Meg: The always dramatic daughter...
Sixteen-year-old Meg Griffin lives a difficult
life. Just ask her. From having thin lips to
being unpopular, Meg is constantly struggling
to gain acceptance from the "in"
crowd, or any crowd for that matter.
A bit of a drama queen, Meg pines for her hunky new
neighbor, Kyle. Unfortunately, not even
collagen lip injections, a clingy new dress, or
an eleven-hundred-dollar Prada bag seem to get
her any closer to first base.
Like most girls her age, Meg is often embarrassed
by her family. However, most girls don't have
Peter Griffin as their father, who has turned
embarrassment into an art. He once interrupted
Meg's class to chide her about shaving her legs
in the shower, complaining that "it's like
a carpet in there!"
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