost all of them someone, and I didn't even have a one! My bf complained about dressing up, so he decided not 2 go. SOOOOO I was gonna go solo, but I asked my guy friend name Chris was he goin he said he was but he didn't have a date. I wanted everybody 2 go, so I told him that I will go with him. It's interesting I didn't tell my friend that I was goin with him, and she like him. Don't know how I'm gonna explain that, AND I didn't tell my bf. I don't think he cares though.
As for that Onimusha 4 game, it's pretty interesting. I'm on chapter 15, he he. From the looks of it, I'm almost done with the game. I like how they have a connection with all the characters from the first 3 games. Oh, I don't wanna give too much away. Yall might wanna play it or something. So just 2 let u know, it's a good game. Go buy it and try it out. Who knows, u just might like it! ^__^
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Tuesday, March 28, 2006
Hey hey, hope u guys are doin fine. Well, I performed in a concert for a church on Sunday. Yes, yes, I am in the college choir called the Voices of Praise. I can't sing and all, but I've been in choirs since elementary school. So I decided hey, I might as well be in this choir. Well it was decent, except 4 one song. We had just learned it last friday and we only practice twice. Everybody looked so confused, but at the end they supported us.
It did get emotional at the end. I already get depress when I'm in a church. So when we was singing this one song I started 2 think about my late cousin Karience, and I started crying. Almost everybody was crying, even grown men. It took me a while 2 get it together, but I'm alright now. My ex actually made me laugh telling jokes and funny things that happened to him. At least he did something good for a change.
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Sunday, March 26, 2006
Hey, sorry that I didn't update. I was really, and I mean REALLY busy, so I had forgot. I got my boyfriend claims that he hated games that's not made in the US. I told him that he needs to broaden his horizon with games cause US games ain't all that fun (grand theft auto III was good though). So I gave him my Onimusha 3 game and now he's hooked! I actually turned a lot of people into game heads nowadays. I got my friends Chantay, Gelica, and Bonita hooked on Soul Calibur. I got my ex hooked on Devil May Cry 3, and I'm going 2 get my friend
Elyse hooked on X-MEN Legends in a minute. Hehehe, I'm spreading the luv of games. ^__^
Well, I'm sorry if ur not into games, but I can't help it. I'm so addicted to it, it doesn't make sense. I just bought that new Onimusha 4: Dawn of Dreams game. And of course I luved it! But the 3rd Onimusha's graphics is still better than all of them until proven otherwise. I'm not very good at describing things so I'll just let u read what it is from my favorite site
Fifteen years after the annihilation of the infamous warlord Oda Nobunaga, another dark shadow looms over Japan as the ruler's successor, Hideyoshi Toyotomi has aligned himself with the evil Genma forces. Thus begins Onimusha: Dawn of Dreams -- where players assume the role Soki, a powerful young warrior also known as "The Blue Demon" and "Oni of the Ash," as he sets out to destroy the Genma and set fire to a mysterious crop of demonic cherry trees. Throughout his journey, Soki can take advantage of a brand new "Allies" gameplay system that enables users to swap between multiple playable characters on the fly. Player-issued teammate commands, highly-customizable weapons and fighting abilities, and an assortment of unlockable bonuses are also included.
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Friday, March 24, 2006
Sorry again for the long post...
Well, I didn't get those guys back, but we will somehow. Well anyways I called my sis and she told me that an interesting thing happened. First let me tell you about my eldest bro. He has a habit of eatin food that don't belong 2 him. So somebody had a party at my aunt's club in Chicago, and they had food. Someone left they spaghetti in the back somewhere overnight. So the next day everybody was in the club and they started smelling something. Then the person that left they food knew and told everybody what it was spoiled. So my bro didn't know, and he started eating it. She said the whole club said NOOOO DON'T EAT THAT!!! My bro, being the slob that he was, was lookin crazy with a mouthful of spaghetti already on his second bowl. He said why and they told him and he was like WHY DIDN'T U TELL ME FOOL!!! And started spitting out all the food like a madman. Moral of this story is don't eat nobody's food unless you ask.
For 2-D design we have to draw 4 pics on 1 board in different colors. 1 had 2 be the same color as the pic u drew from, the 2nd one had 2 be a lighter shade, the 3rd one a darker shade, and the last one is a freestyle one. It actually looks interesting, and I already decided on what I want 2 draw. It has to be something powerful, something that stands out. What better picture than a DBZ pic. They have some good emotional pics that I really luv, so I'm going 2 pic Gohan when he was turnin 2 super saiyan 2 in his teens. I haven't did a DBZ pic in a while, so this will be fun. I already drew it when I was watchin one of the episodes on a tape, but I did it so fast that it doesn't look like Gohan. But hey, they don't know how he really look like so it doesn't matter. After that I will put it in a student show if it's good enough and try 2 win a art scholarship. So wish me luck u guys!!! ^__^
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Wednesday, March 22, 2006
Sorry for the long post...
Well yesterday was an interesting day. Because of the snow storm, my friend Angelica's (Jellie-Poo) teachers didn't feel like being bothered with them since they didn't have a lot of students there, so they let them out early (lucky). So she came 2 my 2-D art class. We didn't have 2 do much, since we didn't have a lot of people there. So it was me and my three friends Elyse Jerome and Gelica. We all found out that we had the same phone company, so the call would be free if we called each other. So that's what we did. We were on a four way in the middle of class. Jerome kept askin us dumb questions like have u ever bust a U-turn in a one way street (which one of them said yes to) or have u ever tried 2 do a 360 with a car in a 1 car garage. U know, trying 2 make us laugh. Jellie-Poo has a big mouth, so everybody heard her. Then I couldn't help but laugh. My teacher was gone durin the fun, and the students didn't know what was goin on. I swear they're a trip.
Then right after I came from work we went to a place called the Hawk's Hangout. It's where we go 2 eat relax and watch tv. So I was on the internet and the next thing I know it was an all out girls vs boys war. I see my friend gettin beat up by her b/f and my ex. So I tried 2 jump in and help. Next thing u know I'm gettin hit with a belt on my butt! I'm thinkin, it's like 7 of us and 2 of them, so why did we get beat up by them? That's just easy. One when they ganged up on us, we didn't help each other out. So they got us one by one. And two they were some big football players, so we didn't have a chance. That lasted for about 2 hours. *sighs* I'm still sore from that ordeal. So today we're making up a plan 2 get them back.
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