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I started watching Pokemon when I was very little but then I was oblivious to the fact that is was anime and made in Japan.
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Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
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Monday, May 8, 2006
Hey everyone. Today was just another normal, boring day of school. Once again I have no homework and I'm happy about that. Now here's something weird and unexpected that happened last night. My friend Austin said that he had a dream that he was making out with me. This is what he said:
"lol if my dream does come true then one of these days you are going to be on the ground and i will be hovoring over you making out with you"
That's kind of freaky, no? But maybe this is a good thing, 'cause maybe it means he loves me a lot more than he's lettin' on. I know I really love him, a lot. We're not boyfriend and girlfriend though, because we do not believe in long-distance relationships. We hope that one day in the future we will get together, in real life. I think maybe Austin is the guy for me, but, who knows. He must really love me, because he said he enjoyed that dream, and couldn't stop thinking about it. Well you guys probably don't care about all this, so I'll stop rambling now. Have a good day everyone.

While I typically don't put images of the same person more than one day in a row, I had to make an exception. Kilik is just so damn gorgeous! ^_^
Has anyone ever had a dream about you?
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Sunday, May 7, 2006
Mother's Day Shopping Hey everyone. Sorry for not updating yesterday, I was busy. Today I went shopping at the mall for Mother's Day gifts for mom. Then I had some money left over so I bought an FMA notebook at Hot Topic and mom let me buy an Edward Elric blanket. It was really really soft, softer than rabbit's fur. It was the last one, too. Well that's all I did today, so see you guys later, have a great day.

Kilik from Soul Calibur. Isn't he gorgeous?
Would you rather get a Sesshoumaru blanket or an Edward Elric blanket?
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Friday, May 5, 2006
Happy Cinco de Mayo! Hello everybody on this lovely Friday afternoon. Today is Cinco de Mayo! We didn't do anything special at school today to celebrate it though. Did you guys do anything special or are you going to do anything special? Also, today is my dad's birthday, so happy birthday dad! As for school, it was boring like always. In 7th period we had a boring convo about academic stuff and I tuned out most of it. Well that's about it, so everyone have a wonderful, relaxing weekend, peace out!

Smexy Vincent Valentine from Final Fantasy VII
Do you use bubble bath when you bathe? If so, what kind do you use?
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Thursday, May 4, 2006
A Boring Thursday... Hey everyone. Today was another long, boring day at school. It sure has been boring school is practically dead. So nothing interesting or unusual happened today. As for my site, if you have noticed, I put a song on it. How is it downloading for you guys? Please tell me about how long it takes for you to download it. If it takes too long for most people I'll remove it. Okay well there's nothing else to say so bye everyone.

Wrath from Full Metal Alchemist
What kind of Internet do you have (Dial-up, DSL, Cable, etc)?
For those of you who are dying to know mine, it's DSL.
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Wednesday, May 3, 2006
I Can Relax Now... Hey everyone. I got through my Spanish skit just fine. It's not the memorization that's difficult, vocalizing Spanish is hard for me to do. I think I need more practice with that. Other than that, today was just another normal, boring day. Tonight I'm going out to dinner with my dad and I'm going to meet his new girlfriend. She's from New Orleans and she's been to Japan, so I can ask her how it went. We're going to a new Mexican restaurant that opened up here, I forgot the name, I think it's called Tunaca Flats or something like that. That's all for today, have a great day folks!

Yue from Card Captor Sakura.
I remember Yue, he was the first anime guy I've ever fallen in love with. This was back in the good ol' days where I actually watched anime shows dubbed in English on regular TV.
Mexican food or Chinese food?
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Tuesday, May 2, 2006
OMG My Teacher Has a Gun in Her Room! Hey everyone. Today was another boring day at school. Agh tomorrow is Spanish skit teacher's favorite day of the whole year. Grrrr.....oh well...I hope I'll live through tomorrow...umm...I don't have anything else to say so bye everyone.
Would you rather lick a penny or a toilet seat?
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Monday, May 1, 2006
Mmmmmm....Cheetos! Hey everyone. Today was another long, boring day at school. *sigh* We still have a whole 'nother month to go through... Why can't it end already!! So yeah anyways I got my projects all done and I don't have homework so I should have time to get to all of your sites tonight. I don't want to have to do my Spanish skit on Wednesday Soo many Spanish lines to memorize! Wahh...oh well enough complaining already! Have a great day everybody.

Twins Amiboshi and Suboshi from Fushigi Yuugi
Cheese or chocolate?
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Sunday, April 30, 2006
Wazzzzupppp Peeps! Hey everyone. Today I went to see Ice Age 2. It was a pretty cute movie, but kind of weird. I like it. Anyways nothing else is going on now, except tonight I need to finish up my project for tomorrow. Well that's all I have to say today so see you guys later.

Van Fanel from Escaflowne
White wolf or black wolf?
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Saturday, April 29, 2006
Happy Saturday Hey everyone. I hope your Saturday is going well. I'm not sure what I'm going to do today. I'll probably just be lazy, and do nothing. What are your plans for the weekend? I hope they're somewhat interesting. Have a great day everybody.

Ludwig from Ludwig Kakumei
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Friday, April 28, 2006
Yay, It's Friday! Hey everyone. How are you all doing today? I'm doing good. Today was another boring day at school, but now I get to go and enjoy my weekend. I hope you all have a great, relaxing weekend. See you later!