wooo!! well, i'm going over to shishirous house 2morrow to spend the night since theres no skool on friday! YAY! i'm trying to save up money for the fruits basket dvds, but i cannot hold onto money...T_T waaaahhh...ok, i know you guys don't wanna hear my complaining so, anyhoo...i submitted 2 new pieces of fanart. one of sakura and one of ren. thats all for today! ^^ much love!
*~*hi everyone!*~* goo' mornin! or afternoon or whenever you guys visit my site...lol. well, today is kinda a short post. iv'e become sucked into fruits basket! i'm gonna buy all the dvds! WOO! well, i drew a bunch of fanart. it's kinda crappy, but definitly not as bad as the last thing i submitted! OMG! i'm warning you though, the colors and drawing are light so they'll look kinda weird. @_@ well, thats all for today! that was a short post for me...well cya!
PS: sorry i can't visit everyones sites. i get up really early in the morning. but i try to visit in the afternoon! ^^ luv you guys!
*~*Kimiko*~* Comments (4) |
Monday, November 7, 2005
*~*hi everyone!*~*
Currently lisening to: hamster dance (yay!) *yawns* i got up this mornin just to post. boy, am i dedicated! well, i think i'm gonna do a theme contest, whoever wants to enter can. then pm the votes to me. i'm so ready for christmas! presents for all! this year will be a my first christmas on MyO yay! my site is gonna be like all my favorite animes gone christmas! can't wait. plus i'll be getting FF7AC, which EVERYONE but me has seen! can't wait til it's all mine. :D well, thats all 4 2day! take care everyone, and have a good one!
hey everyone! sorry i havent updated in 4ever! i feel bad...but things have been crazy @ my house so i havent had time to update everyday. for some reason, i'm gonna change my theme & music again. it's gonna be Tao Ren w/ a little fruits basket since those two are my favorite manga and anime series right now.
we watched a really sad movie in social studies called Glory. everyone died. T_T i wonder why it's called "Glory" if everyone dies...? oh well...i was @ books a million yesterday and this wierd kid named John came up and started talking to me @_@ it's really scary because that same kid came up to me about 4 months ago in the games section in Target and asked me if i liked Trigun. i think i have a stalker!!! dun dun dun! O_O lol. well, gtg, i'll visit sites tomorrow, k? bye eveyone! Comments (4) |
Tuesday, November 1, 2005
ahhh! a new month! that means it's time for...a new theme! ^-^ fruits basket! (not to mention new music)
well, last night was pretty bad. i didnt have anyone to to go trick or treating w/ cause i didnt go to school...T_T i feel so unloved! but instead i went to the mall and looked @ the cute little kids in their outfits! while i was there i did some shopping for new clothes @ hot topic. (woo!) i also bought the new shonen jump mag a naruto figure for my desk, and dragonball #7! i hope everyone else had a good halloween to make up for mine. ^_^
YAY! halloween! my 2nd favorite holiday! but the bad thing is, i suddenly came down w/ a cold, i hope i get better by tonight! well, i found some funny vids i want all of you to watch! here's the url:http://www.narutocentral.com/index.php?page=content/extras/flashmovies.html
they are hilarious!well, thats all for today, couldnt think of much else to say! @_@ oh, heres another video!
jorb! ok, hey everyone! who's excited about halloween? i am! i won't be able to post tomorrow, so i'm celebrating early! this is my first halloween on MyO, YAY! a thanks to all my friends on MyO, and thanks for 950 hits! ^o^ *hugs everyone* thank you so much!
now, for some sad news, i'll probally won't be on much this week cause of my report card, it was pretty bad >_< but i gotta go now! happy halloween everyone!
shishirou is @ my house right now and last night we saw the new family guy movie! it's hilarious! you've gotta see it if you havent! it shows stewie in the future...but i'm not gonna spoil it for you!
i also discovered homestar runner! it's soooo funny! my favorite characters are strongbad and the cheat. you've got to see th@ site if you never heard of it!
it's: www.homestarrunner.com (duh)
well, thats all for today! oh, i changed my music and heres another really funny video for you guys! l8tr!
well, i was on google searching for fruits basket character profiles and i made a shocking discovery: akito sohma is a WOMAN! i don't know if this is really true, cause i have heard this rumor many times, but if it is, i have spoiled everything...T_T *sobs*
anyhoo, shigure is really hot! ok, ok, well, it's been REALLY cold up where i live. i'm currently sick *sneezes* and it sucks... the reason i'm sick is because of the cross country meet they made us run in on tuesday. i was freaking 44 degrees outside! and it was flurrying, dammit, FLURRYING!!! i should sue for child abuse. >_< thank god the cross country season is over. we're having a halloween dance on friday @ school, and shishirou is letting me wear her naruto headband (i'm not gonna wear it on my forehead) woot! i'm so excited! oh yea, my next theme shall be fruits basket.
well, thats all for todays update! luv you guys, take care! ^o^
this video is really funny, watch it!
well, a lotta stuff happened. i spent the night @ shishirou's house and we watched the batman vs. dracula movie! believe it or not, it was actually good! i am so proud of cartoon network for showing so much blood on tv! they have proved to me that they are not all bad...although i will never forgive them for what they did to one piece and naruto...shame, shame...
iv'e become a little addicted to myspace and anime tribe! i'm betraying MyO! NOOO!!! well, anyhoo, halloween is when, monday? i'm sooo excited! it really sux cause @ the last minute i thought of the awesomest costume, but i have no time to make it this year...T_T i was gonna be a female alucard, but this year i have to settle with a fallen angel. cool. well, thats about it for today! i'm messing around with my site so it's gonna change a lot, ok? well, gtg! see you guys l8tr!