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I started watching Pokemon when I was very little but then I was oblivious to the fact that is was anime and made in Japan.
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| PsychoChaosNinja
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
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Thursday, April 27, 2006
Hi Everyone Well, nothing of interest happened today. It was a plain, old, ordinary day of school. No rousing topics or anything to report. So your time hasn't been wasted here, here's a nice picture for you folks:

By the way, sorry for not going to your sites. I was busy working on projects...x.x I'll try to get to them tonight. Later everyone, have a more exciting day!
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Wednesday, April 26, 2006
An Almost Entertaining Day... (Note: I'm posting this over a wireless connection, since my DSL doesn't seem to be working.)
Hey everybody. Today was kind of fun because we played this game called Reality Game. We chose an occupation and then we would calculate our salary and buy things like a house, a car, utilities, food, clothes, all that stuff. The goal was to be able to afford everything with money left over. My occupation was medical scientist and I made about $3851 a month (minus what I owe Uncle Sam). I had about $228 left when I was done. So yeah that's about it so have a good day everyone.
Piccie of the Day
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Tuesday, April 25, 2006
Blarrggg...Boring Tuesday... Hey everyone. The essay part of the test wasn't as hard as I thought, but had to write 3 essays. Unfortunately I ran out of time so now I have to go finish it in the morning. Well other than that, nothing else happened, except this morning I put my shirt on backwards. I don't have anything else to report, so here's a random picture:
Have a good day everyone.
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Monday, April 24, 2006
I Hate School... Hey everyone. I was really stressed this morning because I had a big test over Things Fall Apart which I did not study for. Thank goodness it was multiple choice, but still, I know I got almost all of them wrong in the character section (it's so hard to memorize African names!). The only character I know is Okonkwo and the rest I'm like "Huh?". Tomorrow is the essay part of the test *gulp*. I hate writing essays! I hope it won't be too difficult for me. Other than that school has been going okay. I am more than ready for summer break so I just need to survive a few more weeks and I'm okay. Well that's it enough rambling have a good day folks.
Piccie of the Day
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Sunday, April 23, 2006
I Got an Edward Elric Pillow Case! Yay! Hello everybody! I got an Edward Elric pillow case! I'm happy now. I wasn't expecting that! But now I get to sleep on Edward hehe So yep what am I gonna do today? I have no idea. I'm going to be lazy today probably and relax before my vacation is over and I have to go back to school...x.x Well that's it peeps so see ya later!
Quiz of the Day
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Saturday, April 22, 2006
Liz is Back!(And maybe she's here to stay!) Hey everyone. After a long time of just randomly updating, I've finally decided to get back on here regularly. I updated my layout, as you can see. I hope you all still remember me, and if not, I'll visit your site again so you'll know I'm back. Keep in mind I do have a busy life but I'll try my best to update every day and visit all of your sites. I figured to celebrate my welcome back, here's a little quiz I made:
Have fun. :D See ya later everyone.