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College Student!!!
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Drawing something else other that DBZ, and I stop triping and falling down on stuff
Anime Fan Since
I was 7 (when DBZ 1st came on in illinois))
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Gun Grave Sailor Moon Dragon Ball, Z, GT Inuyasha Cowboy Bebop Trigun Princess Mononoke Tekken Lupin The Third Yu Yu Hakusho Ruroni Kenshin Big O FLCL Hellsing 3x3 Eyes Street Fighter II Wolf's Rain Vandread Get Backers Gravitation
An anime artist or a game designer
Drawing, playing video games, fixing computers, watching Anime, daydreaming
Artist, basketball player, and somehow I know how 2 fix computers
| princesskagome05
Monday, August 14, 2006
Hey hey, how's everyone? Sorry it took 2 long 2 write back. Sitting on a cold Coach bus with a bad back for 12 hrs can really take a lot out of ya. Well Canada was fun. We went 2 Ontario 2 c Niagara Falls, which was beautiful! A lot of Asians live in Canada, I didn't know that. Which was cool of course, I luv asian people so that rocked. Then we went 2 go c the largest clock made out of flowers and grass which was pretty cool. Canadian money looks, feels, and sounds funny. They're WAY bigger than the US money. It looks like this

Me and my friend started walking around cause they had this indoor amusement park there. We didn't get on the rides cause we didn't have enough time 2, so we started lookin inside stores. I bought some shot glasses 4 my sisters, a T-shirt 4 me mom, and an umbrella 4 my grandfather (and me since it looked like it was gonna rain). I think we walked 2 more blocks when it started raining. I dropped my camera and keys in a puddle. It started 2 rain hard so we stopped in a store called Hip Hop (very original, lol) Canada is too expensive. They wanted a name brand skirt 4 $150. I laugh so loud when my friend showed me that that I scared the mess out of the owner. He was like 'oh my god what was that!' I couldn't help it. After that we left 4 the hotel where watch TV and tried 2 order food from this restaurant called the spaceship or something. We ordered 2 chicken fingers with fries and a milkshake and it cost like $42.50! I said forget it and we went 2 sleep.
The next day we went 2 Toronto. It took us an hour 2 get there. We arrived at the hotel called the Mariott (I kept saying mariotti, don't know y ^^). It was nice, I ordered lobster and shrimp from room service. Pretty good, it was $26 but since it was a lot it was worth it. After that we went to their mall. My friend auntie said that it was the biggest mall in the world. It wasn't, but it was big. They had 2 have like 45 stores on each floor, they had 4 floors there. I splurg at almost every store there. Then one of the creepiest thing happened, some weird-lookin guys asked me and my friend 2 eat lunch with us. I wanted 2 say no, but I didn't want 2 b rude. So I told them that it was up 2 my friend. I couldn't believe that she said yes. All while we was sitting with them I was givin my friend the evil eyes. The one that wanted 2 talk 2 her was semi decent, but mines was like a dark chocolate creepy lookin dude that looked older than my father. I wasn't rude though. We talked 2 them, They were from Jamaica and one was an Haiti. But then they start sayin come 2 our room tonite we're gonna drink and have fun. I'm just lookin like wait u don't know us and u don't even know how old we are. So I knew that they were after more than a fun night. So I told them no while my friend told them yes just 2 play with their mind. STUPID! But she didn't know that they were stayin in the same hotel we were. I told them that we live on the 17th floor (actually the 5th) and the room was 1710. I walked off, so I don't know what she said 2 him and I basically didn't care. After we came from the mall we went back 2 the hotel and changed clothes 4 a night on the town. U should've seen it, the streets were so crouded with jamaican and haitian people it didn't make any sense. Everybody on the street had an accent! We walked around, a lot of boys tried 2 talk 2 me and my friend, especially my friend. She choose 2 wear something revealing and I choose not 2. Some dude tried 2 sell me his CD and talk 2 me at the same time! He was alright, so I gave him my number. ^^ We stayed outside til 2am walking and it looked like more people came outside than went inside. My feet started hurting, so I convinced my friend 2 go back 2 the hotel.
Well I do have a lot, and I mean A LOT more 2 talk about, but I guess u hafta wait til tomorrow 2 hear about the rest. Hehe, what happened the next 2 days were hilarious and juicy, so it's best that u wait another day. ^^
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