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Sunday, July 24, 2005
some really funny stuff for you guys. enjoy!
snape humor

i know gaara would never do this, but i could not resist!

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Saturday, July 23, 2005
well, i'll be at the beach all week, and guess what??? my b-day is TOMORROW!!!! YAY!!! and i'm getting my own computer as soon as we get back! anyhoo, we also saw hitchikers guide to the galexy last night, i did not get any of it whatsoever. but it was funny regardles. heres another funny something for you guys:

oh, i also downloded the funniest video, it's called ninja of the night and it's about sasuke and naruto doing all this stupid stuff, it's so funny!!
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Friday, July 22, 2005
I'M SOOO HAPPY RIGHT NOW!!! i downloded the coolest music videos and music and they are actually working!!!! YAY!!! i got this really cool music video about haku from naruto and it goes along with somewhere i belong by linkin park. and right now i'm downloding some random naruto music video. YAY!!! ok...if only i could figure out how to put it on my site...oh well! i have plenty of time to do that! but iv'e been touched by the haku music video...*sniff*

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well, 2day i'm mad! and happy. i'm mad cause i downloded all this cool music off the internet and when i finally tried to play it, it wouldent play! phooey! the only things that would play were the naruto songs. oh, well...
and i'm happy cause i saw charlie and the chocolate factory! it was really good! depsite jhonny depps freakishly gay hair...and i saw a preveiw for this cool movie called the corpse bride. it's by the same ppl that did the nightmare before christmas. heres a pic:

oh, and heres something that does not have anything to do with what i was talking about:

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Thursday, July 21, 2005
YAY! i'm happy and i don't know why! but here are some pics!
kiba looks really hot right there

attack of the chibis!

awwww!!!! so cute!

i wonder if the 4th hokage really was his dad?

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Monday, July 18, 2005
really bored...
i'm really bored. on saturday night i went shopping w/ my mom and got dragonball #5, some hello kitty stuff, and a fullmetal alchemist tee from hot topic. i havent found any new music for my site yet, i'm still looking, and those of you who were trying listen to my music last night probally already knew that.
did i mention i saw princess monoke? i saw it last week! it was really good! lots of blood! HAHA!!....>_< i found out naruto is being edited big time! that sucks!!!! T_T no more blood and cussing!!! poohead editors...anywayz, here are some more pics:

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Saturday, July 16, 2005
s'more funny stuff!!! YAY!
hi! i just thought i would tell you guys that i have another site. it's really crappy and doesent have too many gb signings, so i was wondering if you would visit it! it's uzumakikimiko. suprised?


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Tuesday, July 12, 2005
konichiwa! whats up everybody? i had a great day yesterday! my mom got me dragonball #4 and the latest issue of anime insider. she must have been in a good mood, cause she does not do that often! ^_^' the cover article was on naruto! i was so happy! but it only gave me the info i already know...phooey! i also saw a show called samurai champloo. it was pretty cool, regardless of the name. lol. and i have also changed my theme to itachi!! YAY! i'm gonna set up another poll for a new theme for next week, so pleaze vote, ok? well, ttyl!
gotta luv kakashi!

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Thursday, July 7, 2005
the vg cats rock! squint eyes and read!

if u are a zelda fan, you will understand!

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konichiwa! how was everyones 4th? mine was good. here are some pics to pass the time, my b-day is coming soon! it's july 24th! i can't wait!

naruto in fox form

cell 7 in teenage form!
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