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| privitetamama
Tuesday, May 31, 2005
some cool poems:
A lone girl sits
in the darkest shadows.
her blood stained cheeks
now mixed with tears.
She is always alone
having pushed away those she loves
for one, she only believed she loved.
She was so hateful,
full of vengeance
but now that she is back
to a normal state, a loving one
there is no one left for her
and so alone she must endure
the darkest shadows of her heart.
For it is her fate,
and hers alone.
Cold Rain
As i walk home through the rain
There is silence and darkness all about
except for the footsteps in the gentle rain
the children yet to have experienced true pain
and of my heart beating.
I stand there in the street
motionless exept for the wind that blows
my hair in a soft way.
Forgotten of course,I begin the cold walk home
to those who hate and degrate me
thinking it doesnt bother me
but in the end i will lash out at them all
and bind them in the darkness
as they have done to me...
So Cold
Cant you see these tears,
forming at my eyes
and slowly dripping down my face?
Why are you so cold?
All I do is care,
all you do is ignore
leaving me alone in the dark
and all so cold.
The nitetime consumes me,
locking me in the shadows
to sit in my pool
of hatred and self doubt.
Winds swarm around me
lightning gathers
thunders rings through the air,
the storm is gathering.
Hurricane gales
tornado winds
thunderstorm clouds
all loom overhead
about to crash down.
My storm,
my hatred
all locked within my soul.
Everything screaming,
trying to escape,
trying to be set free
but I cannot let it be.
The storm forever rages,
rages on inside of me
until it breaks loose
and my soul is set free.
Free from hurt
free from anger
from anyone..
but in the end…
all alone
in that binding cold.
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