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About a year. But it doesn't matter how long someone has liked anime. Just as long as they really like it and not just because their friends do.
Favorite Anime
Fruits Basket
Meet Zeb and see how bad he really is...
Playing volleyball, talking, shopping, decorating, reading, drawing, dancing, music, movies, fantasy, internet, anime (duh), traveling, boys (sometimes), manga, and spending time with people I love but don’t get to see very often
| princessxdarkrose
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Sunday, January 9, 2005
Yay! Fruits Basket!
I haven't been here in a while. *tear* It's because my mother was so close to finding out about something I don't want her to know about and that kinda freaked me out. But anyway, I'm back now but I may not post as much as I used to (which was pretty much never.) Blah... here I am and I have nothing to say. Oh well.
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Sunday, December 26, 2004
Hi people. I hope your Christmas turned out better than mine did.
Here's what happened: We went to my Grandma G's house on Christmas eve and we were expecting our cousins from Texas to be there. But when we got there my Grandma said that they were still in Texas because there was a big snowstorm at the airport (in Texas.) So for a few hours I was miserable because I thought I wouldn't get to see my favorite cousins and my aunt and uncle for Christmas (we only get to see them like, twice a year.) But then, out of nowhere, they walked in the door. And it turns out they flew to Chicago and they were trying to get a flight from there to Detroit but it was canceled. So they had to drive six hours in a little rental car from Chicago all the way to my Grandma's house just so they could be here for Christmas! So we had a lot of fun at Christmas eve. My cousins Hailey and Rachel and I stayed up all night prank calling people. Then we decided to do something really stupid and call the operator and say "I want chocolate." And she was like, "Well maybe the police will bring you some," and "How stupid could you get? Don't you know all your information shows up on my screen?" and then we all ran upstairs to sleep because we were half scared that the police would come. It was hilarious. But then the next day we had to go to my other Grandma's house for Christmas day. T_T I was so sad to leave my all my cousins. So even though the food was better at my other Grandma's, I didn't have any fun. And there was some other stuff that happened that I don't really want to think about ever again.
But it was an ok Christmas all together. The best present I got was that my Grandpa G. was in a really good mood and he wasn't in any pain. ^_^ The second best thing I got was tickets to see the Phantom of the Opera with my aunt in March. ^_^
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Saturday, December 18, 2004
Christmas List
Okay, here's what I want for Christmas: Lots of chocolate, a Kyo (as a cat) plushie, money, jewelry, Gilmore Girls on DVD, Spider-man 2 on DVD, books, clothes, gift cards, more money, stuff from Bath & Body Works, a cell phone (yeah, right), manga, and a (real) baby polar bear.
Anyway, I hope that you all have a good Christmas and get to see all of your family this year. I really hope my cousins get here from Texas in time. Last year they didn't make it because they fly standby T_T.
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whatever pops into my head...
I should maybe be talking about anime. Haven't done that in a while. Okay, I watched 20 episodes of Fruits Basket at Liv and Abby's house. I was good. But I think we should watch disc 2 again because I don't remember it very well because I was half asleep.
I would have to say that my favorite characters would probably be all of them except for Tohru. She's just really annoying and overreacts over everything. But I love everyone else! The thing I like about Fruits Basket is that all the characters are really unique and different from each other.
~Always with me~
Somewhere, a voice calls, in the depths of my heart
May I always be dreaming, the dreams that move my heart
So many tears of sadness, uncountable through and through
I know on the other side of them I'll find you
Everytime we fall down to the ground we look up to the blue sky above
We wake to its blueness, as for the first time
Though the road is long and lonely and the end far away, out of sight
I can with these two arms embrace the light
As I bid farewell my heart stops, in tenderness I feel
My silent empty body begins to listen to what is real
The wonder of living, the wonder of dying
The wind, town, and flowers, we all dance one unity
Somewhere a voice calls in the depths of my heart
keep dreaming your dreams, don't ever let them part
Why speak of all your sadness or of life's painful woes
Instead let the same lips sing a gentle song for you
The whispering voice, we never want to forget,
in each passing memory always there to guide you
When a mirror has been broken, shattered pieces scattered on the ground
Glimpses of new life, reflected all around
Window of beginning, stillness, new light of the dawn
Let my silent, empty body be filled and reborn
No need to search outside, nor sail across the sea
Cause here shining inside me, it's right here inside me
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Friday, December 10, 2004
Okay, I'm back. I'm not going to stop posting here but I'm not going to talk about boring stuff anymore. I'll just post whenever I feel like I have something to say. Abby and Liv, you aren't to nice or to mean or idiots or anything like that. I wasn't talking about you guys. ^_^ I’m just really bored… I’m mad too. I can’t get that stupid pic of the elf girl back for some reason. >< That girl on photobucket must have deleted that picture so I can’t use it anymore. That was very rude of her. Oh well, I guess I’ll have to find another picture for my site.
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Wednesday, December 8, 2004
I may regret saying this sometime, but this site is so boring right now. It's just not really fun to read about what other people are doing in their lives or whatever especially when you don't even know them. A lot of people on this site are idiots. I wish some of these people would get a life and stop pretending that they live on the internet. I think I'll just take these journal type posts over to livejournal and delete them from this site. Maybe I'm just going to delete all the posts I've done so far and just come here to talk to Abby and Olivia and post quiz results and stuff. I still kind of like myOtaku but not as much as I used to. This place is just so overloaded with overnice people, and really cold people. There's no one who can be a little bit of both. If there were more people like that this would be a much better site.
So that's what I'll do. I'm going to delete all the posts that are about boring stuff like v-ball and driver's ed. You'll never see them here again. Not that you care.
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Tuesday, November 30, 2004
![Goddess]( You Are A Goddess! You Rule Over The Powers In Which You Were Given...And Those Humans!
Are You A Goddess, Demon, Angel, or Death Itself brought to you by Quizilla
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Sunday, October 24, 2004
![sky]( You came from the sky. Your a daydreamer and prefer to have a good look on situations.
Where did you come from? brought to you by Quizilla
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Thursday, October 21, 2004
Meet my pet penguin Pippin! (I named him after Pippin in LOTR.) Go ahead... click him! It's funny!
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Sunday, October 17, 2004
this is funny
![You're most like Jacques!]( Jacques!
Which 'Finding Nemo' Character are you most like? brought to you by Quizilla
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