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Saturday, September 24, 2005
sorry guys...^^'
hehe...i have not anwsered pms because i did not relize my inbox was full...sorry! it's empty so feel free to pm me! ^^

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konnichi wa! ikaga desu ka? (how are you?)i found the coolest halloween bg, but it would not show up on my site...T_T yea, it sux. and photobucket is still being an ass to me! has anyone ever seen kung pow? if you havent, IT'S SO FREAKING FUNNY!!! god, you guys need to see it if you havent!

well thats all i have to say today! here are some pics!

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Wednesday, September 21, 2005
ugh..i'm up super early again...i think i'm gonna change my site soon, maybe to a early halloween theme. yea, i know my photobucket album has been all evil on me, i'm trying my best to keep cool and fix it. well, thats all 4 today. xoxo ^o^

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Monday, September 19, 2005
well, i guess hazaa54 convinced me...i'll put a pic of me up... *sighs*

yea, thats what i look like. were you expecting a nerd? anyhoo, i think i need to get off and get ready for school. it's about that time. well, luv ya guys! ^o^ xoxo
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Sunday, September 18, 2005
hey everyone! guess what? MY SCANNER IS WORKING!!!!yay! but now i'm trying to decide which pics i'm gonna put up in fanart...i'm warning you though, i'm not that good...anyhoo, theres this new manga series i want everyone to know about, it's called death note. it's about this 17 year old kid named light, who picks up the death note of a shignami(death god)named Ryuk. it's really good from what little i read from it, and i plan on buying it when it comes out.

luv you guys! ^o^ xoxo
i was gonna put a pic of myself up, but i usually look bad on camera!

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Wednesday, September 14, 2005
konichiwa!! yes, iv'e been lazy, and have not updated all week, but now i'm updating, and thats all that matters. oh, i'm also visiting everyones sites so just wanted to let ya know. well, iv'e been trying to dowload naruto and i'm having quite a hard time doing so. why can't they just make things simple? you click, you download, you watch, kapeesh!whoever came up with all this computer crap is stupid...well, i'm gonna try to put up a pic myself soon and thats about it. luv ya guys!
oh and watch this!

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Sunday, September 11, 2005
another double post day! heres a funny vgcats comic:

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jeez, what they did to naruto was horrible!!! T_T ok, it wasnt THAT bad, but it was pretty bad. and i hated the way they pronouced naruto's name and the way shikamru sounded. (GAY!) yeah, well thats all i have to report. luv ya lots!^o^
(to get my mind off this, here are some funny things!)

keh,keh...lois killed frosty...


da fuck?
last but not least, this is true:

at least they do for editing naruto so much!
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Saturday, September 10, 2005
WEEE!!!! i'm so happy i'm jumping like this guy!!!!

can't wait til' naruto comes on!!!!
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heya everyone! sorry i have not updated in so long or visited sites...well, tonight is the premeire of naruto and it's shishirous party! YAY! ^o^ i also beacame a deviant on deviant art. but i can't figure out that site! well, gtg! i try to visit sites! buh bye!


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