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| privitetamama
Tuesday, November 29, 2005

hey guys! i slacked off again. lol. anyhoo, my whole month is gonna be crammed! i have shopping to do, movies to see, ect. the top movies i plan on seeing are: Haryy Potter, Narnia, Aeon Flux, and Memoirs Of a Geisha. me and shishirou might go see HP this weekend. so whats on your xmas list? heres mine:
-Hellsing Vol.1 (manga)
-Ratchet: Deadlocked
-Samurai Champloo Vol.1&2 (manga)
-Naruto chibi keychains
-Naruto chibi plushie
-Furuba Vol.1 DVD
-FMA Vol.1 DVD
-Bobobo-bo bo-bobo Vol.1 (manga)
-Random Hello Kitty stuff...
it's not much so i hope i get the stuff i want ^^ I am dying to see these two anime movies that just came out, The Counte Of Monte Cristo, and Kakurenbo. Kakurenbo is a short film @ running @ only 25 min. but it still looks cool! this is totally random, but the funniest thing happened to my friend: she went to the mall to get me a book for christmas, but had no clue what to get because she didnt know anything about manga. so, she asked some random guy what HE thought i would like, so he gave her some random book. and since she didnt know anything about manga, she didnt even flip through or look @ the rating before she bought it. -_-' as soon as she got home, she opened it up to look @ it, and it was full of all this nasty porno crap! ewww! well, after she told me what happened, she said she would ask me what i wanted first. lol. never trust a nerdy heavy breather on what book to get. haha! well, thats all for today! cya! xoxo
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