hello everybody! i'm just sitting here as usual, and i found some pics i thought were cool. also, have u ever heard of hikaru no go? gosh it's so stupid! i was reading it in my shonen jump magazine @ camp. me and my friend were laughing @ how retarded it was! well, thats all! ^.^
that pic is so cool! it reminds me of emily the strange...
that chick is just like me: lazy (actually, i'm not that lazy! ^^')
i did not have time to put this there before, but read it all! it's hilarious!
2 days!!!
sigh...2 days til i go to camp...T_T i just hope it's not all bad...i'm gonna miss everyone!!! and naruto!!! T___T are some more pics...
PS: i love naruto! Comments (2) |
Wednesday, June 22, 2005
i know u guys have wondered what the heck my username means, and so now i'm telling u! it's a character from my 2nd fav manga, sgt. frog, heres a pic:
well, i know i'm leaving on suday to go to camp 4 a week, but i won't be able to get on much this week, so i just thought i'd tell everyone ahead o' time to not pm me while i'm gone, ok? T_T i'm gonna miss u guys!! this is awful!!! NOOOO!!! *sniff* i'm ok...well, i guess i'll see u guys later, pm me all u want this week, bye!!T_T
a sad pic 4 a sad day...