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myOtaku.com: ProjectN2

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

::001 Leaders::
Name: Shiruka Akime
Age: 13
Gender: Female
Weapons: Shuriken,Dagger and Kunai’s
Elements: Water, and Fire
Group Number: 23
Teacher of Team: Kuragarihi Suteki
Teammates: Misaki, and Raion
Timeline: Year Behind -1, Meaning, When Naruto group now, is in Shippuden, Team 23 is just starting. Alternate Storyline/Timeline.
Appearance: Akime has a beautiful brown completion, and slikly black hair, that’s about shoulder length. She only puts up when she’s about to go to sleep or take a bath. She has hazel eyes, and a necklace she wears with her everywhere that was left by her parents, and she treasures it.
Picture: ::Shiruka Akime::
Height: 5’2
Weight: 121
Village: Konoha, Village hidden in the leaf
Weakness: Fast paced attacks, Holding Chakra in place, Strong attacks, Darkness Jutsus used on her, Close range attacks make her panic. When she is completely worn out like all her chakra is gone, she'll fall asleep.
Likes: Sasuke, Training, Getting Stronger, Hanging with friends her best friends, eating many sweets, Complements.
Dislikes: Pain, Worrying, Being Depressed, Not getting stronger, Show offs.
Love Interest: Uchiha Sasuke
Personality: She's very shy at first but she’s very close with her teammates. When she knows you, very well she’s way more outgoing then usual. She’s very kind and very sweet, she likes to practice a lot because she wants to get better at the Jutsus she can't achieve good yet but she still works very hard. She hates when people try to define her and don’t think she can do it. she’s very determined and will always stick up for what’s right.
Bio: Destined to fight in the battle of the nine tailed fox demon, they gave up there child to there brother and sister, her aunt and uncle. Leaving behind a necklace, a dairy, a photo book of many memories, and there love. At the age of twelve her aunt and uncle had to go away. Leaving akime alone but she’s been fine since then. She goes to the ninja academy, and has the same problems; she can’t do doppelgangers to save her life. She’s consistently reminded that she is alone.
When the final exams are coming up. misaki-chi on her team is also her best friend, way before they got grouped together and they’ve been friends ever since, always playing with Rai, the other member of there group he is solemn at times but is much more talkative with them, then he is with anybody else. Suteki, her teacher tells her that the legendary team seven is coming to visit the school again. Doing one of her practices and training akime can't quite get chakra balance right and sasuke tutors her for a bit. Moreover, that’s where, her feelings for him start.


Bunshin no Jutsu - Clone Technique

Kabenuke no Jutsu - Wall Pass Through Technique

Chakra Kyuuin Jutsu - Chakra Absorption Technique

Goukakyuu no Jutsu - Great Fireball Technique

Haisekishou - Burning Ash Accumulation

Kawarimi no Jutsu- Body Replacement Technique

Illusions of Pain
Just as it sounds, this taps into your nightmares and bring them to surface, akime Dreadfully hates using this jutsu, cause she can’t stand for them to break down but this could be a last resort, the first and last you will see of reality is autumn leaves falling, and your hit with the Genkaku no itazuki no jutsu.

Tears of a Autumn Leaf
Fireballs rain from the sky, this uses a decent amount of chakra. Namida no ato akiha no jutsu

Flaming Cyclone of Autumn Leaves
She can either turn this into a illusion but takes less chakra to do so. This turns into a huge cyclone of autumn leaves engulfing anything in its pathway and takes more chakra then it was if it was an illusion. Kouen teikiatsu no akiha

Small Flame Leaves
Uses very little chakra, but small autumn leaves cover the ground and become small mimes. The more chakra used the more mimes you can produce and the bigger and much more damage inflected. Tezema kouen aki no jutsu.

Autumn Flower Drowning Pool
This uses a great deal amount of chakra also, encaging the victim into a bubble of water,(Takes less chakra) Or, drowning them in a sea that goes out into a distance, but that takes a lot out of her as well. Autumn flowers and leaves splash in the waters. The more chakra she has, the bigger the range of submerging. Akihana Dekisui Gouben No Jutsu

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