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myOtaku.com: princesskagome05

Tuesday, November 2, 2004

Hello peps. Hope yall havin a nice day. Today is the day that you vote for ur new President! Well, that's 4 the people that lives in the US. The rest of u don't have 2 worry about it. My mom and my auntie voted already, now my sis and my bros went 2 vote(I'm so proud of them) And now all we have 2 do is wait. If you didn't go vote yet, DO IT NOW!!! If u can though.

I happen 2 read a FFVII fanfic by Yeun Hing Lee. It was so awesome, I nearly cried! But somehow she/he didn't finish it, so I emailed that person 2 ask if they will finish it. I hope they get it. I already have this on my other site, but if yall want 2 take a look at it go 2 this site: http://www.paladar.com/fanware/room18/yhlee7.htm

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