You're one of the coolest: Reno. You aren't a
conformist and your somewhat sloppy uniform
shows it; you push the rules, but not enough to
break them since you love your job as a Turk.
People may think you're a killer without
remorse, but select few know otherwise. Second
in command of the Turks, your best friend is
Rude and you have problems with Elena. But hey,
she's always annoying, so don't worry about it.
Knowing you though, you probably already
couldn't care less. A bit of a slacker that's
found drinking most of the time and smoking
occasionally, you still manage to be the most
kickass Turk. Especially with that electric
rod. You're also known to use the excuse
"because it's our job."
What ShinRa Turk are you? brought to you by Quizilla