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myOtaku.com: princesskagome05

Sunday, October 3, 2004

Yeah, that's me in the red. I went 2 washington dc 2 years ago. That was a fun week. Now I'll show u some pics from spirit week, BUT u'll have 2 wait until friday! (I want 2 save film) I just found out that they're taking away 70s day and having twin day. That was so bogus. They can dress like twins anyday. They took away our western day and put jersey day. COME ON! Everyone wears jerseys! And they're replacing pajama day for teacher's college jersey day. What r the students suppose 2 do!? Don't get me started on the homecoming dance! They're telling us that we have 2 dress up! Now, we live in a ghetto neighborhood in the city. Ain't nobody gonna dress up for a homecoming dance! I swear they just messed up our spirit week. The only thing we got good is bum day and maroon and gold day. I can't wait 4 our pep rally! Me and my friends will act crazy. It's a privilage 2 sit on the first floor. That means that u r a senior, and u can see and do anything. Especially when the stars come. I hope they get someone cute! Like Allen Iverson. Well, I'll stop rambling and go visit ur sites now. Bye! ^__^
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