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• innerbeauty
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• finetbaby
• 1987-03-01
• Chicago, ILLINOIS
Member Since
• 2003-10-01
• College Student!!!
Real Name
• Cara
• Drawing something else other that DBZ, and I stop triping and falling down on stuff
Anime Fan Since
• I was 7 (when DBZ 1st came on in illinois))
Favorite Anime
• Gun Grave Sailor Moon Dragon Ball, Z, GT Inuyasha Cowboy Bebop Trigun Princess Mononoke Tekken Lupin The Third Yu Yu Hakusho Ruroni Kenshin Big O FLCL Hellsing 3x3 Eyes Street Fighter II Wolf's Rain Vandread Get Backers Gravitation
• An anime artist or a game designer
• Drawing, playing video games, fixing computers, watching Anime, daydreaming
• Artist, basketball player, and somehow I know how 2 fix computers
| princesskagome05
Thursday, November 11, 2004
What to do...
I feel so great righ now! It's almost like the same feeling I had when I was thinking of Christmas. But that was better. I haven't got a good day's rest since the beginning of October! Now I have a 4-day weekend, with no homework, and no one 2 bother me. 1 thing that I mainly gonna 2 do is sleep. After that I'll come and visit everyone's site. Then after that I'll finish my college applications. THEN I'll draw a pic 4 hinaru. And lastly I'll tape my anime so I can get a chance 2 get more sleep. If I have a chance, I'll play Devil May Cry.
School was hectic yesterday, the whole finance academy was rushing 2 finish their essays 4 world lit. Sadly 2 say that I was 1 of them. I finished mines, so I helped out anyone that needed help. Del needed my help again. He only had a paragraph, but he needed 3 pages. So I helped him some, then I made him get help from the teach.
I haven't been 2 the lunchroom today, so I don't know if they had a food fight, but they did have a fight. I tried 2 get into the computer lab. But of course being the nosey person that I am, I passed the class and looked at the fight. Big mistake. Just b4 I was leaving, some boy just hit me in the head with his head! It felt like somebody punched me. I ran right in the lab and vowed 2 never be that close 2 a fight again.
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