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myOtaku.com: PrincessofDisastr

Wednesday, March 7, 2007

   >.< NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Omg...i had just typed up a huge post about my deep rooted hatred for NRT and FCAT, but my computer said that it had encountered an error and needed to close. i had like, two other important windows open so i thought it was just gonna close one of those, but it closed [i]all[/i] of my internet explorer windows!!! i was on a roll about my little shpeel about how i was up way earlier than usual and my extream contempt for the prospect of sitting in a tiny little room with a teacher i wasn't the fondest of and a whole bunch of people i dislike severely. OMG!! it was the longest little rant ever about how they put all these heavy standards on us and expected us to do [i]well[/i] in these horrible tests!! THE SCHOOLING SYSTEM ISH 'TARDED!!! GRAWR! FEAR MEH...

ok, now that that is out of my system i have to make an annoucement...


ok, now i'm just acting stupid, but still...

Annnnnnnyways...here is my latest vid. i created it a while back, but i finally uploaded it. Tell me what ya'll think! COnstructive critisism is apprecialted!!


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