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Drawing something else other that DBZ, and I stop triping and falling down on stuff
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I was 7 (when DBZ 1st came on in illinois))
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Gun Grave Sailor Moon Dragon Ball, Z, GT Inuyasha Cowboy Bebop Trigun Princess Mononoke Tekken Lupin The Third Yu Yu Hakusho Ruroni Kenshin Big O FLCL Hellsing 3x3 Eyes Street Fighter II Wolf's Rain Vandread Get Backers Gravitation
An anime artist or a game designer
Drawing, playing video games, fixing computers, watching Anime, daydreaming
Artist, basketball player, and somehow I know how 2 fix computers
| princesskagome05
Wednesday, April 12, 2006
12 Days til FFVII:AC Will Be in the US

I talk 2 him (Ryan). It was horrible, I asked him what happened he said that I'm still with my ex(Ben) and that people saw me with him almost everyday. It's true about bein with him cause at the time he was trying 2 get back with me. I told him that it wasn't like that and then it turned 2 a big argument and finally I said this can't be a relationship if we can't trust each other. He said that he heard it from a good source, and he doesn't lie. Now he's sayin that I'm a liar. I figured that the source was Ben. So I got really mad and I told him that if he was gonna believe him ova me, then yall should be each other bfs and that they can both #$%* themselves, can go lick @$$ (my favorite saying) and I then I walked away...
At least had fun last night (actually this morning). Issaia heard about me & Ryan and decided 2 invite me, my roommate, and my friend Wooga (no that's her nickname) 2 his "room" 2 watch 2 seasons of the Dave Chappelle show. In reality it was his friend Rock room but he left 4 the night. We had so much fun. We were loud, but we couldn't be too loud though. We were in an all boy's dorm, and girls r suppose 2 be out at 9pm, and it was 2:45am. I guess some of the boys heard us next door, so they came in 2 watch with us. I knew them, especially since one of them was my Ryan. It felt awkward cause we didn't speak 2 each other. We actually ignored each other til he just up and left. Don't matter me non cause I was having fun and as long as I'm around my friends, I was great.
(After knocking Don Corneo off the Statue for kidnapping Yuffie & Elena)
Reno: (stepping on Corneo's hands) All right, Corneo. This'll be over quick, so
listen up. Why do you think we went to all the trouble of teaming up with those
guys to get you...? 1. Because we were ready to die, 2. Because we were sure of
victory, or 3. Because we were clueless.
Corneo: Two... Number two?
Reno: All wrong.
Reno continues to step on Corneo's hands.
Corneo: No...! Wait, sto......! Aaaaaaaaaa......p...
Corneo fell to his death.
Reno: The correct answer was...
Rude: ...because it's our job.
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